News From Dr. Dorree Lynn

June / July 2012
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YourTango Advice: I Have a Boring Sex Life 

YourTango Advice: I Have a Boring Sex Life





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YourTango Advice: Talking to Parents About Safe Sex




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YourTango Advice: How to Make a Guy Wear a Condom





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YourTango Advice: Dating After Divorce





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YourTango Advice: Sex For Grownups - Role Models




YourTango Advice: I'm 65 & I Have an STD! 

YourTango Advice: I'm 65 & I Have an STD!

YourTango Advice: How to Change a Bad Kisser 

YourTango Advice: How to Change a Bad Kisser


YourTango Advice: Organic Products for the Bedroom 

YourTango Advice: Organic Products for the Bedroom


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YourTango Advice: What Counts as Foreplay?


YourTango Advice: How to Share Fantasies With Your Partner 

YourTango Advice: How to Share Fantasies With Your Partner


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YourTango Advive: Erectile Dysfunction


YourTango Advice:  How to Get My Husband to Accept My Vibrator 

YourTango Advice: How to Get My Husband to Accept My Vibrator


YourTango Advice: How to Stay Sexy During Menopause 

YourTango Advice: How to Stay Sexy During Menopause

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With all of the election hoopla in the news and talk about "Obama's America" and "Romney's America" and the types of worlds these men would like to live in if THEY were in charge, I started to think of what my fantasy world would be. Knowing I couldn't create a whole world, I asked myself what one change I could make in this world to make it a better world to live in. No surprise, I'd make sex safer.  


Many moms and dads around my age may smile when they remember reading their kids Judith Viorst and Lynne Cherry's If I Were in Charge of the World and Other Worries: Poems for Children and Their Parents.  Most of us have some belief of how the world would be a better place if only we were in charge. Certainly, I do.


Several years ago, a religious right-wing radio station interviewed me about the alarming rise in STDs and AIDS diagnoses in America's nursing home senior residents.  I give the interviewer credit for daring to bring up the subject, but, somehow I don't think she was too pleased with my answer. I remembered the wonderful childrens book and started by explaining (perhaps somewhat grandiosely) that if I were in charge of the nursing home world (and even those younger), I would have condoms available in every home and "Do Not Disturb" signs available for every room. 


It makes no sense that we give our college age kids more freedom than our world wise parents and grandparents. We live longer than ever before, why not live healthily and well?  Those over the age of 50 in nursing homes or out and about remain the fastest rising ratio and at risk of these diseases. Studies show that good sex keeps the body running and humming and is good for your physical and mental well being. As I recall, the interviewer was shocked at my response and to this day I'm still not sure the interview was ever aired publicly.


Now, hope is in the air. We are moving towards a more humane and realistic view of senior sexuality. No fuss, no muss, and all alone with a simple mouth swab you find out, to an over 90% certainty, if you are HIV positive or negative. With recent FDA approval of tests for HIV in the privacy of your own home, simply go online, to your local pharmacy or grocery store, and by this fall we have moved one step closer to taking charge of our own sexual health.


Dating or in a relationship? Your partner or partners can do the same. This does not mean becoming condom free, but it does point the way to a clean start. Lack of education and shame are the biggest barriers to helping those over 50 stay sexually healthy.  And, we all know kids of all ages don't have that necessary "talk" with their parents or grandparents. Even grown adults revert to mindlessness over matter of fact. We envision our family seniors as virginal as we thought of them when we were kids.


About 20 percent of the 1.2 million infected Americans do not know they have the disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates, and about 50,000 more get infected each year. Just think; if we know we are disease free and can learn to ask our partners to check too, we can be in charge of ourselves, remain sexual forever, and we can really change the world.


May the best of life and love be with each and every one of you this summer!   




Dr. Dorree



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  By Dr. Dorree Lynn
07/08 2012

"He follows with two sharp thrusts, and he freezes, pouring himself into me as he finds his release"... Shocked? Irritated? Excited? This quote is from the Book, "50 Shades of Grey" by E.L. James, which gives us explicit erotic scenes and a look into a world full of racy sexual fetishes. Whereas Harlequin novels once grabbed the hearts of so many women reading in private, this New York Times Bestseller now grabs the attention of women of all ages who, thanks to e-readers and a simple cover, are burning through the pages wherever and whenever they can.


