December 2016
In This Issue
Message from Ms. Tennant
As we welcome the month of December, let's make it our mission to share as much peace and goodwill as we can muster.   Tis' the season to practice random acts of kindness.   Thanks to the generosity of the Cottage Grove and Monona GDS families for supporting the Giving Project.  A special thanks to Nichole Carlisle, GDS social worker, for her assistance in the process and to PTO for selling Scrip cards at concerts to support the project.
It's a busy time for families and the school staff with lots of special events and celebration.   The month begins with our very own Holiday Festival at Glacial Drumlin School on Saturday, December 3 from 9:00 to 3:00 sponsored by PTO.   Thanks to Jean Williams, PTO parent for her fabulous leadership.  This is an event for all with a variety of arts and crafts, family fun with fire engine and horse drawn carriage rides, a visit from Santa, the book fair, a kids craft room, and lots of holiday cheer!  
Take note of the line up of special concerts on December 7, 8, 12 and 19. Don't miss this festive opportunity.    
This Friday, December 2,  is an inservice day for staff.  Remember, this is a non-school day for students.  Our inservice will provide time for teacher collaboration to support our school improvement goals with a focus on differentiation to reach the range of learners, applications of reading strategies in content areas, and work on common assessments.   
    On the staffing front, we are experiencing a change in our administrative team.  Congratulations to Shelby Steel on her new assignment as the District Equity Coordinator.  We've appreciated Shelby's contributions during her time at GDS.  We will welcome Nate Verhage as our new Dean of Students on December 12.  Nate is an experienced educator who is currently serving as a dean of students at LaFollette High School.  His background and experience will support our ongoing work on prevention, intervention, and restorative practices.
As we come to the end of 2016, we realize how much we have to be grateful for within our student body.  As a staff, we appreciate the leadership of our students in many important areas of school life. The special efforts of the Glacial Drumlin Circle Keepers has been a real bonus for our GDS community.  Thanks to Jesse from the YWCA, Shelby Steel, and Nichole Carlisle for their work with this group.
The Circle Keepers mission is to support students in resolving conflict and to build community through problem solving, understanding one another, and respecting different perspectives.  In talking with Circle Keepers they offered valuable insights regarding their work.   Autumn Grebe shared her support for the circle process stating, "it helps students avoid more punishing consequences and keeps them in school."  Chloe Henry shared that "it makes sense to use this process because students have a better chance to learn from their mistakes."  Brooke Vang feels the process is valuable because "it gives students a voice."  On behalf of the GDS community, special shout out and thanks to the GDS Circle Keepers  for their ongoing work to keep the peace at GDS!  

The Following students are Circle Keepers at GDS

8th Grade
Kiera Ellefson, Luka Simpson, Kyra Carviou, Matthew Koenig, Ethan Meulemans, Jacob Dockter, Emma Elsberry-Tenebruso, Autumn Grebe, Samantha Klinke, Anabelle Vesperman 

7th Grade
Liam O'Connor, Diana Xiong, Mika Bush, Quindlen Anderson, Lisa Yang, M Von Allmen, Chloe Henry, Mia Gronsky, Rylee Kordela, Marianna Garey, Ty Taylor  

Congratulations November Optimists Club Students of the Month 
Back Row:  Sophia Rose, Adrian Roach, Adam Zell, Isaiah Erb, Alex Sievert Matthew Koenig
Front Row:  Elena Kozich, Holden Truman, Alexis Vang, Breleigh Loushine, Kamryn Johnson
GDS Red Hawk Focus Theme for December is Respect!

Family Reminders
The next Progress Grade Report for all grade levels will be posted to the portal on or about December 22 nd.  Your student's grading summary can be viewed in the portal any time.  Click on "Grades" in the left column.  Any grades in ' yellow' are "In-Progress".  In-Progress grades are continuously being updated as assignments are graded and entered by teachers.  Grades in ' green' are "Final Grades" posted to a grade report. The grading task called "Progress Grade" is the Knowledge and Skills grade at the half-way point in the term.

Please have your student bring a note to the office if they will be leaving school during the day for appointments, or going out of town.  Students will be given a pass to excuse them from class avoiding additional classroom interruptions.

