Teacher Training on September 9 & 10, 2023
ESLIM's fall training sessions for teachers have been scheduled for Saturday, September 9 and Sunday, September 10. They will be led by Rob Simmons, who has taught ESL classes for many years and is an experienced teacher trainer.
Designed for new teachers, the September 9 session will be held at Centreville United Methodist Church from 9 AM to noon. This workshop will teach the fundamentals of planning good lessons, motivating learners, and using assessment to measure progress. Techniques on how to use audiovisual content to maximize learner comprehension will be introduced as well.
For returning teachers, the Sunday, September 10 workshop will be presented via Zoom from 2 to 4 PM. This session, entitled “A Picture Is Worth…,” will focus on using everything from photos and pictures to recipe books and comics in a class to engage learners, enhance classroom communication, and reinforce vocabulary development. This approach can be adapted to all levels and has been utilized successfully in a variety of settings. Participants will be offered numerous opportunities to practice strategies that they can use in their classrooms.
To register for either session, teachers from ESLIM's member programs should email office@eslim.org before Wednesday, September 6. Contact information should include which class they are registering for and where they will be teaching this fall. All registrants will be acknowledged with additional relevant information, and reminders will be sent prior to the class.