Unlike the Fabio-driven erotic literature of the past, 50 Shades of Grey provides a detailed and uninhibited account of sexual encounters that have an edge that garnered worldwide media attention for the book and even had it pulled from some public libraries. No wonder this book is on everybody's lips, allowing readers to become more open to discuss their own sexuality with their friends and fueling discussions about fantasies, desires, wishes and secrets. Despite what many younger people may think, or what some older people may believe, your sexuality is your birthright forever!


Erotic literature allows people to be more perceptive and open about their sexuality, so why not you. This particular book has done exactly that, and not just for singles but for couples as well, giving them the ability to exchange fantasies, wishes and desires and to achieve a more satisfying sex life because of it. Literature in this genre gives us an opportunity to see many different sides of the possibilities of sex.


50 Shades of Grey focuses on a dominant protagonist and gives us fictional insight to the sexual dealings of a man who likes to be in control. Whether that is something that you can relate to or see yourself finding an attractive quality-the need to be controlled or in control-remember that fantasies differ between people. By opening our minds to discussion and conversation about intimate wishes we can break free and turn those fantasies into reality.


But reality is different then the world of literature, where fictional characters in erotic literature do not have to worry about the real life consequences of leading an irresponsible sex life. With the rising numbers of reported cases of STDs and HIV in the over 50 age group, we have to remember the importance of safe sex. Studies have found that among people with at least two sexual partners only 56% of people over the age of 45 reported using condoms the last time they were intimate, compared to the 80% of the 18-to-24 year olds.


Unprotected sex at any age is a behavior that needs to be stopped dead in its tracks before it stops us dead in ours. With age comes wisdom, not immunity, so use your wisdom wisely. 50 Shades of Grey's billionaire protagonist Christian Grey might not have to worry about his sexual fate, or that of his submissive lover, however you do! Educate yourself, communicate with your partner, talk to your doctor, and then grab hold of the reins and rediscover your sexuality.








JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -  "Fifty Shades of Grey" has been on top of the bestseller lists for weeks; but now there is concern that the craze could help contribute to a growing danger of sexually transmitted diseases, especially in senior citizens. 

Dr. Dorree Lynn, psychologist and author, talks about the craze and the possible ties to your health.





I don't normally include articles from other news sources, or things that I did not write, in my newsletter, but considering how often I travel, this story has left me both confused and amused.

Jonah Falcon, a blessed young man with a 13.5 inch erect penis (9 inches flaccid) was trying to fly from San Fransisco to NYC when TSA agents had to frisk him multiple times out of fear that he was trying to conceal a weapon in his underwear. To some degree, I suppose a 13.5 inch penis could be considered a weapon, but not one that might be used to take down a plane.
The article in the Huffington Post ( reported, and I quote...

"One of the guards asked if my pockets were empty and I said, 'Yes.'"

Falcon said he knew that his interview was about to get a lot more personal when he was led through one of the X-ray body scanners and passed a metal detector.


"Another guard stopped me and asked me if I had some sort of growth," Falcon said, laughing.


Indeed he did have a growth.

By the age of 18, Falcon knew he had something special when his manhood reached a whopping 12 inches. His family jewel was hailed as the world's largest on record after an HBO documentary featured him in 1999.

There are a few things that interest me about this report. 1. There was no mention of an issue on his original flight from NYC to San Fransisco, and I would imagine that NYC would have more strict security; 2. The TSA agent reportedly never smiled or blushed, regardless of the humor in the situation; and 3. Mr. Falcon's attitude was positive throughout the whole ordeal and he's used the experience to plan for future travel delays. "I'm just gonna wear bike shorts from now on," Falcon said. "That way, they'll know. You'd think the San Francisco TSA would have had experience with hung guys before, but I guess not."


Dr. Dorree Lynn, PhD, is a practicing psychologist and life coach with more than 40 years of experience. The founder of the website, she is also AARP's Media "Sexpert" and has her own segment, "On the Couch" on AARP TV.  She has appeared on ABC's Good Morning America, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, & VH1, and has been featured in national publications from Glamour to Time magazine. A sought-after speaker and media expert, she maintains a "Master Class" psychotherapy practice in Washington, DC, and speaks nationally.  Dr. Dorree is also a wife, mother, and grandmother of a multinational family.  She is the author of several books including her latest, Sex for Grownups: Dr. Dorree Reveals the Truths, Lies, and Must-Tries for Great Sex After 50 (HCI Books, April 2010).