Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
August 25, 2013


Hawaii Leads Nation in Making Welfare More Attractive than Work

...Grassroot Institute President Akina calls for strengthening system to improve employment incentive....

US House Leadership: Only Congress can Create Akaka Tribe

..."Congress is deemed by the Supreme Court to have exclusive and plenary power to deal with Indian affairs"....

Bishop Silva: "To Discriminate Regarding Marriage is NOT Unjust"

...would parents be considered bigoted if they raised their daughters to be attracted to boys and their sons to be attracted to girls? Or must parents now be completely neutral....

VIDEO: Pastor Wayne Cordiero Responds to Atheist Lawsuit

...Pastor Wayne Cordeiro responds to lawsuit against five churches, three of which are New Hope churches....

'Enemies List' Published -- 126 Hawaii Churches

...Is your church on their list?  Find out here....

SB1369: Mainland Gays take aim at Kawaiahao Church, Plan to force Change on Asians

..."With the current language, you're still mandating that church facilities as well as clergy be forced into supporting marriages that go against their religious beliefs."....

Atheist Threatens DoE Employees, Sheriff Called

... "Mr. Kahle, can I ask one other question? If you could direct your threats to this board and to the senior management. Respectfully, I ask you not to threaten our employees in the field."....

Would you play ethics limbo with Senator Ruderman?

...why is Senator Russell Ruderman submitting personal business testimony and signing it as a Senator?

Martin Luther King Jr Recommends Gay Conversion Therapy

....this is the only recorded comment by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr on homosexuality....

House Soft on Gay 'Marriage' 28-23

...Souki described the count as "soft." House leaders, who met privately on Wednesday, want a cushion of at least a few more votes before signing off on a special session....

HFF: Same-sex "marriage" is not a done deal

...churches standing together number in the hundreds....

Obamacare Could Cost Hawaii Millions for 'Cadillac' Healthcare Plans

Under the Affordable Care Act, Hawaii could face millions of dollars in fines for the highest-grade health plans it offers public workers, adding to the already skyrocketing cost of health care for the state.... 

When You Can't Actually Keep Your Health Care Plan

...UPS yesterday announced it is dropping coverage for spouses of employees....

How Hawaii Counties Enabled SHOPO Contract

...when county officials had the opportunity to push back against the State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers' demands for more pay and other concessions, they merely deferred to the union....

Alex Teece and Lynn Finnegan: "Positive Choices in Education"

...a special edition of "Hawaii Tomorrow" to discuss education in our islands....

18% of DoE Students 'Chronically Absent'

...meaning they missed 15 or more days of school, according to data released Monday....

Keeping the Promise: State Solutions for Government Pension Reform

Once they establish principles for reform, legislators can choose from a menu of options.... 

Hawaii's election chief won't be getting $36K pay hike

...The man at the center of 2012's general election disaster will not get a $36,000 pay hike....

Study: Obesity Soaring in State, but Hawaii Ranks 47th

...adult obesity in Hawaii has increased nearly three times from that it was a little over 20 years ago. In the past year alone, obesity has risen more than seven percent....

ACT Scores Fall: Only 30% of Hawaii Students Meet Benchmark

...The 5,345 Hawaii students, most of whom took the ACT as juniors in 2012 and graduated this past spring, represent about 40 percent of the Class of 2013....

DoE New System 'Report Card' Makes it Looks Good

...Recipe for Success: If the test numbers are bad, change the test....

The Next 100 MW Power Plant for Oahu

...Waste-to-energy and Geothermal power plants are among the best choices.....

29.4 million in Tax Revenue by Seed Companies in Hawaii

...During the hearing on Bill 2491 on Kauai a council member "Gary Hoosier" said the seed companies paid zero Hawaii taxes.....

Rigged GMO Hearing: Kauai Farmers Expose Hooser, Media

...the orchestration of the hearing and the invitations sent by the chair to selected mainland-based organizations were designed to provide the committee exclusively with the opinions of only those experts on one side.... 

Publicly Funded Ads Promote Purchase of HMSA, Kaiser Policies

...The Hawaii Health Connector offers only policies from HMSA and Kaiser.  Now your tax dollars are funding an ad campaign urging people to use your tax dollars to buy themselves insurance from HMSA and Kaiser....

