August 2021
Fairfield's 4th of July Parade
Thank you to everyone that attended the Downtown Fairfield 4th Of July Parade! We could feel the hope and excitement all around us. It was GREAT to see everyone! I have to say that hearing our community shout out Matt's name as we walked in the parade brought me to tears. Happy Tears! When we found out that we had won in two categories for our float and also for use of the theme, again, we were overjoyed! We are forever grateful to our community for helping to Keep Matt's Dream Alive!

As Matt would say, "We are blessed". Thank you all! 

Sincerely, Teresa
Summer Night Out
Thank you to everyone who attended Summer Night Out! Artist Zachary Young guided us through a blind contour drawing. It was wonderful to see the many different creations that resulted from the same instructions and colors that everyone was given to start with!
Fellow foundation member Ofelia shared, “Thank you for hosting and organizing such a great event! My mom and I had a great time. We keep reflecting on how relaxing and fun it was. In fact, we went out yesterday and purchased art supplies to begin painting more often.” 
We had an evening full of wonderful moments and connections, along with creativity and ice cream! This is community; this is Keeping the Dream Alive.
The Matt Garcia Foundation
Community Day Clean-up
Earn community service hours for school credit.
Lunch is provided after the clean up.
Saturday, August 28, 2021 @ 9:00am – 11:00am
Located 'on the green' at the corner of Jefferson & Texas Streets
Fairfield, CA 94533
The Matt Garcia Foundation will provide gloves, grabbers and buckets for collecting the trash. For more information visit

To protect your health and slow the spread of the coronavirus, we will be follow the most recent guidance from the Center for Disease Control.

To receive updated information on volunteering opportunities, sign up for our text alerts. Text: 81010 | Enter: @mgfv
Drive to Keep the Dream Alive Golf Tournament
As promised from our last newsletter, "Save the Date", here is the updated information regarding this year's golf tournament.
We are so excited to see all of you again and please do share with your other "golf friends/enthusiasts" as well as your employers.

We have available Sponsorships as you can see! Sign up early to reserve your spot and sponsorship!
We've implemented a new Golfer Event site to handle registrations now for both Players & Sponsors; here is the direct link to register online:
If this link doesn't work for you, please let us know.
If you have any questions, please email at We look forward to seeing you this year and appreciate all of your support!
MGFGolf Committee
"DRIVE to Keep the Dream Alive"!
Ways to Stay Safe When Walking
More folks are out walking, jogging and bicycling for health benefits. According to the National Safety Council, approximately 17% of traffic accident deaths involved pedestrians in 2019. It’s easy to neglect the importance of paying attention to your surroundings while walking. High on the list is... you guessed it... cell phone use. Add to this, the fact that many folks are also distracted by texting while driving and you’ve got a life changing accident, or fatality in the making.

Please read these important tips to keep in mind the next time you’re out walking.
  • Walk on the sidewalk or walk facing traffic safely away from approaching cars
  • Obey traffic signs and signals
  • Cross at crosswalks if possible (be careful at crosswalks too because drivers don’t always pay attention to crosswalk warning lights, etc.)
  • Try to wear highly visible colors 
  • Watch for traffic entering or exiting driveways and street intersections
  • Try to make eye contact with drivers and ensure they will stop before you enter their path
  • Avoid using cell phones and earbuds while walking

Remember… In order to keep the dream alive, we need to stay alive. 
Stay safe!
Mason Jar Ice Cream
If you don't feel like whipping out the electric mixer, you can still incorporate that all-important air by shaking together your ingredients in a 8 oz. mason jar, then placing it in the freezer. The basic recipe is a cup of heavy cream, a tablespoon of sugar, and any flavorings you'd like (such as a teaspoon of vanilla extract). Combine the ingredients in a sealed mason jar, shake vigorously for 5 minutes, then freeze for three hours. 
Some Inspiring Words...
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Everyday we learn something new. Take life as a test and shoot for a better score each day… It doesn’t have to be an “A” the next day,
but let’s hope it improves.
-Matt Garcia
P.O. Box 3301
Fairfield, CA 94533

DIRECT: 707.372.4160
Keep the Dream Alive
Newsletter Production By: Upward Trend