Our weekly e-news is a snapshot of what is happening in the near future here at FPC.
If you have any questions please call the church office at 770-786-7321,
or send us an e-mail HERE.
Worship with FPC Covington
Sunday Morning Worship
Worship with us Sunday mornings at 11:00am. Our service on January 17 will be live-streamed. The Session voted on 1/13/21 to proceed with live-stream worship services through February 14. Worship will be live on Facebook beginning at 11:00am.
This week we invite you to prepare a space at home with a candle, cross, bread, and cup. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion.
Our Elders for the Class of 2023 will be ordained and installed on January 24th during the 11:00am worship service. We invite you to trace your hand and write a prayer on the hand you traced. You are invited to email Neeley a picture of your prayer hand. We will use these hands for the "laying on of hands" during worship.
We will have our Annual Meeting and Congregational Meeting on January 24th following worship.
A Note from our Treasurer
Dear Friends:
As we end the year, please take a look at your 2020 pledge status. You will very soon receive an email with a link to check your current giving statement for 2020. In January you will receive a final 2020 giving statement for your records. We are so thankful for your faithful giving during a time when the church faced many worship challenges.
As we look at the budget for 2021, your Finance Team would love to get in-hand any outstanding pledges for 2021. You can mail in your card, call the office, email the office ( admin@fpccov.org). Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Peni Kehoe, Treasurer
As we care for one another as the Body of Christ, we want you to be informed. Provided below is a link for COVID-19 Vaccine Information from Newton County Health Department.
Christian Education Ministry Opportunities
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is a casual time of conversation and fellowship. Each week is a stand-alone lesson, so if you miss a week, come back the next! Adult Sunday School meets on Zoom at 9:45am.
Youth Sunday School
Youth Sunday School is led by Pam and Jim Stillerman and offers a time of connection and of studying scripture. Youth Sunday School meets on Zoom at 10:00am. Passcode: AlcovyFit1
Children's Sunday School
Children's Sunday School is offered each week by Dan and Perri Walden.
Sunday school lessons will be posted to our Facebook page on Saturdays. You may also find recordings of our Sunday school lessons on our website. Online link will be available on Sunday mornings each week.
Ways to serve in our community
First United Methodist Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is always in need of volunteers, especially during the holiday season. Click below to find out ways you can get involved.
Blood Drive
Our next Blood Drive is at FPC on Monday, January 18. The Blood Drive will be from 10:00am-3:00pm. Interesting in donating blood? Would you like to volunteer?
Small Group Ministry Opportunities
For all visitors, New members, and members who want to know more about FPC Covington and the PCUSA. We invite you to join in a time of fellowship and study. What do we believe? Why do we believe what we believe? What is our church polity? How do we understand salvation and grace? What does it mean to be a member of the church? Why do we do what we do and say what we say? If you have expressed any of these questions – this is place for you! Please contact Donna Weesner if you are interested in joining this ministry opportunity!
Jammies and Jesus
A new offering for our children in the new year! This is a time for our youngest disciples to gather on Sunday evenings for Sabbath reflections and prayer for the upcoming week! We invite all children of the church (and friends!) to gather on Zoom at 7:00pm on Sunday nights with Pastor Neeley! Our time together of Jammies and Jesus will be no more than ten minutes!
Join us Jan. 17th!
The Christian Education team would like to hear from you! All Middle school and high school parents/guardians are invited to join for a time of conversation and imagining! We will discuss Sunday School, Small Group Ministry, Summer experiences, and so much more! You don't want to miss this opportunity for being church together as we seek to nurture our youth, the church of today!
Please keep the following people and their families in your thoughts and prayers this week:
- Betty Robinson celebrated her 99th birthday this past Sunday!
Prayer Updates:
- Our Prayers are with Nick and Jessica Jessup upon the death of Nick's father, Mitchell. Please hold Nick, Jessica, Connor, Dylan, and Paisley in your prayers.
- Prayers for Rachel Mason upon the death of her husband, Bob Mason. Rachel is a participant of our Martha PW Circle.
