See below for the latest news about gbXML.
A New Research Project to Improve gbXML

We need your help!

A new research project funded by ASHRAE titled "RP-1810 - Development of Reference Building Information Model (BIM) Test Cases for Improving Usage of Software Interoperability Schemas" (click here to view the publicly available RFP) has been awarded to BuildSimHub. This research project is focused on improving the gbXML schema by interviewing energy modelers, architects, engineers, and other stakeholders and gathering suggestions on how to improve the workflow between BIM to BEM using gbXML.

This is a LONG overdue research project that will hopefully ease the pain associated with energy modeling interoperability.

If you are such a stakeholder and wish to help to improve the gbXML schema and its flow between software tools, please send an email to [email protected]. Someone from the research project team will contact you.

Thank you!

A Reminder About the Web-Based gbXML Viewer

A free web-based gbXML viewer (Version 14) from Ladybug Tools has been available for over a year. This viewer allows you to upload any gbXML file and view it in any browser on any device, whether it is your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. You can also zoom, pan, rotate, hide elements, and even edit your model.

Some of the new features include:
  1. A "Reports" button that displays the total quantities of zones, spaces, surfaces, and openings in a model, in addition to basic campus and building attributes.
  2. An "Issues" button that displays lists of duplicate adjacencies and surfaces, invalid surface and opening types, and more "problems" with the model.
  3. A first-person camera view
  4. Sun-range functionality
This free and powerful viewer is available at this link.

We are Looking for Sample gbXML Files

We are always looking for sample gbXML files of real building models produced from Autodesk Revit or other BIM authoring software tools. We want to add these files to our growing gbXML file repository located on GitHub.

We get many requests each month for sample gbXML files so software vendors can test their gbXML integration. Also, users like to view a variety of gbXML models in our free web-based gbXML model viewer located here.

You can freely clone the GitHub repository and upload any gbXML file to it or forward any gbXML file to  [email protected]. Also, make sure that you have permission from the owner to allow us to post these files.

Thank you!

50 Software Tools Now Support gbXML

Did you know that 50 software tools from vendors world-wide now support gbXML? This is quite a milestone after 20 years of serving the energy modeling community. Some of the latest software tools to adopt gbXML are:
  1. BuildSim Cloud: BuildSim Cloud from BuildSimHub is a cloud-based building energy modeling software that can translate gbXML models into EnergyPlus models for cloud simulations. 
  2. ASHRAE Building EQ Portal: The recently released Building EQ portal from ASHRAE is now able to import a gbXML file to populate basic building information. ASHRAE's Building EQ Portal provides a quick energy analysis that benchmarks a building's energy performance.
Click the image below to go to the web page with a full list of all gbXML-compliant software.