April 2023

Demetria's Message

I was honored to represent Impact Austin – along with Operations Manager Nicole Genovese and Board Member Lillian Diaz Gray – at the Women’s Philanthropy Institute’s All In, All Rise Symposium. Even better, I was on a panel focused on Impact Multiplied: Collective Strength and Community Solidarity. Alongside were Marsha Morgan (Community Investment Network), Mylinh Luong (Orchid Giving Circle), and Susie Owens (I Be Black Girl). Such inspirational women and organizations! Here are just a few of my takeaways …

  • Impact Austin is a national leader in women's philanthropy and the collective giving space! As members of Impact Austin, we should be very proud of what we've accomplished. Looking ahead, let’s set the bar even higher for ourselves to be even more impactful and support our sisters with their efforts as well.

  • Philanos, our network of women philanthropists, is strong and brilliant! Our passion for collectively strengthening local communities for the greater good is undeniable. We ARE making this world a better place through collective giving.

  • In Central Texas, there's so much more work for us to do with our time, talent, treasure, ties, and testimony. While we've been impacting the greater Austin communities for over 20 years, our world is evolving. To that end, our focus must evolve in order to serve our communities and neighbors through our grantmaking, technical resourcing, learning opportunities, or whatever priorities we strategize for the next fiscal year.

Continuing to think of the broader collective giving space, I have two calls to action for Impact Austin members.

  • Explore our network, Philanos. Impact Austin is one of nearly 80 giving circles affiliates with Philanos. Dozens of our members are taking advantage of learning opportunities they present. Follow them on Facebook or LinkedIn. And, if you’re ready for a bold step, consider attending their PowerUp! Conference Nov 5-7 in Baltimore. Impact Austin members have attended (and even hosted) conferences offered by Philanos (formerly Women’s Collective Giving Network). This year, member Becky Austen will participate in one of the panels to discuss our Strategic Advisory Council. Learn more about the 2023 conference here.

Celebrating 20 Extraordinary Years

Our 20th Anniversary blog series shifted to Impact Austin’s GROWTH AND CHANGE. We opened with a look at how giving circles help one another to launch and grow. Just as Impact 100 Cincinnati and the Washington Women’s Foundation inspired Impact Austin, our organization has paid it forward to many other collective giving groups. And we remain engaged with other circles through our Philanos membership, participation with events through Philanthropy Together and the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, and numerous events and webinars. Here is more about the Sisterhood of Collective Giving.

Be sure to check out social media posts on Tuesdays, when we’re sharing photos and stories from Impact Austin’s past. Check out these photos from our very first Annual Meeting in 2004!


Community and Education Grants

On April 7, Impact Austin announced six semi-finalists selected for site visits as part of the Spring Grants process. Finalists will be announced in early May. Details are on our blog, but congratulations first to these organizations moving forward.

Community Grant Semi-Finalists:

Center for Child Protection, Magdalene House of Austin, and Urban Roots

Education Grant Semi-Finalists:

Austin Creative Reuse, Latinitas, and Seedling

Girls Giving Grants

Our g3 philanthropists have named two finalists for their $8,400 grant. Congratulations to:

Center for Child Protection: Expanded Therapy Dog Program

Wonders and Worries: Girls Giving Happy Days

Virtual site visits will be held on Apr 15. Voting to choose the grant recipient will run through Apr 26. g3's grant check will be presented at Impact Austin's Annual Meeting on June 5 at the Long Center. Their 2023 award will bring g3 total grantmaking beyond $115,000!

g3 Advisors and Leaders Needed

Huge applause to Sue Breland, who concludes her multi-year service as Co-Chair for Girls Giving Grants. Thank you also to Karen Davenport, who continues as the other Co-Chair. But that leaves one empty co-chair position. Can you step up to steward the next class of g3 philanthropists, either as co-chair or advisor? Please reach out to with your interest or questions.


Join or Renew by May 15 to Vote on Spring Grants

New members who join by May 15 will be eligible to vote on Community and Education Grants. The same is true for current members who are scheduled to renew. Pay in full or start monthly payments by May 15 and be ready to cast your votes! 