Be sure to check the lost and found table.  Remaining lost and found items will be donated to a local charity during winter break.
Important Dates for 8th Grade Families
Course Registration Timeline for 2017-2018
Important dates for 8th grade students and their families:
  • January 10:  Course handbook will be posted to Monona Grove High School website
  • January 17-19:  School counselors will meet with eighth grade students at Glacial Drumlin School
  • January 30Future Freshmen Night at Monona Grove High School. Begins at 5:45 pm with an Activities and Athletics Fair in the commons followed by a short program.  Families will then have an opportunity to visit elective classrooms.
  • February 2-3:  Current eight grade students make course selections in Infinite Campus

WinterFest Info from Mr. Kamoku
Thursday, December 22, 2016, marks the 9th Annual Glacial Drumlin WinterFest celebration.  We will have all sorts of activities including, music, movies, crafts, games, ice skating and, yes, a dodgeball tournament among other events. All students wanting to participate in WinterFest will need to continue to meet the academic and behavior expectations.
Students who do not meet the academic or behavioral expectations as determined by their teachers and administration from December 1 to December 22, will not be able to participate in WinterFest.
PTO Holiday Festival and Craft Fair
Saturday, December 3rd
9 am to 3 pm
Glacial Drumlin School

The Glacial Drumlin PTO invites you to the Holiday Festival Saturday, December 3 from 9:00 to 3:00 at the Glacial Drumlin School. Activities for the whole family including: over 50 local crafter's and vendors, visit with Santa, fire truck and horse-drawn wagon rides, kid's craft room, historical society display, Girl Scout treats, ice cream from the MG gymnastics team and lots of hot food! We hope to see you there!

Quarter 1 Honor Roll
What is Mindfulness?
By Emily McKee, GDS Guidance Counselor

  Mindfulness has become a trendy word these days. We hear about its use in public schools, in the Madison police department, the US Army, the Marines, in hospitals, in professional workplaces...the list goes on. But what exactly IS mindfulness, and why are so many businesses and institutions turning to mindfulness practices?

Let's start with what it's NOT. Mindfulness is NOT a religion or a religious practice. Mindfulness is NOT meditation. Mindfulness is NOT the absence of thought.

So what is mindfulness? Jon Kabat-Zinn, a scientist and doctor who developed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in the 1970's, defines mindfulness as the "awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally."  Mindfulness is learning to sit with our own personal experiences and recognize all of the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that come along with them. Mindfulness is accepting each experience for what it is, without passing judgement. Mindfulness is purposefully bringing attention to our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

Multiple studies conducted over the past 30 years support that mindfulness practices can reduce stress and anxiety while increasing focus and compassion. Research specific to mi
ndfulness in schools also shows encouraging results for this work.

You can find a "research round up" compiled by the University of California Berkeley here:

Information about mindfulness in local Madison schools can be found here:

A feature article in the Atlantic about mindfulness in the classroom can be found here:

The Journal for Positive Psychology published a controlled trial of mindfulness in schools that can be read here:

Glacial Drumlin School Traffic Reminders
As winter months approach here are some friendly reminders to all families about Glacial Drumlin School traffic expectations.  With your help we will be able to create a SAFE environment, and a fast and efficient student drop-off and pick-up experience.
  • Supervision begins at 7:30 am at GDS.   Students are dismissed to their first class at 7:53 am.  Please keep busy traffic patterns in mind when determining your family's morning drop-off schedule.  Students are expected to be in class by 8:00 am.
  • Student Drop-off and Pick-up is located along the curb by the Main Office ONLY.  Cars dropping off/picking-up students should pull as far forward as possible.  GDS Supervision Staff will be available to assist with reminding drivers of this expectation and assisting students.
  • Parents/Guardians dropping-off or picking-up students should enter GDS grounds via the North driveway (along the softball diamonds), travel past the GDS playground, and pull as far forward as possible along the Main Office curb.  The Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up location is clearly marked in yellow. Do NOT park in yellow lines before 7:30 am Instead, use designated parking stalls.
  • The  middle driveway is for staff use only. Do NOT use this road to drop off or pick up your child as that creates a safety concern when kids are crossing without an adult.

