October 2019 
In This Issue
Message from Principal Langer
All is well at GDS!  Things seem to be settling in strong, our students are enjoying starting the day with advisory, and everyone seems to appreciate the calmer schedule.  We will continue to tweak our schedule over the next couple of years.

I would like to talk a little bit this month about students and appointments, etc.  When students need to leave school early or change their transportation home, we ask that you please send a note with your student in the morning.  We understand that sometimes things change in a day, and a phone call is needed. Our problem is not with your phone calls in, our problem is getting students down to the office to pick up notes, or learn of alternate transportation in a timely manner.   We have students in music classes all day, in PE classes all day, passing time, lunch, etc. It is hard for us to do all school announcements because of these, shall we say, louder classes! It seems easy to maybe call down students from individual classes, but when we have 30 to 50 of them each day, that is near impossible.  So, yes, we understand that sometimes you will need to call and have a switch, but we are asking that you please try and send a note, and the earlier the better! I am sure you would all be shocked to know that the more announcements in a day we have, the more our middle school students are able to tune them out!

Here is to a great fall month at GDS!  We hope that October brings some perfect outdoor weather for our students to enjoy.

Office Hours
Monday through Thursday:  7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Friday:  7:30 am - 3:45 pm
Back to School Smiles! Dental Clinic at School on Thursday, October 03, 2019
Bridging Brighter Smiles is holding their next dental clinic at Glacial Drumlin School on
Thursday, October 03, 2019
It is not too late to enroll!  Get your smiles back to school ready!  
Sign up online at:
Professional Dental Services Provided Right at School Include:
  • Oral Screening
  • Dental Cleaning
  • Fluoride Varnish Application
  • Dental Sealant Placement
  • Oral Health Education
  • Referral Assistance
Forward Health (BadgerCare) Accepted!
(Other Private Dental Insurance Not Accepted)
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care?  Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email: coordinator@bbsmiles.org

Congratulations Officer Jess
Village of Cottage Grove Police Officer Jessica Helgeland received the First Responder of the Year Award from 46th Assembly Representative Gary Hebl at Glacial Drumlin Middle School for her efforts as a School Resource Officer for Cottage Grove and the Monona Grove School District. Officer Helgeland was nominated by Chief Dan Layber for her overall body of work at promoting safety in the schools, counseling students, preventing little issues from becoming larger  issues, working tirelessly to develop bonds with students of all types, and being an effective police presence in the schools forging bonds with parents, community members, elected officials, students and staff. The 99 assembly districts in the state are all recognizing a first responder from Fire, Police and EMS for their efforts, and a Hometown Hero ceremony will be held at the State Capitol on October 10. Please join us in congratulating Officer Helgeland for her well deserved award.
News from the Nurse
Meningitis Parent Letter
English Version
Spanish Version
Need to leave school early....
Please send a note with your student to drop off first thing in the morning to the school office.  We will issue them a pass.
Update personal information
Please update any personal information such as work phone, email, etc...through the Infinite Campus Portal.
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Destination Imagination  (DI) grades 5-8  is a creative problem-solving program open to grades 5-8. Students work together on a team of up to 7 members to test many ideas and create their best solution with a Challenge Problem. Teams usually meet once a week. The team meetings usually begin in October and will end with competition at a Regional Tournament in March. Application in English   click here .  Application in Spanish click here .

The Science Olympiad is a team STEM competition for 7th & 8th graders using a variety of intellectual and practical scientific skills. The Glacial Drumlin team will have the opportunity to participate in two competitions. An information meeting will be held in October for interested students.  Applications and info here.  Practices will be held once per week November to March.
PTO News
PTO Meeting Dates
The GDS PTO meets at 5:30 pm the first Thursday of each month in the conference room of the GDS office. Meetings are an excellent opportunity to find out what's gong on at GDS from the principal and ask questions. Meetings last no more than an hour. Hope to see you there.   2019-2020 meeting dates: October 3, November 7, January 2, February 6, March 5, April 9, May 7.  Find more information about the PTO on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Glacial-Drumlin-School-PTO-166614183528542/

Holiday Craft Fair
The GDS Holiday Craft Fair is Saturday, December 7. Mark your calendars for this fun event - the school gym and hallways are packed with vendors, students perform on the stage in the commons and there are concessions. This event is one of PTO's largest fundraisers so please come join in the fun.

