ECE Maddox students saw a live-action musical of the beloved book "Goodnight Moon" on January 16 and 21.
Family & Community Newsletter
In this issue:

  • A Note from School Board Member Steven Leflar
  • The Great Kindness Challenge
  • Parent University
  • Demolition Update and Parking Changes
  • Branding and Strategic Plan Focus Groups
  • Send Some Love this Valentine's Day
  • Good News from Our Schools
  • Activities and Upcoming Events

A Note from Board Member Steven Leflar
My name is Steven Leflar and I am honored to be the newest member of the Englewood Schools Board of Education. To give back to a community that has been home to three generations of my family is a great honor.

I would like to start out by stating that I was not elected to this position; I went through an appointment process. The results of the last election cycle had left one spot open. I read about the opening, but I had no idea what the school board did and was not sure if it was something I was interested in doing. I methodically researched the role of a board member and the importance to the community. The information on school board members is vast and overwhelming, still I was intrigued by the opportunity the position presented. After completing a lengthy and rigorous application and interview process, I was thrilled to be appointed to the board in November of 2019.  

I’d like to tell you a bit about my background and connection to Englewood. As I mentioned before, three generations of my immediate family have attended Englewood Schools. My father went to Cherrelyn and Flood Middle School, I attended Clayton, Sinclair Middle School and Englewood High School. Currently, three of my four boys go to Cherrelyn and my oldest is at Englewood Middle School. My lovely wife of 16 years works at the Early Childhood Education Program at Maddox, and I currently serve in the Colorado Army National Guard as a UH-60 helicopter crew chief instructor. 

The research I did before joining the Board had one guiding question: “ What does the Board of Education do?”  I found the answer to be the following:  A school board sets the vision and goals for the school district and holds the school district accountable. It is a governing body that requires the community voice to be heard to effectively administrate its duties.   Yes, that means all of you reading this! My goal as a school board member is to be an accurate reflection of your voice, your concerns, and to celebrate the successes we have as a community. I love our little city! This is why I live here, why my children go to school here, and why I serve you on this board. I hope to meet with you, hear your concerns, hold our district accountable, while still maintaining that spark that makes Englewood so special to all of us.

Please feel free to reach out to me, it is with your voice that our schools will be richer and our children’s future that much brighter. It is a great privilege to serve you and your children. You can reach me at .
The Great Kindness Challenge
Many of our schools this week participated in the Great Kindness Challenge where students and staff tried to do at least one act of kindness every day. You can keep the kindness going at home with the Kindness Checklist for Families.

The checklist has a list of many actions you can do to make the world a kinder place!
Parent University
Englewood Schools presents Parent University! We're bringing in experts to speak on topics that you requested. Come for all or part of a session depending on your topic(s) of interest! Here are the upcoming dates and topics:

March 4 at Englewood High School (3800 S. Logan St.) from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Topics: Depression and anxiety in youth followed by bullying and cyber bullying presented by All Health Community Mental Health Network

March 19 at Colorado's Finest High School of Choice (300 W. Chenango Ave.) from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Topics: Conversations on vaping, followed by community resources on housing and food assistance in the area presented by TriCounty Health Department and Integrated Family Services.
Demolition Update & Parking Changes
Demolition of the old Maddox building is currently scheduled for the first week of February. Beginning February 3, the current ECE Maddox parking lot off of S. Huron St. will be closed and a temporary lot will be opened on S. Galapago. A new, large parking lot is scheduled to be complete at the end of March! Until then, we ask families to continue to use street parking around Maddox and only use the Galapago lot if you have a handicapped placard or other permit. Thank you for your patience!
Branding and Strategic Plan Focus Groups
Help inform our future! All members of our community are invited to take part in a focus group connected to developing a brand for the school district and creating a strategic plan. Discussions will take place February 18-20, in the afternoons and evenings, and will last for approximately 90 minutes.
Send Some Love this Valentine's Day
Once again this year, our Nutrition Services Department is offering hand delivered valentines for students! Each one includes a customized message, heart pencils, stickers and toys. Valograms cost $5. Orders are due by February 6. Please see the order form by clicking here.
Good News from Our Schools
Bishop Spirit Day
Students at Bishop Elementary recently dressed up for their January Spirit day - Western Day. Second graders at Bishop selected the spirit day because they will be going to the Western Stock Show this Friday for a field trip. The field trip is aligned to their current social studies unit on community. The inquiry question guiding their learning is, "How have events and ideas from the past shaped the identity of the communities and neighborhoods today?" The stock show is a part of Denver's history and showcases our agriculture past. It will provide students a real life experience in our community.
ECE Field Trip
On January 16 and 21, ECE Maddox students got to go on a fun field trip to the Denver Performing Arts Complex to see a live action musical of the beloved story Goodnight Moon. The students had a blast both at the show and getting to ride the school bus with our amazing drivers!
February 2020 Activities & Events
Englewood Schools Events in February 2020 (you can see these events on the District Calendar ):

Tuesday, February 4:
  • Regular Board of Education Meeting, 6:00 p.m. at 3838 S. Huron St.

Friday, February 7:
  • No School for Students - Professional Development Day

Sunday, February 9:
  • EHS Band Fundraiser - Pancake Breakfast at Barnhouse Tap, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 13:
  • Cougar Palooza, 6:00 p.m. at Charles Hay

Tuesday, February 18:
  • Board of Education Work Session, 6:00 p.m. at 3838 S. Huron St.

Wednesday, February 19:
  • Language Development Council, 5:00 p.m. at Colorado's Finest

Thursday, February 20:
  • ECE Family Literacy Night, 4:00 p.m. at ECE

Friday, February 21:
  • Bishop Chuck E. Cheese Night Fundraiser, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, February 1: Denver Art Museum Free Day
Sunday, February 2: Denver Zoo Free Day
Tuesday, February 4: Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Free Day
Tuesday, February 4: Children's Museum of Denver Free Day

Check out Englewood Public Library's Free events and activities here.
High Expectations ~ Accountability ~ Integrity ~ Respect ~ Community
4101 S. Bannock St.
Englewood, CO 80110