for our #6 Summer Socks Follow Along!

No time to read a long email?

Remember to flag this email NOW

so when you find time,

you can read about knitting Summer Socks!


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Twisp comes in 50 gram pull skeins (164 yards) and is a blend of cotton, bamboo and hemp. The label gauge is 6 stitches per inch on US #3 or #4 needles.

Think hats or scarves. Maybe find a quick neckline filler scarf for a fun project. Twisp would be great for a baby cardigan, too.

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Follow Along Summer Socks #6-- Part A

Hello knitting friends,

Time to knit the toe

Toe decreasing goes fast. Each decrease round gets rid of 4 stitches. So as you start with the 60 stitches, you quickly move through to 56 stitches, 52 stitches, 48 stitches -- you get the idea.

🧦🧦 There's a plain round of knit (knit every stitch -- the stockinette stitch) in between each decrease round.

🧦🧦 The work goes fast. Using paper and pencil to tick off each round keeps you on track just in case you get interrupted.

🧦🧦 The decreases are paired. SSK leans LEFT. K2tog leans RIGHT. If you knit a decrease that leans the wrong way, you'll learn to spot it so you can correct it.

🧦🧦As you look at the sock flattened, K2tog occurs on the left side of the tube. K2tog occurs at the end of a needle. K2tog leans RIGHT.

🧦🧦 As you look at the sock flattened, SSK occurs on the right side of the tube. SSK occurs at the beginning of a needle. SSK leans LEFT.

🧦🧦 Look below for the specific directions for whichever method you are using to knit your socks -- socks on DP needles or magic loop method with a long circular needle. Either way, the goal is to decrease from 60 stitches down to 20.

Toe shaping on DP needles: Repeat these two rounds until there are 20 stitches left. 

Round 1 — decrease round

Needle 1: knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: k1, SSK, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k.

Needle 3: k1, SSK, knit to end.

Round 2 — knit. 

Work until there are 20 stitches -- 5 on Needle 1; 10 on Needle 2; 5 on Needle 3.

Toe shaping using magic loop: Repeat these two rounds until there are 20 stitches left. 

Round 1 — decrease round

Front needle: k1, SSK, knit to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.

Back needle: k1, SSK, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.

Round 2 — knit. 

Work until there are 20 stitches, 10 on each needle.

There will be one more Follow Along Summer Socks Email

Our last Summer Socks Follow Along email will cover using Kitchener stitch to graft the toe. Sorry, but I just could not find the time to get a good discussion of grafting together for you this week.

We invite you to use the Coupon Code 25BY25 for a nice 25% discount when you order more than $25 from the Graywood website. Your orders are greatly appreciated as it takes time and energy to write these emails for you.

Happy Knitting!


PS My knitting klutz brain kicked in as I was getting this email together. In doing the photographs and text, I found that I did NOT knit the foot long enough on one of my socks. It's a really good thing that knitting can be ripped out because that what I'm about to do once this email is sent.

Avoid those klutz moments!

🧦🧦 Measure more than once.

🧦🧦 OR slip that sock on your foot.

🧦🧦 OR prepare to unravel.