Wednesday, May 20, 2020 | Volume X, Issue XXXII
News, Announcements, & Success Stories
Cordova High celebrates Class of 2020 graduates in a car parade
Cordova High School seniors came back to campus last week, to be celebrated by staff and local dignitaries in a safe and socially distanced way. Nearly every senior student came to school in a car parade that lasted from 9 am to 1 pm. Seniors and their families decorated cars and rolled onto campus, and past a line of teachers holding signs and cheering for them. They were given their cap and gown, and diploma covers by the teachers and the CHS Ornamental Horticulture department made bouquets for all the students as well.
Shout out to our community partners for helping make the day so special.
The City of Rancho Cordova and Rancho Cordova PD
handed out swag bags for all the seniors, and gave each student a customized face mask with the Lancer logo and graduation yard sign. Plus the city put up custom banners on the light posts, proudly announcing CHS graduates. Drive by the school to see them!
What did students and participants have to say about the day? Here are some of their words below:
Words cannot express how truly proud and honored I am to work with our teachers and staff... standing together as we clapped, cheered, and praised our seniors was so incredibly powerful - to see the happiness in our families was an experience I will never forget. Given the daily challenges we work through to support our deserving students is inspiring and the intentional approach to lifting up our seniors through this celebration made all the difference.
" ~Jerad Hyden, Principal CHS
"I value our partnership and I am very happy that we could participate in celebrating our graduating students."
~Cyrus Abhar, City Manager
This was such a special event put on by the school. It was truly an honor to be able to be part of it from the PTSA and as a senior parent. I really appreciate all that the staff has done for the students.
" ~Darla Murphy, PTSA President and parent of a senior
The fact that the staff put this together for these kids was amazing. Thank you all for adding that special touch for the Class of 2020 especially for those who won't be able to walk the stage because their next station in life will have already started and they will be gone. This was the best possible outcome for all involved. Thank you Cordova HS Staff and Faculty for this heartwarming experience.
" ~Faith Harris, parent of a senior
The drive-thru made me feel bittersweet because it was a reminder of a near end to a huge chapter. My favorite part was seeing all the proud teachers and finding a way to celebrate in a time of uncertainty. I love CHS because diversity and culture are unique and hard to find
." ~Gerlyn Hinahon, CHS student
My favorite part about the drive-through celebration was witnessing a close family compromising of teachers, administrators, and staff honoring the class of 2020. The environment and atmosphere were such a cohesive bond with posters, decorations, and awards. Witnessing Cordova High represented as a family was an amazing sight. The complete scale and symbolism of the celebration are forever embedded as one of the most memorable experiences at Cordova High School
." ~Matthew Hontz, CHS student
I felt joy seeing all the smiling eyes, tears filled with emotion, and the Cordova Pride exhibited by students, staff, families, and the community. I am humbled by the amount of gratitude families expressed and the enthusiasm of our staff
." ~Heidy Naderi, CHS Administrative Assistant
My favorite part about yesterday's event was being able to congratulate our students!! It was hard not to give them a HUGE high five or hug because they deserve it!! I really liked seeing them smile and seeing them feel proud of what they had accomplished.
" ~Michael Wegsteen, CHS Math Teacher
For me, CHS has been a place where I feel I belong and a place that legitimately makes a difference. I love that we provide a program with IB that I feel advances a student's ability to learn. I love that I teach a class in which I can see evidence of student growth. I love being part of a school with a long tradition. I love knowing staff that does a lot to enhance students' lives and truly serve our students
." ~Jennifer Old, CHS Social Science Teacher
I love how resilient our students and staff are. I get to connect with amazing students and help them grow into adults. We grow through challenges together and it creates and stronger community then I've seen at other campuses
." ~Kelly Samuelson, CHS Science Teacher:
My favorite part was seeing my colleagues and students in person and being able to wave and yell hello and see the kids' smiles. I saw all seven of my advanced French students and a number of my TOK kids too, which made my day. I love the CHS community and how caring and genuine everyone is. The Lancer Family is hands down the best!
" ~Stephanie Maddrell, CHS World Language Teacher
All of our high schools are planning a drive-through celebration for their graduating class of 2020, and will be taking place in the upcoming days. We will share and celebrate, so please stay tuned!
CHS teacher Josh Creeger this week's SEVA Teacher of the Week!
Josh Creeger of Cordova High School in the Folsom Cordova District is this week's SEVA Teacher of the Week. Cordova High School holds a special place in Mr. Creeger's heart as he is an alumni of the school.
