Ohio's New Self Determination (SELF) Waiver


By Franklin J. Hickman


The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities ("DODD") will begin implementing the Self Empowered Life Funding (SELF) Waiver in July 2012.   DODD notes, "The SELF waiver is the first DODD-administered waiver that incorporates self-direction, which allows individuals with developmental disabilities to control their individual waiver budget and to direct where and how they receive those services."



SELF Waiver rules are at Ohio Administrative Code 5123:2-9-40 to 47. The SELF Handbook is an easily readable summary of the program. 



DODD is currently projecting services under the SELF Waiver for up to 500 individuals for the first year, 1000 (cumulative) in year two, and 2000 (cumulative) by year three. Services are available for persons with intensive behavioral needs.


Funding limits: Children (under 22) - $25,000; Adults - $40,000. Some services have specified funding limits, either alone or in combination.


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What, Me, a Caregiver?


By Terry Fries-Maloy, MSW, LISW


I recently received an email from the daughter of one of my clients outlining the numerous ways that she and her siblings were supporting their mother since Mom's recent move to a nursing home. I replied to the daughter with praise for her and her siblings' involvement and advocacy efforts on Mom's behalf. I know they are very busy children. This was, in part, the daughter's response to my note: "Yes, my Mom is lucky, but we are extremely lucky to have her as our Mom."


Reading her words brought to mind the many families I have worked with in my long social work career who would have been unable to express such a sentiment. They did not view their caregiving role as something that they were doing out of love and respect for the elder. They were forced into a caregiving role out of necessity or a sense of obligation, not prompted by affection or desire. Caregiving was their burden, their 'cross to bear.' And they hated every minute of it.


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June 2012 Issue 

Our Latest Vlog*


Attorney Mary McKee responds to a recent article in The Plain Dealer, Social Security's Disability Program is Hurting, by Robert Samuelson.


Click Here


*We received several questions about the last vlog that appeared in our newsletter.  To clarify, a vlog is a video blog.


Ohio Mental Health &
The Law 2012


July 20, 2012

Crowne Plaza Cleveland Airport

8:00 a.m. Registration

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Session


Attorneys Franklin Hickman, Elena Lidrbauch and Amanda Buzo and Care Coordinator Terry Fries-Maloy, MSW, LISW, will present a day-long session for mental health professionals.  Topics include:

  • Risk Management
  • New Legislation on Involuntary Commitment for Drug/Alcohol Treatment
  • Capacity, Competence, and Informed Consent
  • Confidentiality
  • Funding Services/Planning

6.0 CE credits (3.0 in ethics) are available for addiction professionals, nurses, social workers, and psychologists.


Click here for details and registration.




Janet Lowder and David Myers are once again named Best Lawyers in America in the area of Elder Law.


Turning Your Obstacles into Opportunities

1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1020 . Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: 216-861-0360 . Fax: 216-861-3113

5062 Waterford Drive . Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035
Phone: 440-323-1111 . Fax: 440-323-4284

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