UHERO: Are All Tax Credits Created Equal?

...Recently, the Rhode Island legislature adopted a law requiring that state tax credits undergo a process of regular and rigorous evaluations....

Placing Check-off Designations on Tax Form Paid for by All Taxpayers

enthusiastic supporters of some very specific causes pushed lawmakers to allow taxpayers to designate a portion of their state tax refund for their specific cause.... 

Feds Push Expensive Offshore Windfarms for Hawaii

BOEM's Pacific Region is responsible for managing the development of ... renewable energy resources (wind, wave, ocean current) on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) offshore California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii.... 

Ex-University of Hawaii president spends big 'for kids'

Dobelle spent "$8,000 for a four-night stay at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Bangkok; $883 from the upscale clothing store Louis Boston; $10,000 for tickets to shows at Tanglewood; more than $4,000 for limousine rides" and a total of $200,000.... 

Preschool Vouchers: Backers Claim Only 52% Support Constitutional Amendment

...52 percent answered, "Yes," to amending the Constitution, 43 percent said, "No, " and 5 percent did not know or refused to answer.... 

Materials From Eminent Domain In Hawaii Conference

...Here are links to the cases and other materials (and more) we spoke about at the Aug 21 conference on Eminent Domain and Condemnation in Hawaii.... 

VIDEO: Kelii Akina and Mufi Hannemann on 'Building Leaders for Hawaii'

... Dr. Keli'i Akina, Grassroot Institute president, asks former Honolulu mayor Mufi Hannemann about his controversial decision to empty sewage from a failed pump directly into the Ala Wai Canal....

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  1. Akaka Tribe "Disenrollment" -- 75% of Hawaiians "will not be acknowledged"
  2. HMSA, Kaiser Will Monopolize State Health Exchange, 'Rate Shock' Predicted
  3. Reporter Protects Numerous Hawaii Politicians from Exposure
  4. Star-Advertiser Gets it Wrong: Obama Cannot Act on 'Sovereignty'
  5. Akaka Tribe: 'Privileged Tribal Leaders' Seek End Run Around Congress
  6. IBitter, Tense: Inouye Family Wants Schatz Out
  7. Abercrombie Flees Public Cabinet Meeting as Haoles, Hawaiians Argue over Fish
  8. Atheists Sue Hawaii Churches, Demand $5.6M Cash
  9. Ernie Martin Still getting Campaign cash from ORI
  10. Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Children's View
  11. Mayor claims $26 million shortfall just days into fiscal year
  12. Hawaii senator Brian Schatz involved in simulated sheep rape rituals
  13. Rail Appeal Hearing: Judges Focus on Jurisdictional Issues
  14. Hawaii GOP Recruits New Executive Director
  15. Hawaii DINOs Meet Idaho RINOs
  16. How Much of Food Activism Is Nonsense? 
  17. Organic food - What is an 'organic' label really worth?
  18. HHSC: Decision to Save HGEA, UPW will Cost State $1.5B
  19. Hawaii Congressional Delegation, Staff Illegally Exempted from Obamacare
  20. Redefine Marriage: Get ready for the throuples
  21. Hooser: Bankrupt Tax Cheat Leads Kauai Council Anti-GMO Effort
  22. Update On Hawaii Reapportionment SCOTUS Appeal
  23. PUC Chief Counsel Quits
  24. KOS: Open Primary Forces Democrats to Discipline Lawmakers
  25. The Jones Act: Road to Repeal
  26. Anti-GMO Activists See December Deadline for County Action
  27. Trouble Paying Car Note? Call OHA, They'll Give You Cash
  28. Audit: DoE Construction Process Outdated, Inefficient, Inconsistent
  29. Mental Health Top Cause of Hawaii Hospital Admissions
  30. Canada 10 Years Later: Few Gay Marriages, Lots of Political Correctness

  31. UH New Pres Lassner Makes Excuses for Multi-Million Dollar BUZZEO Disaster
  32. VA Mortgages Denied for Catchment Homes, State DoH Refuses to Act
  33. Hawaii County: Police Chief Addresses Corruption, Aloha, and Tinted Windows

  34. Hawaiian Homes Commission Votes to Reform Revocable Permit Program

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