September 2021
Let's Never Forget
The City of Fairfield recognizes
September 1st.
as The Matt Garcia Day.

On September 1st, 2008, Fairfield City Councilman, Matt Garcia, was murdered. It is hard to believe that it has been almost 13 years since we lost Matt.
9/11/2001 Never Forget
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. September 11th, 2001 is a day we should never forget. On that date terrorists hijacked and crashed four airlines, resulting in the tragic deaths of more than 3,000 innocent people. In spite of the numerous disasters we face, we must remember to be united in our ongoing pursuit of freedom and equality for all.
To quote Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, “If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate”.
Volunteer Opportunities
City of Fairfield Housing Services Deparment is looking for volunteers to help with raking, mowing, picking up trash, weeding and etc.

Saturday, September 11, 2021, from 8 am to 1 pm (or any hours you could help during that time) It will specifically encompass the neighborhood of Broadway / Delaware / Ohio Streets (from Great Jones and Jefferson Streets).

For more information or register to volunteer contact :
Iris Maya
The Matt Garcia Foundation
Community Day Clean-up
Earn community service hours for school credit.
Lunch is provided after the clean up.
Saturday, September 25, 2021 @ 9:00am – 11:00am
Located 'on the green' at the corner of Jefferson & Texas Streets
Fairfield, CA 94533
The Matt Garcia Foundation will provide gloves, grabbers and buckets for collecting the trash. For more information visit

To protect your health and slow the spread of the coronavirus, we will be follow the most recent guidance from the Center for Disease Control.

To receive updated information on volunteering opportunities, sign up for our text alerts. Text: 81010 | Enter: @mgfv
Drive to Keep the Dream Alive Golf Tournament
Join us for a fun day of golfing, food and socializing to raise money for The Matt Garcia Foundation community youth outreach programs.
Things you can do to get rid of
a headache without medication.
Drink water - Many headaches are caused by dehydration.
Apply ice to your temples - The artery that supplies blood to the lining of the brain sits behind the thin bone at the temple. When you’re having a migraine, the lining gets inflamed, so lowering the temperature of the blood passing through that area could relieve some of the throbbing.
Drink a cup of coffee - Headaches are often caused by the expanding of blood vessels. The caffeine in coffee constricts these blood vessels, bringing them back down to normal size.
Stretch - Headaches are often caused by muscle tension.
Take a shower - And let the water fall on the back of your neck. Heat relaxes tense muscles, which could also alleviate the pain caused by a headache.
Some Inspiring Words & Fun
Did you know?
You can support your local small business without spending a cent?

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Everyday we learn something new. Take life as a test and shoot for a better score each day… It doesn’t have to be an “A” the next day,
but let’s hope it improves.
-Matt Garcia
P.O. Box 3301
Fairfield, CA 94533

DIRECT: 707.372.4160
Keep the Dream Alive
Newsletter Production By: Upward Trend