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CL Meetings
September 2-9 Planning Week
September 19
Franciscan-Clarian Spirituality
Zoom -August 28
General Commission
 Sept 15-16, Tampa, FL
Assembly Planning Committee (APC) Zoom - Sept 25
Associate Advisory Committee
Sept 28 - Oct 1, Tampa, FL

Allegany - Oct 7-8
New Jersey - Oct 21-22
Florida - Oct 21-22
Jamaica - Oct 28-29
Brazil - Nov 2-5
Board of Directors
Oct 9-14, Allegany

Issue 5.15
August 28, 2017
Transitus Celebration in Jamaica 

The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany in Jamaica were joined by Associates, Sisters from the Franciscan Missionary Sisters, Fr. Thomas Dynetius, and friends to celebrate the first Transitus of St. Clare on August 10, 2017. The Transitus began with the song "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" with Margaret Jarrett playing the part of Francis and Sr .Maureen Clare playing Clare. A mirror, with the San Damiano Cross affixed to it, was placed before the altar and participants processed up to it to meditate on how their life was a reflection of the life of our crucified Lord. 

2017 LCWR Assembly: Being the Presence of Love: The Power of Transformation
By: Margaret Magee OSF

   The theme of this recent LCWR Assembly, Being the Presence of Love, was very inviting. To me it spoke of God's invitation to come, to enter into a contemplative space, to listen, and to dialogue with other leaders. The LCWR Assemblies for these past few years have been using this practice of contemplative engagement and deepening groups as a way to engage women religious leaders in a process to share more deeply with one another and others. This process calls us be more attentive, responsive, and trusting to the call of the Spirit as we move into an unknown future. This process also calls us to move from the individual "I" to the communal "We" in responding to God's call.
   This particular Assembly offered an additional connection for us as Allegany Franciscans. One of the keynote presenters was Dr. Christopher Pramuk. Christopher is a university professor, theologian, a Merton scholar, and the nephew of our own Sr. Chris M. Doherty. At the beginning of Christopher's presentation, as he was sharing his own personal background, he spoke of the positive influence that women religious have had on his life and faith journey, specifically mentioning Sr. Chris by name.
   A printable copy of the presentation by Christopher Pramuk is available here by clicking the link: Will the Circle Be Unbroken? Leaning into the Mystery of Resurrection Faith.
A printable copy of the Presidential Address by Mary Pellegrino, CSJ is available here by clicking the link: The Future Enters Us Long Before It Happens: Opening Space for an Emerging Narrative of Communion.
   During the days of the LCWR Assembly, tensions escalated between the governments of the U.S. and the People's Republic of Korea. The 650 sisters present at the assembly in Orlando, FL, issued a public statement imploring President Donald J. Trump to engage in dialogue and negotiation. Read the full statement by clicking on this link: LCWR Assembly Statement on the US-People's Republic of Korea Crisis.
   LCWR Assembly DVDs and CDs have been ordered and an email will be sent with further information about obtaining copies. 
Canticle Farm "Farm to Table Dinner" set for September 9, 2017

   Canticle Farm is gearing up once again for its annual "Farm to Table Dinner", a fundraising event that serves up a four-course gourmet meal using food straight from its own fields and other local sources. 
   Now in its ninth year, the Farm to Table event provides not only food but education, tours, live entertainment, massages, and a chance to meet area producers. 
   The event is much more than a fundraiser - although it is the only major one the farm holds. It is a celebration of the farm's year, a social gathering to educate the public on sustainable living, and a way to make people aware of what Canticle Farm has to offer.
   " The members of the committees, the staff, share holders and volunteers
all work together to make this event possible. Without their tremendous
support, our only, major fundraiser wouldn't happen," said Canticle Farm President Sr. Melissa Scholl. " Pray for good weather, everyone!"
  The Farm to Table Dinner will be held Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the farm's 3835 South Nine Mile Road, Allegany, location. Tickets for the event are available at the farm, or online here. For more information visit the Canticle Farm website

Franciscan Action Network stands in support of DACA and TPS

Dear Sisters and Friends,

   For over a week young people and their families from across the country have been standing vigil in front of the White House for 24 hours a day. Day after day, they collect petition signatures and talk with passersby and tourists about why they are there: to gain the attention of the Trump administration and demand protection of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) and the Temporary Protection Status (TPS) programs.
   On September 5, 2017, the Trump Administration could decide to end DACA and put young people at risk of deportation, tearing many families apart. In the final days leading up to this deadline, Franciscan Action Network and other faith-based partners have proposed a week of fasting and prayer in support of the vigil-ers. From August 30 to September 5 we will be fasting, praying, and continuing to bring attention to DACA and TPS.
   These young people are passionate Americans and they need our support and assistance. Just this week, a statement was released saying, "For these young people, DACA means the ability to work and go to school without fear of deportation and dream of a better future - for their families and for our country."
   Show Dreamers you believe in them by signing up to fast between August 30-September 5. As another action of solidarity, we invite you to sign on to this petition urging the President to protect DACA and U.S. Congress to pass the DREAM Act.

Peace and All Good,
Patrick Carolan
FAN Executive Director

Where there is despair, hope
By: Lilian Cristina Pinheiro OSF
 The following is the fourth in a series of reflections by the Franciscan-Clarian Spirituality Committee on the Peace Prayer of St. Francis. These reflections will be shared in future editions of the e-newsletter. 

  Etymologically, hope means "trust in something positive." It is a dynamic waiting, a time dedicated to building something of larger greatness, an advent. In postmodern society, hope has been replaced by immediate gratification, by consumption. Despair is not being able to acquire a product in a short time or discovering that there are no human solutions to many painful situations in life.
   Bringing hope to the world today is to leave the world of concrete materialism and move to the world of feelings which are able to lead to concrete works. It is to accept the love of Christ, who patiently awaits us with open arms and welcomes us. It was from this encounter with the Crucified One, Who pours out love from the cross, that Francis came to have "perfect charity and firm hope." It is love that fills us totally and definitively, that helps us endure adversity and continue on.

Franciscan Sisters celebrate 88 years at St. Paul Catholic School
Submitted by: Joan Carberry OSF   

   On August 9, 2017, the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany began their 88th year at St. Paul Catholic School in St. Petersburg, FL. Pictured are Sisters Joan Carberry and Kathleen Stagnaro with some of the second, third, and fourth generation students. The Franciscan charism is as alive today in both the school and the parish as it was in 1930 when Mother Joan and four Allegany Franciscan Sisters arrived to open the school.  
All praise be Yours, Our Lord, for Brother Sun and Sister Moon together

   The Sisters at St Clare's in Tampa, FL, shared a pair of special glasses to see the eclipse on Monday, August 21. Guests from the office building next door came out and enjoyed the special event with the sisters. 

Upcoming deadlines:
Submissions are not guaranteed publication. All submissions will be edited prior to inclusion, 
and may be held for future use if deemed appropriate

September 6, 2017 - First September edition e-newsletter
September 15, 2017 - Fall edition Allegany Connections
September 20, 2017 - Second September edition e-newsletter