Worship with FPC Covington
Sunday Morning Worship
Worship with us Sunday mornings at 11:00am. Worship will be live on Facebook beginning at 11:00am. You may also join us on Zoom for worship starting at 10:45am
We will return to in-person worship on March 7, 2021. All COVID protocols will be in place. Worship will be offered Live-Streamed on Facebook, Zoom, and In-person.
RSVP Required for Worship: You may RSVP below or contact the church office by NOON on THURSDAY of each week. Please only register for one Sunday at a time. You DO NOT have to print tickets.
We welcome Lyn Pace to the pulpit this Sunday!
Lyn Pace has been the college chaplain at Oxford College of Emory University since July 2009. A lifelong United Methodist, Lyn was ordained an elder in the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church in 2005.
Lyn is married to Ami Hernández, the career counselor at Oxford College, and they have one child, Sam (8). They live in the city of Oxford where Lyn served on city council from 2012-2016 and currently serves on the Committee for Race. He is also on the Chaplaincy Advisory Board for Gammon Theological Seminary.
IN-Person Gatherings at FPC
On February 22, the Session approved the return to in-person worship on March 7. Beginning March 7, all church sponsored groups are allowed to use the church building (Sunday school, PW, Session teams, etc). We do ask all groups to discern HYBRID models of gathering to allow for in-person and virtual participation.
In order to safely open our doors we will ask all in-person gatherings to follow strict COVID-19 Protocol to ensure minimal risk of exposure.
Therefore, if your group would like to meet at the church you are asked to submit a Building Usage Form to reserve your space.
FPC is Hiring!
Childcare Workers Needed!
With our return to in-person worship on March 7th, we will be moving toward providing a nursery for our youngest disciples ages 0-2nd grade. Please share this employment opportunity!
FPC Lenten Offerings 2021
Outdoor Prayer Stations are ready for you! A self-guided map will lead you through each station. At each station you will be given a prompt, a prayer, or an activity.
Morning Prayer Join Neeley on Monday mornings throughout Lent for a time of prayer at 8:00am. We will participate in centering prayer, guided meditations, the gift of silence, and cooperate prayer. You may join for one Monday or all Mondays during the season of Lent starting February 22 through March 29.
Lent/Easter Organ and Piano Concert March 14 at 4:30pm
Presented by
Alice Walker and Becky Ramsey
You are invited to watch on Facebook or join our Zoom Watch Party!
Introducing Summer Seminary Intern: Courtney Pittman
Courtney is originally from Alpharetta, Georgia and a 2008 graduate of the University of Georgia with dual degrees in Advertising and Spanish. She holds a Masters degree in Foreign Language Education from Augusta State University and taught high school level Spanish before staying home with her two boys, Tripp (6) and Townes (4). Her husband, Dewitt, is an Emergency Room physician in Albany, Georgia, but the family calls Bishop, Georgia home. Courtney is an avid runner, triathlete, reader, and UGA football fan. She is currently serving on Session at First Presbyterian Church of Athens and is a first-year Master of Divinity student at Columbia Theological Seminary.
A Thank you Note from Neeley
Church family, Thank you for the One Year at FPC celebrations last week! The flowers, cards, and socially distanced hugs were a gift to me! It is a joy being your pastor! I am looking forward to what is next for us as a church family and community in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead! We have all been called for such a time as this!
With love and gratitude, Neeley
Faith Formation on Sunday Mornings
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is a casual time of conversation and fellowship. Each week is a stand-alone lesson, so if you miss a week, come back the next! Adult Sunday School meets on Zoom at 9:45am.
Youth Sunday School
Youth Sunday School is led by Pam and Jim Stillerman and offers a time of connection and of studying scripture. Youth Sunday School meets on Zoom at 10:00am. Passcode: AlcovyFit1
Children's Sunday School
Children's Sunday School is offered each week by Dan and Perri Walden.
Sunday school lessons are posted on Facebook and an online link will be available on Sunday mornings each week.
Ways to serve in our community
First United Methodist Food Pantry
Create a volunteer account here if you haven't already, and you can sign up for one of our shifts below. Let me know if you need any help signing up for a shift!
Small Group Ministry Opportunities
Covington YMCA and the City of Covington present: ADULT KICKBALL!
Thursday Nights
starting March 18
If you are interested in playing on our FPC team let us know by March 8th!
Our book study is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community.
