Newsletter - August 2019
Letter from the Doctor
Hi everyone! 
August is upon us!

You know that means “back to school” ads for clothing, shopping for supplies and making those appointments for your child’s physicals and vaccines. For the junior high kids, this might include a scoliosis screening. (Some MDs skip this, FYI).  

I have nothing against our children getting their school physicals. I think it’s a good idea. I took my own 4 kids in periodically for physical exams by their medical doctor who I respected and appreciated their area of expertise. I will also say, however, do not skip seeing your chiropractor for assessing spinal alignment, posture and nutritional advice. Having your heart listened to, lungs checked, looking into the eyes and ears are important. We know….or should know…conditions start LONG before symptoms ever give us a clue something is wrong. Check-ups are a good thing. The other good thing is our daily habits that we start learning when we are young that contribute to our health over a lifetime! 

All that said, I am inviting ALL of you, kids or no kids, to come out to our Back To School Bash on Saturday August 17th, 8:00am-12:00pm. 

We will have games for the kids and back-pack checks…woo hoo! 

More importantly, we will have information for parents. We, the parents and grandparents, do the choosing of what our kids eat, their exercise level and sleep habits! Like it or not, we are in control of that. We need to be proactive and smart in this current culture! It’s sad that we have to be at battle to raise our kids these days. The good news is there are groups like Mom’s Across America and Robert Kennedy J.r’s Children’s Health Defense out there helping us parents learn what is really going on in the food and pharmaceutical industries that, let’s say, might not have your child’s best interest at heart. 

I encourage you to go to and check the stats out for yourself. 

Listen, when your child comes home from school and asks you why don’t they have “that breathing thing” that everyone else in their class has but them, as one of mine did (I think it was Mary), you know something is wrong with our current culture! Inhalers are NOT normal, yet we treat them like they are. 

Read about the “4-A’s”, asthma, allergies, autism, ADD, which have doubled in numbers since the 1990s. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THE CURRENT CULTURE! It’s up to us, at the grassroots level, family by family, to make the changes we need to protect these kids from a lifetime of bad health. 

Come out to our “Bash”! Bring your friends who are not chiropractic patients. Forward this newsletter to them so they can become informed. How can you talk to your kids about eating carrots and then they go to the friends’s home and are given Twinkies?  

See you at the “Bash”!!

‘Til Next Time,
Dr. Brown
Upcoming Events
 8/10 Thermography Scans 8am - 12pm
8/15 Special office hours 8 am - 12 pm 
8/17 Back to School Bash 8 am - 12 pm
8/20 Dr Brown closed
8/31-9/7 Dr Brown out of town
9/2 Labor Day office closed
Call Today - 262-248-6700