News from
First Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, Georgia
FPC’s 3rd rotation in 2022 at the food pantry is May 30 to June 10
We will serve clients on the following days from noon to 1:30pm:
Week 1:
· Tuesday, May 31
· Thursday, June 2
Week 2:
· Tuesday, June 7
· Thursday, June 9
We will need 3 volunteers each of the above days: (1) to enter client data into the computer, (2) to greet the clients, and (3) to load the grocery carts with the bags of food.
On Tuesday, May 31, we will pack the grocery bags with food at the food pantry from 9:00-11:00am. We will need 5-6 volunteers to help with packing.
FPC also provides butter, cheese, and bread to the clients. A volunteer is needed to pick these items up from Flowers Bakery (bread) and J&J Foods (butter and cheese) on Tuesday, May 31.
If you are interested in volunteering in any of these areas for the food pantry during this rotation, please contact Tina de Waart at or 770-601-6118.
Thank you for your support of the food pantry!
High School Montreat is June 11-18. There is no youth group on Sundays this summer, however; there will be fun outings and day trips. Clifton will give more details about outings when planned.
The Nominating Committee has begun the process of gathering names of servant leaders for our church. In accordance with the Book of Order, the names to be placed in nomination must fairly represent the composition of the congregation as to age, gender, etc. There are six vacancies on the Session and nine on the Board of Deacons to be filled by election to three-year terms. You can pick up a nominating pamphlet in the Narthex. Please turn the nominating form to an usher, place in the the offering plate, or in the prayer boxes. Please have all nominations turned in by July 17, 2022. Thank you!
My Sister’s Place
It all began with love for God and a heart for the homeless. The willingness of one woman to care for the needs of another has grown into a beautiful ministry that has impacted hundreds of lives. My Sister’s Place provides a nurturing home, transportation assistance, nutritious meals and other basic necessities to the single women and mothers with children whom we serve. While they are with us, we provide the tools and resources to help them to be in a better position when they leave than when they arrived. To learn more about My Sister’s Place, check out their website:
There are many ways that individuals can support My Sister’s Place:
- Prepare a meal for residents (about 15 people). Sign up using this link: MSP Meal Signup
- Donate clothing, shoes, home décor, or household goods to be sold at their ReSale Boutique.
- Help with sorting and tagging at their “Resale Boutique” located at 130 John Morrow Parkway
- Contribute to “Supply Drive” during the month of May. Drop off items in the designated box outside the church office. The most needed items are: Coffee, Family Sized Tea Bags, Paper Towels, Bottled Water, Disposable Gloves (non-latex), and New Standard size pillows. We will also collect Gift Cards – Aldi, Kroger, Walmart, We-Go Vouchers (please leave these in the church office).
The Choices Pregnancy Care Center is a non-profit non-denominational Christian ministry. Choices partners with individuals, churches, businesses, and a variety of community agencies as they minister the love of Christ to hurting people by providing complimentary and highly confidential services. Free services include pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, prenatal vitamins, and STI testing. The following support services are also provided: Bright Course Online Parenting Education provides hundreds of relatable lessons that help prepare for parenting responsibilities; ‘My Baby Counts: Baby Bucks Buy Baby Supplies’ which provides benefits to buy baby supplies; and the P.A.S.T. Class which is the Post Abortion Support and Treatment service. Choices also offers low cost STI testing to men and non-pregnant women.
For more information, see the website
We are in the process of creating a new Church Directory! We have so many new faces and some contact information for exisiting members has changed!
You can expect a call from one of the committee members in the coming weeks so that we can update your contact information and learn more about your preferences concerning Sunday worship.
If you have any questions regarding the committee’s updating the directory, please contact Andrea Jones, Barbara Case or Linda Spencer.