This spring, high school and middle school students in our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs have been working hard to prepare and present at their respective Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) conferences, competitions, and special events. Below are the results of their successes:
Our high school Design and Fabrication class and advanced middle school STEM class sent teams to compete in the Colorado Human Powered Vehicle Competition on Saturday April 28th at CU-Denver. This competition was for engineering teams, and they were judged on design, aesthetics, functionality and presentation. Both our middle and high school teams competed and took 1st place!
Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Ten students attended the ProStart State Competition. Five students competed in the Culinary Event, and five students competed in the Management Event. Students had a great experience and were provided a lot of valuable feedback from professional chefs.
Family and Consumer Science
Six students from our Family and Consumer Science programs attended Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) State Leadership Conference:
One student competed for the first time in the
Food Innovations Individual Event.
A team of 3 students competed in the
Culinary Arts STAR Event
and took 4th place. A Team of 2 competed in the
Front of the House State Event
and received a 1st place Gold Medal.
Future Business Leaders of America
Fourteen students from our Future Business Leaders of America chapter attended the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Vail April 18-20, 2018.
Underclassmen John Altenhofen and Grant Webster were among the Top 10 Finalists in the Intro to Business Presentation event. Senior Maria Alsubhi competed in Community Service Report and Presentation and became a national qualifier with her 2nd place finish.
Our Cosmetology program hosted a Career Connection Fashion Show on Tuesday, April 24, 2018. The Esthetics and Cosmetology students showcased skills in hair and makeup design as they transformed their models into princesses and villains. The judges were local industry professionals who took time after the show to meet with the students about potential career opportunities in the future.