March 2016
In This Issue

World Teachers Conference

 March 28 - April 2

Courage for an Independent Spiritual Life"

Whitsun Conference

May 14-17
Hannover, Germany

"Setting the World on its Feet - Courage for Spirituality"

Birth to Three Conference

May 25 - 28
Dornach, Switzerland

"When I AM, you can grow"
Summer Academy Semily
 Czech Republic

July 9 - 17

"Challenges for Early Childhood Teachers and Parents Today"

(Languages: Czech, German and Russian)
Links to research
Fairy tales:
Recent research suggests that they are much older than was previously thought. 
The power of thinking like a preschooler:

Waldorf early childhood practitioners know that the thinking, feeling and learning of  the young child is very different from that of the adult.

 An interesting article published in February 2016 in "The Atlantic" describes the unique way that young children experience the world. Read more

School entrance age:
Priya Mahtani, Sue Palmer and others in the UK share their perspectives.
 How You Can Help 
I ASWECE gives financial and pedagogical support to projects in order to develop and maintain the quality of Waldorf early childhood education all over the world. 

Our  Sponsor:  

Mercurius International 
Dear colleagues and friends, 

While for those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere nature is completing its out-breath of summer warmth, those of us living on the opposite side of the globe are slowly waking up from our winter sleep with the first signs of new life dressed in tender early spring colours. Developing a conscious awareness and interest for the other helps us to grow beyond the limitations of our own reality and opens a world of new possibilities that is rich and diverse. 

In this light of connecting out of a deep interest rather than focussing on what separates us, we want to give special attention in this first newsletter of the year to some of the partners with whom we are working closely together in trying to turn around the ruling paradigm of education that is threatening the healthy development of the child.  Our joining hands with others is the only way that we can hope to make a change.

We also want to share with you news from our projects in Kyrgyzstan and Nepal, some of the burning issues we work on in our association, and upcoming events.
Wherever you, our readers, are located in the world, we hope that reading these articles will make you feel more connected with our work and with those working on behalf of the young child in the world!

Warmest greetings  
Clara Aerts
News from our Partner Organizations

Report about Recent Activities of the 
International Forum for Steiner/Waldorf Education
Philipp Reubke

At the most recent meeting of the International Forum in November 2015 in Orange County (California, USA) it was once again apparent how important, interesting and stimulating the collaboration among the various education professions can be, when it comes to studying the anthroposophical view of the human being and develop- mental psychology. Read more
News from the 
European Council for Steiner-Waldorf Education
Philipp Reubke

The IASWECE Council considers ECSWE to be an important partner. ECSWE has experience in being a speaking partner to European policy makers, both on a national level, where ECSWE has helped the Waldorf movement in several countries in political difficult situations, and on a European level, by doing lobbying work for quality in education.
Report from the Recent Meeting of the 
Learning for Well-being Community
Clara Aerts

In January the 2nd meeting of the L4WB Community took place, bringing together different organizations that work for children and youth and who are committed to promoting well-being in their different associations and networks.  
Waldorf Early Childhood Education Worldwide
Nepal: Land of Mighty Hearts and Humble Nature
Sarita Sanghai

Impressions about Waldorf early childhood education workshops and other developments since the earthquake in spring 2015.   Read more

Kyrgyzstan: Freedom of Education under the Roof of the World
Wolfgang-M. Auer
For the past 25 years, there has been an anthroposophical curative education center in Bishkek called Nadjeschda (Hope). Its intensive activity has produced many seeds that have been scattered across the country in recent years, including Waldorf early childhood training courses. 
News from IASWECE
IASWECE Council Activities   
Susan Howard  
Plans for celebrating the 100th anniversary of Helmut von Kügelgen, founder of the International Waldorf kindergarten association, preparation of our new IASWECE website, an international trainers meeting in Tallinn, Estonia in autumn, and themes of the upcoming IASWECE Council meeting in Krakow, Poland. Read the report
The IASWECE Newsletter is published on behalf of the IASWECE Council by Philipp Reubke, with support from Clara Aerts, Susan Howard and Lara Radysh.

IASWECE Contact:

Country Projects, Partnerships and Support:
Clara Aerts, Belgium 
Tel 0032 498 223 281

Membership, Working Groups, and World List:
Susan Howard, USA 
Tel 001 413 549 593                                                                            
Conferences, Country Projects, Newsletter
Philipp Reubke, France
Tel 0033 977 197 137
