Peterson Scholarships Provide More Educational Alternatives

FrankBy Attorney Franklin J. Hickman


The Peterson Scholarships provide funding up to $20,000 per year for education programs for children with various disabilities who are not using the autism scholarships. Peterson Scholarships can only be used for services from providers approved by the Ohio Department of Education.


The level of funding under the Scholarship varies depending on the disability:


$7,196: Speech or language only        

$7,608: Specific Learning Disability, Cognitive Disability or OHI-Minor

$14,832: Hearing or Vision Impaired or Severe Behavior Disability

$17,902: Orthopedic Impairment or OHI-Major 

$20,000: Multi-handicapped  
Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Hearing and Vision Impaired    


Basic requirements include:


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 November 2012 Issue 



Hickman & Lowder once again ranked Cleveland Tier 1 in Elder Law and Cleveland Tier 2 in Litigation - Trusts & Estates and Trusts & Estates Law in U.S. News - Best Lawyers� "Best Law Firms" 2013.


Attorney Mary B. McKee joined the Kendal at Oberlin Board of Directors.


From Our Blog


November is National Family Caregivers Month

By Paralegal Carol J. Culley 


As the U.S. population ages, demand for long-term services and supports is growing dramatically. Family caregivers of older adults are regarded as the backbone of the long-term care workforce, and respite is an important resource for alleviating or preventing the stress they experience and for maintaining older adults in the community.


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Turning Your Obstacles into Opportunities

1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1020 . Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: 216-861-0360 . Fax: 216-861-3113

5062 Waterford Drive . Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035
Phone: 440-323-1111 . Fax: 440-323-4284

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