SCRIP sales
PTO's other main fundraiser is the sale of SCRIP cards. If you're unfamiliar with the program, it's pretty easy. You buy gift cards from the PTO at face value and the vendors give the PTO a percentage of the sale. You can find more information here:   https://app.peachjar.com/flyers/808759/schools/37855    or on our Facebook page   https://www.facebook.com/Glacial-Drumlin-School-PTO-166614183528542/

PBIS Calendar
Click HERE for calendar.
Support the MGEF Innovation Grants
Please join us in the Celebration of this year's MGEF Innovation Grant Winners. On November 2, 2019, the MGEF will host its Annual Celebration at the Eastside Club to honor the 2018-19 Innovation Grant winners. The MGEF will be honoring these ten recipients with a short  video montage highlighting their grants , an interactive presentation of one of the winners and our Featured Speaker, Jennifer Goodnough, who is also a grant winner. The primary funding source of these grants is the Annual Celebration. Each year the MGEF earmarks $10,000 for the next year's Innovation Grants. These grants go directly to the MGSD team to help support innovation within each school. The Innovation Grants have been used as pilot programs (like rocker chairs), for teachers to attend seminars, purchase new equipment (such as a paint sprayer for H.S. Art dept.) and enhance maker spaces. 

Tickets and/or Sponsorships can be purchased HERE.

Photo:  Last year's honorees
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mark your calendars for Parent-Teachers Conferences scheduled for Wednesday, November 6 and Wednesday, November 13.  Teachers will send out an invitation to schedule your conference via Sign Up Genius.  We're looking forward to seeing parents on those evenings at school.  
Student Admittance to School Sponsored Athletic Events
Students must have their picture ID to be able to attend any home athletic events at the HS or GDS.
School Nutrition Department
Breakfast and lunch menus are available HERE.
Click HERE for Free and Reduced application and FAQ.
If your student will be absent from school for any reason, call the attendance line 24/7 at 608.839.8437 press 2.

If your child has a fever (>100 degrees), is vomiting, has diarrhea, has a rash you do not know the cause of, or has a communicable disease do not send them to school -  keep them home until they are 24 hours vomit/diarrhea/fever free without medication.  
GDS Visitors & Volunteers
If you are planning to  help in the classroom or accompany your child on a field trip, you must complete the Online Volunteer Form.  
If you are visiting GDS during regular school hours, please be prepared with your driver's license or state issued ID.  For more information on the district's Raptor Visitor Management System click HERE.  
After School Classes/Clubs
Click HERE for Cottage Grove information/offerings.

Click HERE for Monona information/offerings.


October 3
GDS PTO Meeting  5:30 pm
at GDS in office
October 4
Picture Re-take Day

October 9
School Board Mtg 7 pm
at District Office

October 31
 No School

November 1
No School

November 2
MGEF Annual Celebration

November 5
6-12 Grade Choral Festival
7 pm at MGHS

November 6
Parent Teacher Conferences

November 7
GDS PTO Meeting 5:30 pm
at GDS in office

November 13
Parent Teacher Conferences

School Board Mtg 7 pm
at District Office

November 18
7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Concert 7 pm at GDS

November 20
7th & 8th Grade Band  Concert 7 pm at GDS

December 9
6th Grade Band & Orchestra Concert 7 pm  at GDS

December 11
School Board Mtg 7 pm
at District Office

6-8 Grade Choir Concert
6th at 6:45 pm
7th & 8th at 7:30 pm
at GDS

December 17
GDS Jazz Band/Sizzling Strings/Show Choir Concert 7 pm at GDS