Consent to Care and Services
for People With Disabilities 

Frank By Attorney Franklin J. Hickman


Everyone seeking health care and services in today's world is faced with an array of forms which require informed consent.  People with disabilities are often told they will need a guardian in order to get the care or services.  This summary examines four alternatives which allow an individual with disabilities to provide legally recognized consent without the need for guardianship.


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I Guess You Could Say My Mother Was...Different

The call came around midnight on a cold night in January 2006.  I was only half awake when I answered the phone, having been startled out of a deep sleep.  "Your mother just died..." said the voice at the other end of the phone.  It was the night nurse at the facility where my mother had been living for the previous several years.  "We helped her to the bathroom, got her settled back in bed...and then she just stopped breathing..."   The news came as a quite a shock to me, be a bit of a relief, as well.  


From Our Blog
Universal Design: A Guide to Becoming Master of the Universe!

Close your eyes and imagine this: You are an adult of average height (whatever that means these days) with no physical disabilities.  You walk into your home to find that your light switches have been moved out of reach.  Your kitchen cabinets, microwave, pantry and all of your closet rods and shelves have been set so high on the wall you can barely access the items you store in them without asking for assistance.  The door knobs are difficult to grasp and turn.  The mechanisms to open your windows are even worse than the door knobs.  Your windows are set so high you hardly see out over the sill.  Your faucets are placed so far back from the front of the countertop that you struggle to lean over to turn them on.  You find most things in a position that make them either difficult to access or just plain awkward and uncomfortable to navigate. 


Does this sound like a home you would want to live in?  


August 2013 Issue 




Hickman & Lowder is a proud recipient of the 2013 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility.


Attorney Franklin Hickman was selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America in the area of Education Law.




Upcoming Events 


Legal & Financial Aspects of Retirement

Retirement has no room for surprises. You've worked hard and saved hard for retirement.  But what you may not know about the legal and financial aspects of retirement could jeopardize a lifetime of goals and dreams.  Join us for this complimentary educational seminar to learn what you need to know about the legal and financial aspects of retirement.


  • Preparing for Retirement and the Associated Risks
  • The Uncertain Future of Medicaid
  • Investment Planning in a Complex World Economy
  • Estate Planning: Wills, Trusts, and Beneficiary Do's and Don'ts
  • Long Term Care Planning: What are My Options?
Attorney Lisa Montoni Garvin of Hickman & Lowder and Frank Fantozzi of Planned Financial Services will present this complimentary educational program.
September 11, 2 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Willoughby Hills Community Center

September 24, 2 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Corporate College East

October 1, 2 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Corporate Plaza I, Independence

Seating is limited.  RSVP today by calling 216-861-0360 or e-mailing



Turning Your Obstacles into Opportunities

1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1020 . Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: 216-861-0360 . Fax: 216-861-3113

5062 Waterford Drive . Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035
Phone: 440-323-1111 . Fax: 440-323-4284

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