The ABCs of ABA: Accessing Services Through EPSDT - Late Breaking News Part Two of Four
By Attorney Franklin J. Hickman
On July 7, 2014, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS"), the Federal office responsible for overseeing Medicaid programs, issued an informational bulletin to Medicaid agencies and constituents. This important communication affirms the availability of Medicaid funding for Applied Behavioral Analysis ("ABA") services if federal requirements are met.
CMS affirmed the following points:
From Our Blog: My Community Meal |
Have you or an elder loved one thought about participating in a community meal program? Are you nervous about attending for the first time by yourself? Do you have some doubts about the food quality? I had the opportunity to participate in the hot lunch program at the North Olmsted Senior Center this week and, if you have ever had these concerns, I thought you might benefit from learning about my experience.
Upcoming Events
Walk Now for Autism Speaks Sunday 9/14, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Progressive Field
The Hickman & Lowder Team will be walking in this event. |
Sonja's Suggestions
Topics trending in the reception area of our Cleveland office.
Pets are a big part of people's lives and are typically considered members of the family. I have had many conversations with both friends and clients about what will happen to the family pet after the owner is no longer able to care for them or passes away. It is a heartbreaking conversation. Who will take care of poor little "Fido?"
As an animal lover, I take this to heart. Our little companions need to be considered, so here are a few suggestions:
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