October 16 - 19, 2016:
IASWECE Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Trainers Conference
Tallinn, Estonia
s.howard@iaswece.org for further information
October 26 - 31, 2016:
China Waldorf Early Childhood Educators Forum Conference
Dezhou City,
Shangdong Province,
North China
Contact cecef2016@163.com for further information.
Play: Children's Default Setting
An interesting blog by Adrian Voce, writer and consultant on children's play.
Study finds improved self-regulation in kindergartners who wait a year to enroll
A new study on the mental health effects of kindergarten enrollment ages found strong evidence that a one-year delay dramatically improves a child's self-regulation abilities even into later childhood.
Electronic Toys for Babies Should Be Discouraged, Concludes New Study
We need hidden worlds.
An illustrated blog by Laura Grace Weldon about the importance for children to create hidden places during free play.
Dear friends and colleagues,
In the midst of the very busy winter season for those in the Southern Hemisphere, and at the beginning of high summer for those in the Northern Hemisphere, we are sending you a short e-newsletter from IASWECE.
In it you will find an invitation and also a concern from the IASWECE Birth to Three Working Group, as well as an essay by Lourdes Tormes Granados that expresses how much we can all learn from the very youngest children.
Another article describes how Waldorf education is finding resonance in Myanmar, and finally, we are very pleased to introduce to you our new re-designed IASWECE website.
with heartfelt greetings,
Philipp Reubke
About the Work with Children from Birth to Three
From Courage to Initiative
Lourdes Tormes Granados
Rudolf Steiner speaks about how the little child is wiser than the adult, and how much, if we were to look carefully at the child, we would learn about the spirit.
Regional Conferences
on the Importance of Sleep -
An Invitation to Collaborate
Jocelyn Roy, Stefanie Allon, Helle Heckmann, Lourdes Tormes, Claudia Freytag
The IASWECE Birth to Three Working Group is preparing a study on the subject of sleep.
We all need sleep to regenerate and connect to our dream life, and for the little child sleep is so important for the development of the physical body. The child needs sleep to grow.
Waldorf Early Childhood Education Worldwide
Tangible Love, Warmth and Childhood Wonder
in Myanmar
Kate Bryant
Impressions about Waldorf early childhood education workshops and other developments in Myanmar.
We are very pleased to introduce our new website to you! We hope that it will contribute to the exchange of experiences and thoughts among those who are concerned about young children and will help to enrich and deepen your work.
Read more here about what you can find on the new website.
The IASWECE Newsletter is published on behalf of the IASWECE Council by Philipp Reubke, with support from Clara Aerts, Susan Howard and Lara Radysh.
Country Projects, Partnerships and Support:
Clara Aerts, Belgium
Tel 0032 498 223 281
Membership, Working Groups, and World List:
Susan Howard, USA
Tel 001 413 549 593
Conferences, Country Projects, Newsletter
Philipp Reubke, France
Tel 0033 977 197 137