- Billy Fortson - Progressing slowly from COVID
- Roger Tingler - COVID
- Dale Tingler - COVID
- Larri Harris - Friend of Susan Boteler
- Linda Shirley - Knee fracture and other bone issues (Teacher at Flint Elementary)
Ongoing Prayers:
- Our prayers are with the family of Mary Bollinger. Mary passed away on January 2, 2021.
- Our prayers are with the family of Bob Lange. Bob passed away on January 2, 2021.
- Our prayers are with the friends and family of Steve Biggers. Steve passed away on January 2, 2021.
- Mac Cranford - health issues
- Tootles Tingler - COVID
- Betty Robinson - COVID (Merryvale)
- Blair Weaver - health issues
- Justin and McKenzie Hall - COVID (relatives of Bob and Darcel Tabb)
- Kerry and Rob Jones - COVID (relatives of Bob and Darcel Tabb)
- The staff of Piedmont Newton and all frontline workers
- We send our prayers to the family of Tim Blankenship, who passed away this week. He was the son of the late Elmer and Maxine Blankenship and brother of Trent.
- McKenna Grace Boston - whooping cough at Egleston (newborn daughter of Paige Boston, Paige grew up at FPC)
- Carolyn Watson - recent fall
- Jane Parker - recovering from a fall
- Betty Lunsford - recovering at home
- Phyllis Pruner - eye surgery
- Mitchell Wheeler - cancer (nephew of Jack and Miriam Wheeler)
- Sarita Pope - breast cancer (mother-in-law of Elizabeth Martin Pope)
- Nancy Smith - recovering at home (daughter of Betsy and Sandy Morehouse)
- Bill Cobham - ongoing health issues
- Ginny Elliot - at rehab following a fall (stepmother of Aubrey Evans)
- Beverly Maddox - husband has leukemia (friend of Jean Elder)
- Karen Lein Kaasa - home health care (sister-in-law of Julie MacKenzie)
- Karen Moss - treatment for breast cancer
- Carter MacKenzie - neck injury (son of Julie and Jeff MacKenzie)
- Tom Bass - bone marrow cancer and dialysis (friend of Beth and Danny Vining)
- Wilford Reed - daughter was in car accident; his brother has age-related issues (friend of Jeff MacKenzie)
- Bob Darby - kidney problems (friend of Jeff MacKenzie)
- Sharon Beasley Strickland - tests for oral cancer (classmate of Jeff MacKenzie)
- Joyce Williams - breast cancer treatment and Alzheimer's Disease (Danny Vining's sister)
- Peter Milner - cancer (nephew of Day & Larry Kennon)
- Angela Gregory - cancer treatment, in Scotland (sister of Dave Gregory)
- Brandon Massey - blood cancer (grandson of Chuck & Sherry Brasher)
- Carol Baynes - cancer (friend of Phyllis Yoder)
- Sophia Hawley - cystic fibrosis
Military Service
- Koen Ardis - Navy
- Lee Scarborough - Army
Independent Living and Assisted Living:
- Penny Blakeney (home)
- Julia Brubaker (Benton House)
- Jean Elder (in FL with here daughter)
- Dot Fincher (Merryvale)
- Jerry McGaffney (Merryvale)
- Guy McGiboney (Merryvale)
- Travis Moss (Pruitt)
- Betty Robinson (Merryvale)
- Louise White (Merryvale)
Please click below to email Peni to update your prayer requests or send new prayer requests. In your email please indicate if you would like your request to be confidential or added to our prayer list.
Our weekly e-news is a snapshot of what is happening in the near future here at FPC. If you have any questions please call the church office at 770-786-7321, or send us an e-mail HERE.
To view our weekly worship bulletins and monthly newsletters, click HERE.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Stay in touch with your FPC family by logging into REALM where you will find an online directory and up-to-date records of your giving. If you don't already have a login for the site, contact Peni Kehoe at the church office via e-mail HERE.