June 2022

A Message from Christina

Summer is in full swing, and I hope you are taking a break to breathe and reset. Impact Austin, along with everyone under the sun, has had a long year. Now is a perfect moment to reflect on how we can spend the rest of the year reconnecting with one another. Individually, we have the power to put a little good into the world, and through collective giving, we know the indescribable magic that can happen when we come together.


Volunteering on a committee this Fall is a wonderful way to deepen our connection with each other and strengthen our collective philanthropy. Check out the opportunities below, and see volunteer committee descriptions and Hot Jobs on our volunteer page.


Impact Austin's fiscal year is coming to an end on June 30, as is my tenure as Executive Director. Along with our volunteers, I am so pleased to see Nicole Genovese named as Interim Executive Director starting on July 1. I fully support Nicole and I know that her leadership will ensure a smooth transition. Thank you to the Board, Committee Cabinet, and other volunteers for stepping up to support Nicole during the transition.


In this, my last message, I'll take a personal moment of gratitude. I’ve deeply benefited from the mentorship of Susan Palombo, Mary Blegen, Lauren Paver, Judi McCarthy, Sarah Harris, Libby Doggett, Kathleen Mack, Sara Pantin, Rebecca Powers, and my dear friend Madge Vasquez, along with so many other women of Impact Austin. Thank you for expanding my perspectives on leadership and for opening doors throughout my Impact Austin experience. I adore you all. Women of all generations are stronger when we join together, which is the essence of collective giving.


With that, I thank you for welcoming me into my new role as Impact Austin member! I will forever cherish my precious relationships with each of you and I can't wait to see you in the Fall!


In gratitude,



Honoring Christina

On June 8, 2022, the Board of Directors passed a Resolution that honors Christina Gorczynski’s service as Executive Director since August 2018. Christina’s last day as E.D. will be June 30, 2022, although she will continue as a member with Impact Austin. Members were sent an email on June 23 regarding the status of our leadership transition, including naming Nicole Genovese as our Interim Executive Director.  

Board of Directors

With the conclusion of FY 2022, we thank retiring Director Sarah Harris and Immediate Past President Susan Palombo for their long tenures of board service. Earlier this year, Jenny Cotner and Kimberly Klein concluded their service also. Welcome to Denise Shannon, starting as a director with the new fiscal year on July 1.

Board members offer diverse skillsets and professional affiliations. Any Impact Austin member is invited to consider board service and encouraged to reach out to President Katherine Mudge with interest, questions, or concerns. 

Annual Meeting

8 Million Reasons to Celebrate

We were thrilled to gather in person again on June 6 for our Annual Meeting at Temple Beth Shalom. What a joy to welcome new Community Partners, meet new members and hug the ones we know well, create new photos and video, and celebrate our community impact.

Thanks to all who attended and especially those who brought guests! Check out our recap blog here. If you took selfies or candid photos, please share them with us! 


$188,600 in Spring Grants Awarded

We welcomed four new Community Partners at our Annual Meeting. Thank you to Grants leadership and GRC members who had managed the review process since February and brought the grant vote to the general membership.

Read details about these grants in our press release and on the See Our Impact page. Congratulations to our Community Partners!


Explore Austin - $75,500

The Yellow Bike Project - $18,800


The Dream Come True Foundation - $75,500

Austin Soundwaves - $18,800

Girls Giving Grants Exceeds $100,000 with New Grant

Girls Giving Grants announced their latest award in April and shared their big check presentation at the Annual Meeting. With their $9,200 grant to Texas Family Initiative for Nicole’s House, g3’s total grantmaking reached $107,200. Congratulations, g3! Registration for 2022-23 will open in early August.

With a new g3 program year, some leadership change is also occurring. President Lilah O’Brien graduated, and new President Vera Powell will assume g3 leadership. Impact Austin member Sue Breland continues as Co-Chair and welcomes Karen Davenport as a new Co-Chair. Thank you to Sarah Williamson Garza, who retired from g3 to welcome a baby. The g3 leadership team requests volunteer help: Advisors for the 2022-2023 year and also any member willing to train as a future Co-Chair. Reach out here to assist or ask questions.

Fall Grant Cycle Ready to Launch

The fall grant cycle kicks off with a virtual Nonprofit Workshop on June 29, 4:00-5:30 PM. Participating nonprofits should register by 5:00 PM on June 28. The event includes a presentation and panel discussion, including feedback from a past grant winner.

Applications for funding in the Equity and Health & Well-Being focus areas will be accepted July 8 to August 2. Interested nonprofits can learn more here; the page will be updated with grant amounts in early July. A complete database of past and current grants is at See Our Impact

Fall GRC Registration: Jul 8 to Aug 2

Members whose dues are fully paid or whose payment plan has begun are invited to register for service on a Grant Review Committee (GRC). One GRC will meet virtually on Tuesdays; the other will meet Thursdays in a hybrid fashion. Stay tuned for a member e-blast that will provide all the details.


More Members = Bigger Grants

Everyone who joins or renews by June 30 will help grow the funds available for Fall Grants. Join us, renew, or invite a friend or colleague to be part of our collective impact. It’s fun to celebrate $8 million in giving, but it’s even more satisfying to meet the next challenge. 

Hot Jobs for Volunteers

While it’s not a requirement to be hands-on with Impact Austin, many members cultivate deep friendships with those they work alongside. Explore the range of possibilities on our Volunteer page, but see these “hot jobs” waiting for your skills and know-how.

DEIB: committee members and co-chair. Contact Rebecca Birch

Girls Giving Grants: advisors for 2022-2023 and trainee for future co-chair. Contact Sue Breland

Technology: committee members and co-chair. Contact Nicole Genovese

Public Relations: news releases 3 times/year. Contact Judi McCarthy

Zones: Zone Captain to help brainstorm and communicate member gatherings. Contact Tonya Netzley

Events: Chair/Coordinator for individual events or all events. Contact Nicole Genovese

Impact Austin Swag

Would you like to add IA-logo items to round out your work-from-home wardrobe or exercise attire? Or how about sharing your membership with car window clings, stickers, or water bottles? We showed off some Impact Austin caps at Annual Meeting, and we definitely felt some interest. While we explore the how of offering IA merch, we’d love your feedback on the what. Members, please take 2 minutes to complete a brief and non-binding survey

Community Partner Spotlight

American Gateways

The last recipient of our Catalyst Grant, American Gateways exceeded their goals with our 2019 investment of $100,000. With Impact Austin's support, American Gateways proposed to build a development team that would implement a strategy to reduce their reliance on government funding and better leverage the tremendous support for immigrant rights within the Austin community. They indeed strengthened their development team and increased overall funding by 12%. They further increased their volunteer base by 50% (200 volunteers) that included pro-bono attorneys, 50 law students from around the U.S., and an elite translator/interpreter team. The increased capacity facilitated American Gateways service to 2,000 more individuals than they had served in the previous year. This included helping 300 individuals apply for citizenship. Learn more

Upcoming Events

June 29 – 2022 Nonprofit Workshop for Fall Grants. Registration here.

June 30 – Deadline to join or renew to fund Fall Grants.

November 15 – Save the date for 2022 Town Hall!

Check out links and recaps to past events here.  

Stay Connected


We have a team of amazing individuals working hard to keep you up to date with what is happening at Impact Austin.

Visit our blog to find event info, press releases, member profiles and so much more! Plus, don't forget to #JoinImpactAustin on your favorite social media sites!

Please "like" and "share" our posts! You'll help to promote Impact Austin to a wider audience and potential members. We would love to hear from you...what do you want to learn more about? What type of information is useful for you?

Contact us at [email protected].


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