All Are Invited. All Are Welcome.
News for Sunday, June 12, 2022
A Message from the Rector

Dear Friend,

This week we celebrate Trinity Sunday, which I believe is the only feast day of the church devoted to a doctrine. Not an event, or a person, but a theological understanding. On the surface, that sure sounds like a good reason to sleep in.

But don't! Because the life of the Trinity is miraculous. A unity amongst diversity. One in three and three in one. Beyond our human capacity to truly comprehend.

And it is all about LOVE. As the persons of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit - continually dance with one another they share love. It is both the source of their being and the fuel for their lives. The Godhead is alive with love, because of love. And that love spills out and over and into our lives endlessly. Abundantly.

The picture books of my childhood tended to depict God as an old white man sitting on a throne, unmoving. He looked kindly enough, but also boring and a little scary. I prefer the image of God presented by whirling dervishes, beautiful Islamic dancers. And even though Muslims do not believe in a trinitarian God, I find meaning and truth in this particular ritual. Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam of which the dervishes are part, emphasizes universal love, peace, acceptance of various spiritual paths and a mystical union with the divine. (You can watch a brief video about their dances here.) The constant movement, the love and respect and honor shown one another, and the absolute joy of the dance help me to imagine the life of the Trinity.

See you on Sunday!

Anne Marie+

The Rev. Anne Marie Richards, Rector
Home/Cell: (667)-212-0169
This Sunday
Interlocking Rings symbol of the Holy Trinity displayed in rainbow colors
Sunday Worship on
Trinity Sunday
8:30am in Peace Chapel (Main Church)
Spoken Eucharist
**Note NEW Location**

10:30am in Main Church
Choral Eucharist
Download leaflet in PDF or Word format

4:00pm in Main Church
Considering Matthew Shepard
(see below for details)

Choir Appreciation

Following the 10:30 service this Sunday, please stay for a light lunch to honor the choir for their hard work and beautiful music this season.
Craig Hella Johnson's Considering Matthew Shepard. A Concert for Baltimore Pride
Concert for Pride
Sunday, June 12, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Reflecting on the senseless murder of Matthew Shepard — a young Wyoming man brutally beaten in October 1998 simply because he was gay — with music composed by Craig Hella Johnson, this moving passion oratorio is comprised of texts gathered from press coverage surrounding the crime, passages from Shepard’s own journal, and the interspersions of original poetry by Johnson and co-librettist Michael Dennis Brown. The music is a seamless fusion of classical, theatre, and folk music — and the message is one of endurance in grief and hope transcending tragedy.

All are welcome. Masks encouraged.
COVID Safety Protocols
Covid-19 cases are continuing to rise with the newest Omicron variant. Baltimore City is now rated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as having a High COVID-19 Community Level of risk. While we are not re-instituting a mask mandate at this time, we continue to strongly urge mask use during this current uptick. (Visit CDC site.)

  • If you are not fully vaccinated (including booster) or have any symptoms of infection, we urge you to participate online via YouTube.
  • Masks are not mandatory but are strongly encouraged. Please be gracious in responding to the needs of others and wear a mask if asked to do so.
  • The Emmanuel Choir will be masked whenever they process through the congregation. When in the chancel they will be unmasked.
  • Seating at all events is limited to every other pew. Please sit only where there is a pew cushion in place.
Construction Zone Restrictions
With some areas no longer available for use, everyone visiting Emmanuel, whether for worship, meetings, or other events, will need to be aware of the following:

  • Two single-occupant restrooms are available for use:
  • On the lower level opposite the Sunday School Classroom. To reach this facility, exit the church via the side door adjacent to the Baptistry, turn right and go down one flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs turn right and the restroom will be on your right. (Only available Saturday & Sunday)
  • In the Narthex (Lobby) of the main church. Please note that there are steps immediately beyond the restroom door – be prepared to step down into the restroom.
  • A/C in the Main Church will be out of service until approximately October 1.
  • The back door of the building (off the Morton Street alley) cannot be used except in case of emergency evacuation of the building.
  • Eccleston Chapel is closed during construction. The 8:30am service will be held in the Peace Chapel of the Main Church.
  • The Sacristy is only accessible via the side door of the Main Church.
Reminder! FREE Parking on Sunday Mornings!

On Sunday mornings, free parking is available in the lot behind the church (at the corner of Charles and Read) from 6:00 am until 1:00 pm for those attending Emmanuel. Please display the Emmanuel Parking Pass on your dashboard. (Download and print your own Parking Pass here!)
Outreach Grants Available – Suggestions Needed!
The Outreach Committee has begun the annual process of awarding grants to local organizations that are working to improve the lives of the people of Baltimore. Last year’s recipients have received applications to renew their grants (pending approval by the committee and Vestry). We also want to consider new groups and programs, and would like your help identifying possible candidates. Please submit your suggestions to the committee at [email protected]. It would be most helpful if you could supply contact information including name(s), phone number(s), and email address(es).

Sign up for Coffee Hour!

We can always use your help to provide hospitality for our own at Coffee Hour. Please consider signing up to bring a finger food item to share. Both homemade and store bought are welcome. Just bring plated and ready to serve. It's easy to do. Simply sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.

Prayer List
Send your prayers to:

And please remember in your prayers this week:

The Church: Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church; Eugene Sutton, Bishop of Maryland; Robert Ilhof, Assisting Bishop of Maryland; the clergy, staff and vestry of Emmanuel Church; and all the baptized who minister in the name of Christ.

Those in authority: President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Lawrence Hogan, Jr., and Mayor Brandon Scott.

Those for whom our prayers have been asked: Freeman, Charlotte, Kathy, Gail, Frank, John, Barbara, David, Steve, Alene, and Christine.

Those who have died in homicides in our city June 2-8:
Eric Eldridge, and seven as yet unnamed.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
811 Cathedral Street,
Baltimore, MD, 21201