Footprints Newsletter / September 3rd 2013
In This Issue
2013 Fleet Feet 15K-Run into Buffalo
Sales Going on Now!
Orange Dot Apparel Now 30% Off
No Boundaries
Meet the Professional
Run 4 Good with Saucony
New Products
Special Edition Products
Partner Races
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The September session is 9/19
at 7pm.

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Welcome to FootPrints! 

FF 15K 2013 StartThe 2013 Fleet Feet 15K-Run into Buffalo is in the books.  The race drew 600 runners to the streets of Buffalo starting at Canalside, running up Delaware Avenue and heading back to the finish line in downtown.  The weather reports in the week before the race threatened everything from thunderstorms to heat and humidity. 
For the dozens of volunteers checking in early that morning, light showers and low gray clouds greeted them.  For the 600 runners taking off a 15K run, sun, thick air and humidity challenged them.  The weather conditions definitely made for  some slower times in the 7th running of the Fleet Feet 15K.
The overall winners in the Open Men's Race had #1 from Syracuse - C. Fred Joslyn with a time of 48:22 and #2 from Pennsylvania - Colin Leak  with a time of 49:42.  The 3rd Overall Male was from Buffalo - Chris Walters in a duel with #2 finishing in 49:44.  The overall winners in the Open women's Race also had #1 from the Syracuse area - Laurel Leone in 56:11, 12th overall in the race.  The 2nd and 3rd Overall Female finishers were from Western New York - Jennifer Boerner in 1:00:47 and Kaila Proulx in 1:02:22.
The Fleet Feet 15K did not host the USATF Masters Championship in 2013 yet we still had great running in the Masters Category.  The Male division was lead by Marc Andrews of Rochester in 52:53 and 5th overall followed by 2 WNY runners - Jim Park in 54:39 and Peter Osmond in 55:51.  The Womens Masters field had local runners in #1 - Patricia Hilbert in 1:06:30 and Liz Randell in 1:07:14 with Rebecca Duberry of Rochester taking 3rd in 1:08:14.
FF 15K 2013 1Overall a great race with positive feedback from the runners.  Thanks go out to all the volunteers who came out to support the Fleet Feet 15K-Run into Buffalo.  The young runners from cross-country teams across WNY to members of the running community and others committed to youth fitness - your help on race day makes this event great.  Thanks to our sponsors - Brooks Running, Wegmans and the Buffalo Niagara Sports Commission and our product sponsors - Fat Bob's Smokehouse, Fluid Hydration, Once Again Nut Butters and the Diocese of Buffalo and Kissling Interests for providing the on-course water.
FF 15K 2013 2The runners, the volunteer, our sponsors all influence SOS - Shoes on Students, our not-for-profit initiative to provide new Brooks training shoes to high school runners of need in our community.  From this year's race, we expect to provide 300 new pairs of training shoes - influencing the lives of young athletes.  Again, a BIG Thank YOU!!! 
Watch for photos from our shoe distribution over the next few weeks. 


For a very limited time only all Clif Bar products are on sale! Stock up on Builder's Bars 4 for $5.00, All Clif Bars are 5 for $5, and Shot Bloks are 4 for $5!! We have new flavors and you can mix and match if you want. 
This deal is going on for two weeks only so stock up before September 10th! 

FF Mosaic Divider

Orange Dot Sale!

Ready for some great deals on summer apparel? We are! Stop by and shop our ORANGE DOT SALE starting today. Everything with an orange dot is NOW 30% off. Shop early for the best selection. 

FF Mosaic Divider

Know someone that is trying to get into running?
We have the program for them!

The No Boundaries Fall Program is open for registration!
No Boundaries is a beginner 5K (3.1 miles) training program designed for people who are currently inactive or new to running. While No Boundaries focuses on beginners, all levels of runners are welcome. Work with our dedicated coaches and mentors to help you achieve your goals of running your first 5K. The program is structured to help you cross the finish line in just 12 weeks! Along the way we'll provide you with motivation to keep you moving, guidance and advice, weekly group training runs, and educational clinics on topics such as proper nutrition, choosing the right gear, and avoiding injury. Plus, you'll have the camaraderie of others just like you! For more information on the program visit our website.
The program will be starting Tuesday September 17th.
There will be sessions at Delaware Park and UB North Campus on Tuesday nights at 6PM! The goal race will be the Reindeer Run 5K.

