Hospice of McDowell Web Site
February 2016
What They Are Saying About Us

Here at Hospice of McDowell County we strive to make all patients and families feel loved, appreciated and important. From admission until their passing we stay right by their side reaching out a hand for comfort and support. We get a lot of compliments from caregivers on our satisfaction survey (names are left off to protect the identity of patients and families).  Click to Read More Comments
Team Behind the Team
by Mackenzie Holland, Clinical Support Specialist

Hospice of McDowell is truly a community hospice and this is why: Our care is tailored to the unique needs and wishes of each patient and their loved ones. This care is achieved by a team of professionals and volunteers who address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of a person during the last chapter of their life. Behind the team of highly trained and professional nurses, nurse's aides, chaplains, and medical social workers--administrative and volunteer staff members are "behind the scenes" workers who keep us running smoothly, ensuring that the care for each and every patient meets their unique needs.  Read More
I Am Hospice
Vada Gaddy, "The Best Person I Ever Met"

Judi Dalton met me at the door and introduced me to her two sisters, Kay Gouge and Joy Keaton. These three had been the primary caregivers to their mother, Vada Gaddy. While we sat around the dining room table, the love that they shared for their "Momma" made me think that I had missed meeting a very special woman and I wanted to hear more. As they shared their special memories a common thread emerged: the tenderness and strength of their mother's love. Along with the stories were tears, laughter, and quiet moments reflecting on the life that they lost.  
Carl Eugene Wolfe will turn 100

When you first meet Carl Wolfe you know immediately that he
is someone very special. Though very humble, he has lived life to the fullest! You can learn a lot from him by just sitting down and talking with him. 
I first met Carl in April of 2015. His wife Barbara, was a Hospice patient. They had been married since June 23, 1959. I was their chaplain. Because we were both veterans Carl and I had an immediate connection and began an ongoing friendship.  Read More
What's Happening?
Volunteer Training Session:
Hospice 101-An Introduction to Hospice on Tuesday, February 15, 2016 at 9:00am to Noon. To join one of the most rewarding volunteer programs, call Doreen Reynolds. Read More

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Feb. 27 8am-10am
at FATZ, 390 US 70 West / $7 / Call 652-1318 for tickets

      Hospice of McDowell's 
We  Honor Veterans program invites Veterans and their Families and Friends to join them for coffee before or after the breakfast at Safe Harbor on Wheels.  Read More  
JulieAnne McKinney: