Through a collaboration with New Avenues for Youth, a nonprofit dedicated to the prevention and intervention of youth homelessness, Dougy Center recently published it's newest resource to support queer and trans youth who are grieving titled, "Holding Heart in Community: For Queer and Trans Youth and Those Supporting Them."
The collaboration arose out of the recognition that there is a lack of grief-specific resources for queer and trans youth and helping professionals who support them.
To create the resource, Dougy Center facilitated a focus group with youth from New Avenues For Youth's Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center (SMYRC). We are grateful for their insights, suggestions, and willingness to share their lived experience of grief.
The new resource includes information on navigating family members and others who may not be supportive or affirming during an already difficult time, what queer and trans youth wish helping professionals understood about grief, and ideas for things to try when grief gets intense.
You can find the new Tip Sheet here.