Speak Easy

Newsletter from English as a Second Language and Immigrant Ministries

Spring 2024


Teacher Link

Teacher Link is a new initiative that brings together ESLIM's teachers occasionally to share ideas, offer advice, and encourage each other. At a recent meeting, teachers shared some ways that they motivate their students. One idea is to offer small prizes in a grab bag filled with small treasures from the dollar store. Students who do something noteworthy can choose an item, and apparently one of the most popular items is lip balm. Specific verbal praise works well in another class. Teachers also shared favorite web sites with beginning teachers and offered reassurance to those who were facing unexpected challenges. To find out more about this resource, please contact Connie at office@eslim.org.

Teaching Tip: Accuracy vs. Fluency

Teachers are often conflicted about when and how often they should correct spoken student errors. While it is tempting to immediately restate a word correctly when it has been mispronounced or used in the wrong tense, the consensus is that it is better to make note of common errors and review them at the end of an activity. Fluency, especially if you are teaching lower levels, should be encouraged by limited correction, while accuracy can be developed gradually. In fact, most ESLIM students are taking our classes to learn how to communicate, and we can best encourage them to do this by offering multiple opportunities for them to speak in class without the fear of embarrassment.  

Thank You

Thank you to all of the students, volunteers, donors, staff, and churches that collaborate on our English classes. In 2023, our impact included 1,200+ learners per semester and 350+ volunteers per semester!


We promote and support the teaching of English to adult immigrants of all nationalities in Northern Virginia and the District of Columbia and welcome their active participation in our community. To support the efforts of our member churches, ESLIM handles a variety of tasks in a centralized way. Its activities include the following: