DRM Advocate Audrey Sellers and Attorney Gabriel Rubinstein launched a social media campaign, #WheresMyRide, over the summer to raise awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities who rely on the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) MobilityLink paratransit service. These challenges include extremely long waits for rides and onboard times, stranded riders, and ride cancellations, preventing riders from accessing critical medical services and other key activities in the community.
MTA recently reported that on-time performance has rebounded from a low of on-time performance at 59.2 percent in September 2021 to 92.6 percent in September 2022, just under its target on-time performance of 93.5 percent. MTA has also secured an additional contractor for vehicle operation and increased the number of drivers from between 300 and 400 to over 1,000.
Notably, MobilityLink ridership is down significantly from pre-pandemic levels, likely contributing to the increase in on-time performance. DRM will continue to pay very close attention to whether the service consistently shows strong performance as ridership increases.