Bus drop-off and pick-up along with students that bike is located along the curb of the lower parking lot.  It is clearly marked as a Bus Loading/Unloading Zone.   Please do NOT park in the lower parking lot to pick-up your child.  This is a safety concern.  Remind your child that they must walk their bikes across the crosswalk and on the sidewalks on school grounds. Students may only lock bikes in designated bike racks located on the bike pads. 
After-school Classes/Club at GDS
Chess Club:
Chess Anyone???
Are you interested in chess? Chess players with all levels of experience are welcome to participate in the Chess Club. Students will learn the rules and strategies of chess while playing games with each other.
Chess Club is a free program. The club will meet on Mondays, November 28 - March 13th, in the Glacial Drumlin School Community Room from 3:30-5:00 pm. Students from Monona may take the late bus to the high school (it will drop off by 5:45 pm at MGHS).
Bring a snack and enjoy the fun!!!!
Club schedule as follows:
November 28th
December 5th, 12th, and 19th
January 9th, 23rd, and 30th
February 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th
March 6th and 13 th
2017 GDS Ski/Snowboard Club
The Cottage Grove Parks and Recreation Department in partnership with Glacial Drumlin School will once again be offering an after school Ski/Snowboard club. More details can be found at the Cottage Grove Parks and Recreation Office! Each trip is limited to 30 participants. Skiing and non-skiing chaperones needed.
TRIP #1   Friday, January 27 - Cascade Mountain
3:30 pm-10:45 pm (Bus departs from Glacial Drumlin 3:30pm sharp) 
Grades:  5th - 8th Grade (Limit 30 Participants)
Registration Deadline: Noon, Wednesday, January 25th
Cost:    $41 Lift and Bus Only  OR  $51 Lift/Bus and Rentals
TRIP #2   Friday, February 10th - Devil's Head
3:30 pm-11:00 pm (Bus departs from Glacial Drumlin 3:30pm sharp) 
Grades:  5th - 8th Grade (Limit 30 Participants)
Registration Deadline: Noon, Wednesday, February 8th
Cost:    $42 Lift and Bus Only OR $52 Lift/Bus and Rentals
TRIP #3   Friday, February 24th - Cascade Mountain
3:30 pm - 10:45 pm (Bus departs from Glacial Drumlin 3:30pm sharp) 
Grades:  5th - 8th Grade (Limit 30 Participants)
Registration Deadline: Noon, Wednesday, February 22nd
Cost:    $41 Lift and Bus Only OR $51 Lift/Bus and Rentals
SAVE....  TRIP #1, #2 & #3
Cost: $108 Lift and Bus only OR $138 Lift/Bus and Rentals
Min dfulness and Movement Club
You are invited to join the mindfulness movement club! Participants will kick off each meeting with a short yoga practice, then learn about brain chemistry and function, and finish with a hands-on mindfulness activity. Practicing mindfulness has been linked to decreased anxiety, decreased stress, increased focus and attention, and decreased emotional reactivity. Bring an open mind, curiosity, and creativity. Yoga mats and props will be provided.
Cost: $35 Per Participant
Days: Wednesday's 3:30 - 5:00 PM 
Location: Community Room

Session 1: January 11 th - March 1 st (No class Feb. 22) - 7 Weeks
Session 2: April 12 th - May 31 st (No class May 24) - 7 Weeks

Minimum Participants: 10
Maximum Participants: 15
Co-ed Middle School Ultimate Frisbee Club
Games: Various Locations - on Saturday mornings
Practices: Location TBD
Dates: April 10th - June 3rd  
Grades: 5th - 8th Grade  
Cost: $40 Village resident
Registration Deadline: March 18th  
Join the first year of the Big 10 Middle School Ultimate Frisbee league. Teams will compete against other area communities. Try one of the fastest growing team sports.  Participants learn teamwork and sportsmanship, while being active. All participants receive a team jersey. Highlights: game locations will vary throughout the season.
GDS Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books is here.  Battle of the Books is a voluntary, competitive reading program.  Students sign up in teams and read the books on their grade level list. Then they compete against other teams to see which team can answer more questions about the books.  Battle of the Books is a fun, easy way to share books with your friends in a competitive environment.

If you are interested in Battle of the Books now is the time to get your team together.  Teams can have three or four members from the same grade.  To sign up join the Battle of the Books Google classroom. See Ms. Schmidt in the library for your class code . Sign your team up by January 15th. Our competitions will take place in March and April. Date TBA.  Any questions please, contact Ms. Schmidt in the IMC.
Youth Night with MG Boys Hockey
The MG Hockey Team would like to invite all staff and students to Youth Night on Sat., December 10 at Hartmeyer Ice Arena. The MG Varsity team will face off against Stoughton at 8:00 pm. JV game starts at 6:00 pm. MG Booster will be giving away Schoep's ice-cream, hot dogs, popcorn and a choice of one select beverage to all students. Patriots players - wear your jersey! Come to the rink and support your MG skaters!!

