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Behind the Stories:
Public Radio's 51% 
A Desperate Situation in Afghanistan
By Susan Barnett

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Daring to Be Ourselves

Influential Women Share Insights on Courage, Happiness and Finding Your Own Voice


by Feminist.com's

Marianne Schnall



Inspiring words by amazing women: 

Madeleine Albright

Isabel Allende 

Maya Angelou 

Sandra Bernhard 

Margaret Cho

Cameron Diaz

Eve Ensler

Melissa Etheridge

Jane Fonda

Carol Gilligan

Jane Goodall

Charreah Jackson

Annie Lennox

Elizabeth Lesser

Wangari Maathai

Courtney Martin

Pat Mitchell

Kathy Najimy

Natalie Portman

Gloria Steinem

Loung Ung

Alice Walker

Kerry Washington

Betty Williams




Dear Feminist.com Friend,  


Here's hoping your summer has been wonderful so far! At Feminist.com, we've been busy with exciting plans and fresh content--columns, excerpts and contributors--who are redefining what it means to live feminism today. 


Yes, we know the word "feminist" can still inspire hot debate, which is exactly why Feminist.com continues to grow-and welcomes your input! As times change, the feminist movement evolves right along with it. More and more, people are finding ways to express feminist principles through spirituality, work, global peace efforts, family, art, health-every imaginable aspect of life. Our newest content aims to express that, and shows how feminism is still an incredibly rich and relevant part of healing our troubled world. We hope you're inspired, moved and awakened by what you read.


In sisterhood,




Marianne Schnall 

Feminist.com Founder & Executive Director



P.S. Your generous support helps keep Feminist.com alive. We welcome and appreciate tax-deductible donations of any amount, by check or credit card. Thank you!

New at Feminist.com
INTERVIEW: Conversation with Goldie Hawn
by Marianne Schnall

COLUMN UPDATE: Own Your Finances and Own Your Life
by Manisha Thakor

COLUMN UPDATE: Men's Voices, Men As Allies
by Patrick McGann

Feminism in Kenya: A New Narrative
by Brooke Elise Axtell


Manifesto for Young Asian Woman 
by Shiuan Butler


New at Our Inner Lives


Inner Actions  

An Ongoing Series by Blair Glaser, MA, LCAT, RDT

Improving the interactions we have inside ourselves and with others.


COLUMN: A Tale of Two Sisters
by Najeeba Syeed-Miller & Rachel P. Goldstein  
Two friends, one Muslim one Jewish, brought together by fate, share their spiritual perspective on how to help humanity.

Sisterhood & The Stars: 

My Disjointed Life as a Feminist Astrology  Columnist
by Ophira Edut 


In Times of Outer-World Overload, Take an Inner Time-Out 

 by Marianne Schnall


Equal Giving

by Maggie Lyon Varadhan   

New Book Excerpts

"Why is it that so many of us make food so complicated and loaded? Food is nourishment; it's not the enemy. Food is romantic, creative, and divine. No diet that makes you feel deprived or socially isolated is worth it.Full excerpt at Feminist.com >




by Nina Godiwalla 

"I still remember the chairman's charismatic smile as he welcomed us into the formal dining room. "Tell me all about your experience here at Morgan Stanley," he said. "I'm dying to hear about you all. Please, just relax and be yourself!" But we were all too scared to ask the questions we really wanted to ask: Why do we have to be like everyone else to fit in? Full excerpt at Feminist.com >  






An excerpt from Elizabeth Lesser's book The Seeker's Guide: Making Your Life a Spiritual Adventure.






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