Facilitated by Dan Walden
Wednesday evenings 7pm-8pm
Feb. 24, March 3
Parent/Children Workshop:
"I am a Child of God"
Sunday, March 7 at 4pm
During our time together participants will:
- Learn the PCUSA Children's Catechism
- Learn about Baptism
- Hear a read-a-loud of Grace Byer's Book: I Am Enough
- Create self-portraits "Imago Dei"
- Supplies needed: crayons, markers, paper. If you would like to purchase the book please let Neeley know!
This Faith Formation offering will be no more than 30 minutes on zoom. Invite a friend!
Save the Dates
March 16 at 6pm (Zoom)
April 20 at 6pm (Location TBD)
May 18 at 6pm (Location TBD)
Grief Small Group:
Tear Soup "A Recipe for Healing"
"Soup making is an art, and the cook is the artist. Improvising as you go, your only goal is that the blended creation will both satisfy your hunger and soothe what hurts you. What is true about soup making, is also true about grieving. Tear Soup is about a woman named Grandy who has experienced loss, and so she is cooking up her own unique batch of "tear soup." Our FPC Pastoral Care Team wants to provide a space for us all to create our own batches of "Tear Soup" as we grieve various experiences of loss in our lives. Tear Soup provides cooking tips to use in dealing with grief if you are the cook, if your friend is the cook, if a child is the cook, if you are longing to cook with another, and/or if you just want to share in the recipes."
Please keep the following people and their families in your thoughts and prayers this week:
- We give thanks for COVID-19 Vaccines and all able to receive them at this time!
Prayer Updates:
- Prayers for all participating in the 40 miles, 40 days Lenten Walk!
Ongoing Prayers:
- Patsy Freeman, Sister of Judy Davis
- Bill Cobham - recovering from surgery
- Steve Jones (Friend of Alice Walker)
- Guy McGiboney
- Hulda McDonald - health issues (Friend of Judy Davis)
- Susan Fiedler - health issues (Friend of Darcel Tabb)
- Billy Fortson - Progressing slowly from COVID
- Linda Shirley - Knee fracture and other bone issues (Teacher at Flint Elementary)
- Blair Weaver - health issues
- The staff of Piedmont Newton and all frontline workers
- Jane Parker - recovering from a fall
- Betty Lunsford - recovering at home
- Mitchell Wheeler - cancer (nephew of Jack and Miriam Wheeler)
- Sarita Pope - breast cancer (mother-in-law of Elizabeth Martin Pope)
- Nancy Smith - recovering at home (daughter of Betsy and Sandy Morehouse)
- Ginny Elliot - at rehab following a fall (stepmother of Aubrey Evans)
- Beverly Maddox - husband has leukemia (friend of Jean Elder)
- Karen Lein Kaasa - home health care (sister-in-law of Julie MacKenzie)
- Karen Moss - treatment for breast cancer
- Carter MacKenzie - neck injury (son of Julie and Jeff MacKenzie)
- Tom Bass - bone marrow cancer and dialysis (friend of Beth and Danny Vining)
- Wilford Reed - daughter was in car accident; his brother has age-related issues (friend of Jeff MacKenzie)
- Bob Darby - kidney problems (friend of Jeff MacKenzie)
- Sharon Beasley Strickland - tests for oral cancer (classmate of Jeff MacKenzie)
- Joyce Williams - breast cancer treatment and Alzheimer's Disease (Danny Vining's sister)
- Peter Milner - cancer (nephew of Day & Larry Kennon)
- Brandon Massey - blood cancer (grandson of Chuck & Sherry Brasher)
- Carol Baynes - cancer (friend of Phyllis Yoder)
- Sophia Hawley - cystic fibrosis
Military Service
- Koen Ardis - Navy
- Lee Scarborough - Army
Independent Living and Assisted Living:
- Penny Blakeney (home)
- Julia Brubaker (Benton House)
- Jean Elder (in FL with here daughter)
- Dot Fincher (Merryvale)
- Jerry McGaffney (Merryvale)
- Guy McGiboney (Merryvale)
- Travis Moss (Pruitt)
- Betty Robinson (Merryvale)
- Louise White (Merryvale)
Please click below to email Peni to update your prayer requests or send new prayer requests. In your email please indicate if you would like your request to be confidential or added to our prayer list.
Our weekly e-news is a snapshot of what is happening in the near future here at FPC. If you have any questions please call the church office at 770-786-7321, or send us an e-mail HERE.
To view our weekly worship bulletins and monthly newsletters, click HERE.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Stay in touch with your FPC family by logging into REALM where you will find an online directory and up-to-date records of your giving. If you don't already have a login for the site, contact Peni Kehoe at the church office via e-mail HERE.