Modeling Glass Tips and Tricks
Every month I'll be writing about how to use Modeling Glass in your work, and hopefully answering some questions that will help you get the results you want. There's always a learning curve with a new product, and there are considerations working with frit and powder that you don't have when firing sheet glass. There is a full set of FAQs on the Modeling Glass website at You can also find back issues of all my e-newsletters there!
Several times over the past few years I've read Facebook posts by glass artists who were fortunate to be in the right place at the right time, thereby acquiring a windfall of glass supplies and equipment. Often this was the result of another artist deciding to retire from the craft for one reason or another. I was simultaneously tickled by...and envious of...the recipient's luck.

Last weekend it was my turn to receive such a windfall. The wife of a friend had decided that her health issues had progressed to the point that she could no longer work with glass safely, and I was offered the opportunity to explore the contents of the studio and purchase whatever was of interest. The result was that I bought every. Single. Thing. This included an older Paragon kiln, stained glass supplies (the gateway drug, as we all know), cutters, grinders, the works. The most exciting thing in the mix was a small Bullseye crate absolutely full of mixed half sheets of Bullseye glass. The crate was purchased by my friend's wife back in the 90s from another artist who was retiring HIS studio. The crate lid had the address for D&L Glass in Denver. I haven't yet had a chance to explore the glass in that crate, but I am beside myself with curiosity.

What I did not expect to experience was the sadness that accompanies the ending of a chapter in someone's life, that moment when they realize that an activity they once loved is no longer feasible. I felt the melancholy of time passing and opportunity missed. I thought about the day when I might be forced to take the same action and pass my own lovingly-hoarded glass on to another artist. It's not a day I look forward to. The artist letting go of her studio was much more philosophical than I would have been, and handled it with grace.

As 2021 begins to reveal itself, I am grateful for this precious treasure trove of glass. I am resolved to use it to catalyze a new level of creative expression, though currently I don't know what form that may take. But I have the gifts of time, health, and ideas. It's a not-so-gentle reminder to me that it's time to abandon the doom-scrolling, energy-wasting, anxious focusing on issues that I can't directly influence. We artists are at our best when we are making art. It's the purest expression of ourselves. Let's get back to it, shall we?
The information below is an example of what is covered in my new ebook, Exploring Modeling Glass: The Basics and More. I spent a couple of years doing multiple test pieces, to see what Modeling Glass does at different peak temperatures and used in various ways. This trio of sample panels is always popular when I pull it out for discussion during a workshop. Modeling Glass behaves very differently depending on how hot it is fired! You can order your copy of the ebook here.
I'm excited to announce that Bullseye Glass Company will be offering my e-book as well as Modeling Glass in a bundle online. Here's the description from the catalog:

Begin turning Bullseye powder frit into a moldable, sculptable glass clay! This exciting bundle will speed you on your way. It comes with the definitive ebook, Exploring Modeling Glass, and the Modeling Glass starter kit.

The ebook is the first on the topic—essential reading for any artist looking to incorporate Modeling Glass into their work to achieve amazing dimensional effects. Written by Lois Manno, the creator of Modeling Glass, Exploring Modeling Glass contains 81 pages of clear, step-by-step instructions and 160 photos. Featuring seven complete projects, you will learn the basic techniques for working with Modeling Glass.

The starter kit includes a powdered binder and liquid medium that allows you to turn your glass powder into a claylike, modeling material. Ingredients are non-toxic and food grade. One package makes about 3 pounds of Modeling Glass. Go to for instructional videos, tips, and information. You can also purchase just the ebook if you don't need more product.

Take advantage of this great deal from Bullseye Glass here!
2021 Education Opportunities
2021 workshops are looking doubtful. Please consider purchasing my ebook Exploring Modeling Glass or check out one of the two videos I produced with AAE Glass here. One features making feathers, and the other shows how to make the Autumn mask shown on the left.
I hope to start another ebook and create small project videos this year, so stay tuned!
Modeling Glass
This product was developed by Lois Manno of Glass Bird Studios. It is a two-part system made of a powdered binder and liquid medium that, mixed with frit or powders along with a little water, turns the powder into a material that can be sculpted like clay. It is featured in the workshops she teaches.
Want to purchase Modeling Glass? A list of retailers is available on the website. The list keeps growing, so check back. Ask your glass retailer to add Modeling Glass to their stock if they don't have it!


Ask your glass fusing retail supplier to purchase refill sizes of Powdered Binder and Liquid Medium.
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