News from Elder Malidoma's Office: September, 2020
-Upcoming Opportunities with Elder Malidoma-

Upcoming Opportunity for Online Divination
Elder Malidoma Somé
Dates Available:

Coming up in
October, 2020

For Details and Registration please email the office [email protected]
Upcoming 2020-2021 Programs:
Thank you
for your interest in connecting with Elder Malidoma & Indigenous African Spirit Technologies.

We look forward to connecting with you as you bring forth the next level of Your Gift, Your Purpose, Your Medicine; the Wisdom of the Origin that resides already within your Bones; Your Divine Blueprint & Signature Frequency.

Now. More than Ever.

Email [email protected] for Details about the intensives listed below:
Journey to West Africa with Elder Malidoma
January 8-22, 2021

Register Now!
Return to the
Wisdom of the Origin
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times:

You will be given the opportunity to work with local Diviners, Medicine Men & Women and local elders.
You will be immersed in the the culture and traditions of the Dagara people: including but not limited to:
-Working with Kontomblé Diviners, Elders, and Indigenous Technologies
-Participating in Ancestor-based Rituals
-Visiting specific Shrines and participating in Ritual at Elder Malidoma’s compound
-Experiencing Cultural Activities and Traditional Music/Dance
-Kontomblé Cave

For Additional Details
about the Programs listed below, please click on the picture or

Yearlong Certification Training with Elder Malidoma Somé

Training Dates with Elder Malidoma:
October 3-4, 2020
March 27-28, 2021
June 26-27, 2021
September 16-19, 2021

Boulder, CO
BEYI is a three-day ritual led by Elder Malidoma and co-facilitated by his support team~ who will contribute to the unearthing of the next level--of each participant’s purpose in this world, and encourage the embodiment and sharing of one's medicine.

BEYI is available to any person who feels their the next layer of their gift, their purpose; pressing from within, ready to come forth into this world.
BEYI offers deeper clarity about oneself, and the gift of leadership that will be brought to the community. It provides each participant a sacred space in which to be seen as they claim and declare their Medicine and Purpose.

Yearlong Cowry Shell Divination Certification Training with Elder Malidoma Somé

Training Dates:
October 15-18, 2020
April 8-11, 2021
July 8-11, 2021
October 21-24, 2021

~Asheville, NC~

Gather the Men!

ReAlign, ReConnect, Receive, Release
-if not now....then when?

November 5-8, ,2020
Asheville, NC

~~Mystery~ Magic~ Sweetness~~

With the support of Elder Malidoma, spend 5 days immersing yourself with the Otherworld of Kontomblé, experiencing their frequencies, receiving divinations & exploring your true nature.
November 11-15, 2020
Asheville, NC

Talismans & Indigenous
Tools of Protection

-Now.More than Ever.-

March 17-21, 2021
Asheville, NC

Indigenous African Spirit Technologies
with Elder Malidoma
(New Series Beginning)

Elemental Immersion
April 21-25, 2021
Asheville, NC

(Image by Craig Tracy)