Foster Families Needed
"In a given week, 35 teenagers need a foster home. They make up two-thirds of children in need of a foster home. Over 60% are children of color. We do not have enough foster homes for teenagers and are fast reaching a crisis. 

Our teens need positive role models who can guide them to adulthood. Our teens need foster parents.  Would you consider becoming a foster parent for one of our teens?  Do you know someone who is willing and able to make a huge impact in a teen's life?  Call 242-6333 to take the first step in becoming a foster parent."
Early Learning Fair - Monday, Feb 6th
On Monday, February 6th, 2017 Together 4 Kids, the Monona Grove School District will hold its annual Early Learning Fair and Registration at Nichols School (MG District Office) in Monona. This event is a free service to families of pre-school children. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with a professional to share information about their child's development and to register for the 2017-2018 T4K program.   Registration information will be sent to families in mid December.  Parents should call the Early Education Office at 839-2113 to schedule an appointment upon receipt of registration materials.  If you have any new neighbors with young children aged birth to 4 ½, please have them call Gina in the Early Education Office at 839-2113.
Middle Years December
English Version
Spanish Version

Share with permission from Resources for Educators:  A Division of CCH Incorporated
6th & 7th Grade Autumn Memories
6th graders ventured to Aldo Leopold Nature Center while 7th Graders visited the Cottage Grove School Forest.

Concert Memories
Thanks to the GDS Music Department and Band Instructors for the wonderful concert this evening.  The patriotic theme was appreciated by veterans in the audience.  Thanks for recognizing their service to our country.   

Special thanks to Janet Heinemann and Carl Davick for putting on a wonderful performance with the 7th and 8th grade students. We had a large crowd and students did an awesome job all around.

PTO News
Next PTO meeting
The GDS PTO will not meet in December.  Next meeting is
January 5, 6:30 in the GDS Community Room.

Thank You!
Thanks to everyone who helped out with the staff dinners for parent-teacher conferences.  We always get so many thank-yous from teachers!!
New Parent Technology Resource Available
The Protect Kids Online (PKO) Podcast is now available! The PKO Podcast is brought to you by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.  This podcast is designed as a resource for parents, grandparents, guardians, or caregivers of children. Get information about the trends and updates on the latest apps, websites, and online activity of children 17 years of age and younger. Topics include: activities of the Wisconsin ICAC Task Force; App of the Week; tips & methods for combating online child exploitation and sextortion; Internet safety laws; cyberbullying; healthy online habits; protecting your child from strangers online; safe sharing tips; and responses to listener questions!

Check out the episodes at  You can also subscribe through iTunes or Google Play

Monona Public Library Events
News from the 8th grade English Department
Have you noticed your 8th grade student reading more? They may be on a Novel November team! Prior to November, students were offered the opportunity to sign up on teams with their friends to compete for the most minutes read throughout November. Each week, teams tallied their minutes to see who would come out on top! The top two winning teams will get a pizza party and arcade time at Rossi's, as well as a visit to Monona Public Library for enrichment. The last tallies were due on Thursday, December 1st, with the winners announced on Monday, December 5th. Good luck teams!


Dec 2
No School

Dec 7
5th Grade Strings Concert @ GDS 7 pm

Dec 8
6th Grade Band & Orchestra Concert @ GDS 7 pm

Dec 12
6-12 Grade District Choral Festival @ GDS 7pm

Dec 19
GDS Sizzling Strings, Show Choir, Jazz Band Holiday Showcase @ GDS 7 pm

Dec 23 - Jan 2
No School

Jan 3
Classes Resumes

Jan 16
No School

Jan 19
End Qtr 2/Semester 1

Jan 20
No School

Jan 30
Future Freshmen Night @ MGHS 5:45 pm
(8th Graders)

Feb 10
Talent Show

Feb 12
8th Brand & Jazz Band with HS Bands @ MGHS 12 pm

Feb 16
Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm

Feb 21
6th & 7th Grade Band Concert @ GDS 7 pm

Feb 22
Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm

Feb 27
Solo & Ensemble
GDS Upper Level
4:30-8:30 pm