The ABCs of ABA Funding:
  Part One of Four

Frank By Attorney Franklin J. Hickman


When looking for sources of funding for ABA services, remember the following from your alphabet soup:  EI, ACA, IDEA and EPSDT.  This article is the first in a series of four installments which will explain each of the programs and summarize the procedures needed to obtain ABA benefits.


Early Intervention (EI)

Early Intervention services are part of Help Me Grow, an Ohio program for services for children under the age of three who are eligible under requirements established by the Ohio Department of Health ("ODH").  Help Me Grow is administered by ODH and funded through Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA").  Help Me Grow requires an assessment of infants/toddlers with a disability and development of a service plan ("IFSP") for the family, which is subject to periodic review.  An eligible child is entitled to services which are necessary to meet the unique needs of the child and family to achieve results or outcomes identified in the IFSP.


Two recent developments affirm that Ohio's Department of Health ("ODH") has a duty to fund necessary ABA services for eligible children:


From Our Blog: Casey Kasem - What Did He Really Want?

The recent death of Casey Kasem made me think about how things can still go wrong even when we think
believe that we have prepared for the inevitable.


Casey Kasem, a popular radio host, recently passed away at age 82. Many of us remember him as the voice of "American Top 40," a weekly radio show on which Casey read listener dedications while counting down the hits. The listener dedications were emotional tributes to a loved one, often choking me up.


Although Casey retired in 2009, he made headlines in the months leading up to his death as his family fought about his end of life care.


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June 2014 Issue 



Best wishes to Attorney Judith Saltzman, who has announced her retirement from regular duties at Hickman & Lowder.  Effective July 1, 2014, Judith's day to day responsibilities in special education will be undertaken by Attorney Franklin Hickman and Judith will become "of counsel" to the firm in order to complete existing matters and ensure continuity.  She is grateful to all the families who have placed their confidence in her over the years and wishes the very best to all of her clients as they transform into independent and successful young adults.




Upcoming Events


14th Annual Northeast Ohio Buddy Walk

Saturday 7/26, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Progressive Field

Click here for details

Walk Now for Autism Speaks
Sunday 9/14, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Progressive Field
Click here for details

The Hickman & Lowder Team will be walking in both events.  



Sonja's Suggestions

Topics trending in the reception area of our Cleveland office. 


My heart goes out to caregivers.  It is an emotionally exhausting role, often causing family members to worry about their loved ones.  Will they be okay?  Did they eat enough?  Did they take their medicine?  Did I do this or that correctly?  It doesn't stop.  And then there is the paperwork.....the never ending paperwork that always seems to be there and a challenge to complete.  Yikes!   How do they do it?!  It can be very overwhelming for them. 


Here are a few suggestions for these wonderful people:


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Turning Your Obstacles into Opportunities

1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1020 . Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: 216-861-0360 . Fax: 216-861-3113

5062 Waterford Drive . Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035
Phone: 440-323-1111 . Fax: 440-323-4284

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