Vol. II Issue No. 1
January 17, 2013

Happy 2013! As January typically ushers in New Year's resolutions, our first Briefing this year appropriately features our tag line:


Our firm was founded upon the Resolution of delivering the highest quality, most responsive and cost-effective legal services to each of our clients across all areas of practice.


Did you make a Resolution for your business?  We're dedicated to helping our clients determine and achieve Resolutions which will help make 2013 a great year for them and their businesses.



Resolve to Have a Succession and Estate Plan

A recent article in The Buffalo News highlighted the tough decisions surviving partners face when their business partner dies unexpectedly.  >Click for full text of article

Although entrepreneurs are optimistic by nature, all business owners should have a succession and estate plan in place. 
As the new year begins, consider whether you, your business and your family are adequately protected in the event of unexpected occurrences.  If not, resolve to contact Mark Snitchler to discuss how we can help.
Employer's Job Application Which Shortened Statute of Limitations Upheld   


The Michigan Court of Appeals recently upheld a provision in an on-line job application which shortened the statute of limitations in favor of the employer.  The application provided that any action against the employer arising out of the application process or future employment must be brought within 180 days of the event giving rise to the claim. >Click for full case.  The Court found that even a subsequent employment offer did not affect the shortened limitations period contained in the job application.

Such a provision is good practice for employers particularly in light of the passage of the Internet Privacy Protection Act discussed below.  The IPPA contains no statute of limitations for civil actions against an employer.
Internet Privacy Protection Act Now In Effect


As discussed in our last Briefing, the "Internet Privacy Protection Act" was indeed signed by Governor Rick Snyder and is now effective. Criminal and civil penalties may now be imposed on employers for requesting an employee or job applicant to permit access to that person's personal internet accounts such as on Facebook or Twitter. 

The Detroit Legal News interviewed Eric Parzianello about the Act.  The full text of the article featured in the January 3, 2013 edition can be found here:  "Asked and Answered:  Eric Parzianello on the IPPA."
The Story Behind Our Office Fatheads

After the picture above appeared in The Detroit Legal News and some additional office pictures were posted on our Facebook page, we've had people who haven't visited our office ask about the pictured walls.  After we researched vintage photographs on the Library of Congress website and several others, our friends at Fathead printed and hung our favorites taken around 1917, a few years after the Dime Building (now Chrysler House) was built.  We have four separate full walls covered by historic photos of downtown Detroit, Bob-Lo Island and Tiger Stadium.  If you haven't seen our office, we would love to have you stop by any time. 

E-Mail Links

Succession Plans
Job Applications
Internet Privacy
Our Fatheads

Chrysler House
719 Griswold St.
Suite 620
Detroit, MI 48226 
(313) 672-7300

999 Vanderbilt Beach
Suite 200
Naples, FL 34108
(239) 325-1802