Greetings from ESL and Immigrant Ministries
Speak Easy
Newsletter from English as a Second Language and Immigrant Ministries
Summer 2016
Fall Teacher Training

ESLIM will offer two New Teacher training classes for Fall 2016.The first class will be held Saturday, August 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Dulin United Methodist Church in Falls Church. The training will be repeated on Saturday, September 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Crossroads United Methodist Church in Ashburn. These workshops are primarily intended for new ESL teachers, but experienced ESL teachers who have not yet taken this training will benefit from it as well. Lunch will be provided.

Refresh and Renew training for returning teachers will be held on Sunday, September 11 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church in Chantilly. The topic is "Teaching Adult English Language Learners Using Best Practices."

Advance registration is required. To register, please send your name, phone number, email address, the church ESL program that you are volunteering with to You will receive a confirmation email as well as further details for the training class.

The Many Roles of ESLIM's Volunteers

Literally hundreds of volunteers join together to provide English classes at our sites each semester. Perhaps most obvious -- and definitely most numerous -- are the teachers and teaching assistants who prepare lessons and embark on classroom adventures.

But there are a variety of other roles, too, which vary by location. Substitute teachers pinch-hit when illness strikes or travel plans conflict with the class schedule. Registration helpers welcome new participants. Snack preparers allow everyone to enjoy a break. Administrative volunteers or principals keep class nights or mornings running smoothly. Coordinators organize the programs. Board members oversee ESLIM's services and finances.

Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who serve in so many ways!
Did You Know...

...that our member programs are located in Arlington County, Fairfax County, Falls Church, Loudoun County, Prince William County, and Washington, DC?

...that ESLIM trained 92 volunteer teachers in 2015?

...that data from Fairfax County Public Schools show that over 170 languages are spoken at home by elementary students and their families? As of 2012, the top five languages other than English were 1) Spanish, 2) Arabic, 3) Vietnamese, 4) Korean, and 5) Chinese. (Source: Fairfax County website)

We promote and support the teaching of English to adult immigrants of all nationalities in Northern Virginia and the District of Columbia and welcome their active participation in our community.

To support the efforts of our member churches, ESLIM handles a variety of tasks in a centralized way. Its activities include the following:
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