for our #5 Summer Socks Follow Along!

No time to read a long email?

Remember to flag this email NOW

so when you find time,

you can read about knitting Summer Socks!

Read to the end of this email and see Wanda's Felix Cardigan. It is knit using Simplinatural, a lovely yarn choice for a simple cardigan!

Sock Yarn

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Follow Along Summer Socks -- Part 5 of 6

Hello knitting friends,

This is a Straightaway Week

Time to knit the foot!

For once there are no increases or decreases to think about. As a matter of fact, there are no purl stitches either. Knitting the foot is a round and round process.

🧦🧦 The big question is how long should the foot be. I usually figure that the toe will take up about 2 1/2" so you'll want to knit until the distance is 2 1/2" less than the total length of the foot.

🧦🧦 Measure the foot from heel to toe OR measure a sock that fits.

🧦🧦 I wear a women's Size 10.5 shoe. I'm knitting about 3 1/4" from the base of the gusset to the start of the toe. From past socks that I have knit, I know that will be a good measurement for me.

Be sure to stop before you get to the toe! The toe shaping takes up about 2 1/2" so end the foot accordingly. The chart below gives an idea of foot length for women's sizes.

Our last Summer Socks Follow Along email #6 will cover shaping the toe and using Kitchener stitch to graft the toe. It's a part of sock knitting that goes fast since there are fewer and fewer stitches. Watch for that email in your inbox.

I hope you're enjoying these emails. As always, I invite you to follow along as I knit.

We are celebrating! As a little bonus, I want to let you in on a huge joy in my life. My husband Ed and I are celebrating 55 years of marriage this week. We were married in 1968, during our college days, and and have sustained our years together through multiple homes, three wonderful children, four grandkids who are the best, and a whole lot of living.

Thinking about those years, I realize that I have been knitter for all of them since I started knitting in eighth grade. My mother was a knitter and so was my mother-in-law.

Four of my five sisters knit, too. And that errant sis -- she's a crackerjack quilter. My memories are filled with needlework. I might have even been hemming my wedding dress at the last minute on that day 55 years ago.

I'll throw some anniversary photos in at the end of this email. It's always fun to look back.

Thanks for following along on the socks emails. Remember to use the Coupon Code 25BY25 when you order more than $25 from the Graywood website. Your orders are greatly appreciated!

Happy Knitting!


PS That's my Felix Cardigan that I'm wearing in the June 2023 dinner photo. You might enjoy reading the blog post that I wrote about that cardigan.

Getting Lost in Knitting a Cardigan