Recruit. Mix. Mingle. Repeat!

Members, guests, and friends-to-be are invited to upcoming Membership Mixers on April 27 and May 25. If you’re a member, bring a friend who might be interested in Impact Austin. If you’re not yet a member, but you’d like to know more about Impact Austin, please attend! Find details and registration on our Events page.

Members Connect with Zones Social Activities

Our amazing Zones team has curated a myriad of spring activities for members to meet and connect. In February and March, we shopped, dined together, and offered a New Member Orientation. For National Volunteer Month, we volunteered with Austin Diaper Bank and will assist at BookSpring’s new location on Apr 25. For a touch of culture, we’ll join a walking tour of the Texas State Cemetery on Apr 19. Reach out to if Zones emails aren’t finding you.


See our website Events page for a list of all upcoming in-person and virtual events. Here are some highlights.

April 28 - Texas Legislative Update:

Exploring Nonprofit Impact

Join Impact Austin for a hybrid (in-person & online) event featuring a panel of local experts as they review current legislation that could impact equity in our community. How will current and future grantees and their constituents be impacted? How can Impact Austin prepare? It’s an event not to miss! Meet our moderator and panelists on our blog. Thank you to the Austin Area Urban League for hosting our in-person gathering.

May 2-4 - We Give Summit

This 3-day virtual event from Philanthropy Together celebrates collective giving and the ways it disrupts traditional philanthropy. Attendees include giving circle members, philanthropy experts, community leaders, and more. Drop in to all events, or choose those that interest you most. The fee is pay-as-you-can.  Impact Austin’s Operations Manager Nicole Genovese has served on the steering committee for this event!

Jun 5 - Impact Austin Annual Meeting

Registration is coming soon, but calendar the date and our new location at the Long Center. Some special surprises are in store, and you won’t want to miss the chance to celebrate our 20th Anniversary! Bring a friend or colleague! Sponsorships for our anniversary event are warmly invited!

Community Partner Spotlight

Girls Empowerment Network: Investing in Girl Power

Ami Kane wears two hats, one as Impact Austin member, and the other as Deputy Director of Girls Empowerment Network. In January, Ami wrote a blog article that shared how our 2013 Family Grant impacted both Girls Empowerment Network and Ami herself.

“When I wrote the proposal that advanced to a site visit and eventually a transformational grant award, I felt very much like we had the powerful support and encouragement of every member of this collective giving group. By granting us what was the largest fundraising win I’d been a part of to that point, I heard two messages that fueled me for years after: ‘we see the good work this organization is doing and we want more girls to receive this support’ and also ‘we believe in you and Austin’s girls.’ To say I felt inspired is an understatement.”

Check out Ami’s article to learn how we’ve twice partnered with Girls Empowerment Network to invest in girl power!

Upcoming Events

Find details and registration links on our Events page.  Check out Past Events here.

Apr 19 – Zones Walking Tour at Texas State Cemetery

Apr 20 – Austin Together: Culture of Collaboration Summit

Apr 25 – Zones Volunteer Together at BookSpring

Apr 27 – Membership Mixer at KMFA 89.5 Event Center

Apr 28 – Texas Legislative Update: Exploring Nonprofit Impact (hybrid event)

May 2-4 – Philanthropy Together We Give Summit

May 15 – Deadline to join or renew to vote on Spring Grants

May 17-26 – Voting for Community and Education Grants

May 25 – Membership Mixer at MAA West Austin Community Center

May 25 – Funder Focus Series: Connect with Impact Austin (virtual)

Jun 5 – Impact Austin Annual Meeting

Jun 30 – Deadline to join or renew to fund Fall Grants

Stay Connected


We have a team of amazing individuals working hard to keep you up to date with what is happening at Impact Austin.

Visit our blog to find event info, press releases, member profiles and so much more! Plus, don't forget to #JoinImpactAustin on your favorite social media sites!

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