This passion for the school comes across clearly when you see all the work he puts in to helping the school community on multiple levels. While he is a science teacher at heart, Mr. Creeger's fervent spirit has led him to teach media production as well as take on the job of activities director. It is inspirational to watch how he helps strengthen his students' education, as well as the entire campus community. He strives to give his students opportunities that he didn't have when he was a student there, especially through media education. After attending his excellent media production classes, several of his students have gone on to work in video production for the Folsom Cordova Unified School District as well as for SECC.
During this time of distance learning, he has spent countless hours working to ensure that the Cordova High School 2020 Graduates have the celebration they deserve. Thank you, Mr. Creeger for being an example of what true dedication and passion are all about.
Check out the SEVA video here!
~Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium
FCUSD plans for the 2020/21 school year:
As we near the finish of the 2019/20 school year, our families, students, and staff are looking ahead to the start of the 2020/21 school year and wondering what that will look like. Our community, like your leadership team, is paying close attention to decisions being made now by other school districts and by higher educational institutions, such as the CSU and Los Rios college systems, both of whom announced to start their fall semesters with distance learning.
We are following daily the guidance set forth by public health agencies, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC),
and their recommendations for opening schools. We are working with the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) for guidance, and are discussing with them the resources we will need for the start of the next school year.
While we cannot know what the months ahead will look like in relation to the COVID-19 situation, we can plan for a variety of scenarios so we are ready to start schools, with the best learning options and conditions for both students and staff, depending on the environmental situation.
As we gather information and resources from our county and state, we will also be sending our families and staff a survey to gather your input, so we can make decisions for FCUSD that will be best for our students. We are committed to keeping you informed of the timeline of decision making and want and need your participation in this process.
At the next Board Meeting, May 21, we will provide an update of what information we have and next steps in the process for determining options for the start of the next school year. No decisions are being made on May 21. This is an opportunity to present information to the Board and the public. After the May 21 Board Meeting, we will be sending our families and staff a survey, outlining possible options, so we can gather your feedback.
- Survey to staff will go out May 22
- Survey to families will go out May 26
We are facing an unprecedented challenge, but we are a strong community of educators and families, committed to academic excellence and keeping our students safe. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to hearing your thoughts and voice as we figure out together, the best way to serve our students.
Highlighted and upcoming dates:
May 22: Survey to FCUSD staff for 2020/21 school reopening planning
May 26: Survey to FCUSD families for 2020/21 school reopening planning
May 28: Last day of school
-Angela Griffin Ankhelyi,
Director, Communication and Community Engagement
Board of Education: Transition to By-Trustee Area Elections
The Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD) currently elects its Board of Education members through an at-large election system. Under this system, candidates for the Board of Education can reside anywhere within FCUSD's district boundaries. All voters within the District boundaries vote to elect each member of the school board. When elections are by-trustee area, the District is divided into smaller regions. The residents in each region vote for the candidate of their choice from their area but do not vote on candidates running for the school board in other regions.
On our website you will find detailed information, including an interactive map, showing the different scenarios for proposed districting:
· May 21: Regular Board Meeting; 5:00 p.m.(closed session), 6:00 p.m.(open session)
Upcoming and important dates
While we know there are a lot of activities taking place at school sites, as we close out this school year, we want to make sure you were aware of some dates that apply to all staff and families.
Thursday, May 21: Virtual Board Meeting
Topics on the agenda include:
Public Hearing: Public is Invited to Provide Input Regarding the Content of Draft Map(s) and the Proposed Sequence of Elections, if applicable, for By-District Elections
Budget Update: The Impact of the Governor's May Revise for 2020-21
Information Item: School Reopening Updates for 20/21
Friday, May 22: Survey to staff regarding reopening schools 2020/21
Gathering input for staffing purposes is important as we design various options next school year
Tuesday, May 26: Survey to families, regarding reopening schools 2020/21
Family input is critical for designing options for safe and high-quality instruction next year
Thursday, May 28: Last day of school
COVID-19 updates: Please continue to visit our website at:
FCUSD is hiring: Find open positions here
Education Technology Coordinator
Speech Language Pathologist Pool (Signing Bonus Offered)
frequently for the most up-to-date postings throughout the year!
Board of Education: May 21, 2020
The FCUSD Board of Education will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, May 21.
Agendas are posted online the Friday before each regularly scheduled meeting.
This week's agenda item include:
Budget Update: The Impact of the Governor's May Revise for 2020-21
Information Item:
School Reopening Updates for 20/21
A video broadcast of the Board meetings can be found here.
All agendas can be found