Registration is now open and can be completed online or in-person. 
UB North Campus: Register Online or Paper Registration

An information session will be held: 
Thursday September 5th, 2013, 6:30pm
How No Boundaries can change your life!
How No Boundaries can change your life!

FF Mosaic Divider

Not a beginner, but not quite ready for a half marathon? Finally ready to break your record at the Turkey Trot? Graduated No Boundaries and aren't sure what's next?
Join Fleet Feet Momentum!
This group is for those runners who can run a 5k comfortably and are ready to race the 8K Turkey Trot. This is the next step beyond the No Boundaries program for those looking to progress to the next level. There are no mentors in this group, nor is there a run/walk option. If you are still at the run/walk level we recommend you complete the No Boundaries program again with the run group before moving on to this group. This group is straight running from the get go! Come motivated to carry the MOMENTUM through the finish line!

FF racing logo
Not sure if this is the right program for you? Ask us!

  • Start Date: Monday, September 23, 2013  
  • Goal Race: Turkey Trot 8K - Thursday November 28, 2013
  • Two coaches available by email anytime 
  • Complete training schedule for a full 10 weeks 
  • Monday group runs starting at 6:00pm, from Fleet Feet Sports of Buffalo 
  • Water and Nuun provided on the course for every group run 
  • Discounts for Fleet Feet products 
  • Weekly newsletters
  • Technical Fleet Feet Racing shirt
  • Registration Fees: $75.00
  • The program needs 20 participants to launch and has a maximum participant limit of 50 people.
Meet the Professional

Always wanted to spend some time with a registered dietitian but couldn't afford it? Now is your chance. Sign up for our September Meet the Professional (Saturday 9/21 from 11am-2pm) for a chance to sit down with Melinda Bewley, RD, CDN. and get some of your most important questions answered. 
How should I eat while training? Are there certain foods I should be avoiding? How do I know that I am eating enough? 


FF Mosaic Divider


Join Fleet Feet and Saucony to combat childhood obesity.  
Follow the steps below:

1) Download the App - Run4Good Saucony -


2) Choose your Fleet Feet Sports community store in the profile.
Each location competes on its own so choose Fleet Feet Sports Buffalo.

3) If your store location is one of the top four (4) stores to log the most miles - Saucony will be donating $2,500 to a children's charity in your community! (Tax ID Required)



New Apparel has hit our wall! 
Fall styles are arriving left and right! 

Men, fall comfort's name is Brooks right now. The LSD Lite Jacket is available in a fancy blue and black combination, or in Nightlife orange for those of you who take to the streets after dark. The Nightlife Vest is available as well. Not sure it is jacket weather yet? Try on the Essential Run Vest instead. Not only does it have amazing wind protection, but it has BIG POCKETS. Yes you can hold your cellphone in one pocket and gels in the other. It is the ultimate spring/fall vest for your marathon and half marathon training. Pair it with the Rev LS II shirt and the matching Sherpa Shorts and you are good to go. 

Ladies, Brooks has some amazing new apparel for you as well. That lovely Run Happy Shirt that everyone likes is now available in a long sleeve raspberry color. A perfect pairing to the Infiniti Capri that has a very cool black and grey pattern. Definitely not your average pair of capris. If you are looking for a vest, try on the Essential Run Vest. Tons of storage and clean lines that are flattering on everyone. Jacket lovers don't worry, the LSD Lite Jacket is a perfect fit for this transitional weather and conveniently rolls into its own pocket for storage. 

FF Mosaic Divider

For a limited time only, special edition Balega socks with inspirational messages. Each pair purchased donates $1 to the Breast Cancer Fund. Available only while supplies last.
The Zero Prostate Cancer Run 5K/1 Mile Walk
This race with a great cause is running in Buffalo. Join us September 21st, 2013 at Perry Street near First Niagara Center for the race to help defeat Prostate Cancer. 

Packet pickup will be held at Fleet Feet Sports on Friday, September 20th from 11 AM - 8PM. 

Fleet Feet Sports is committed to FIT, fitness, training and bringing the best to you - every day! Visit our website, Facebook page, Twitter and YouTube to get the latest on what is happening at Fleet Feet Sports every day. We appreciate your confidence in and support of Fleet Feet Sports and look forward to your feedback.    

Run Steady, Run Strong, Run FIT, 

Alice and Dan Loncto & the FIT experts at Fleet Feet Sports
Fleet Feet Sports Buffalo

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