Happy Fall! Where did 2020 go? Here we are a month away from our fabulous Town Hall Meeting with the highly relevant theme of "trust-based philanthropy" and featuring national expert Pia Infante. Make sure to register, and we will send you the zoom login information beforehand.
For Impact Austin members: Be on the lookout for a separate email about the member survey. This is the first time we have done an in-depth study of each one of you and your vision for Impact Austin. Thanks to the UT Connect program for their partnership on this project. We will be using the results to inform our strategic planning process that kicks off in 2021.
Necessity is the mother of invention. We have innovated new ways to use technology. We have several Facebook Live events coming up in October. Tomorrow at 12:15 is a panel discussion focusing on the City's response to COVID, in particular its support of nonprofits and individuals. The next two Facebook Lives are “Investing with a Gender Lens” on October 16 and “Spread Goodness with inLieu,” featuring Impact Austin member Kathy Terry and yours truly on October 23. These events do not require registration; simply #JoinImpactAustin on our Facebook page.
Our grant pool is already at $180,000 for our Spring grant cycle (Community and Education Grants). Please remember to renew your membership before December 31 to contribute to the Spring 2021 grant pool. Check out all the new grantmaking pages on the website; special thanks to Linda Yang and the Grants team for your work in putting these together.
Thank you for sticking with Impact Austin during this extraordinary year, especially those of you who have contributed to our Annual Fund and the members of our Philanthropy Circle.
Be well and I’ll see you on the internet,
P.S. On a personal note, I'll be out on family leave in January and February of 2021 as Brett and I welcome a new baby due early January.
Streamlined Grantmaking New for 2021
On October 1, Impact Austin publicly announced a streamlined approach to grantmaking that was introduced to the members on September 25. Starting in 2021, key features will include:
- Spring and fall grantmaking cycles with two grants per cycle
- Spring and fall Grant Review Committees
- Members’ dues divided into spring and fall “buckets” to ensure equal grant funding throughout the year
- Nonprofits applying for program support or capacity building, or both, in a single application
- All grants sharing common applications and guidelines
- Equity Grant to replace the Social Innovation Grant
- A broader equity lens to grantmaking and implicit bias training for all GRCs
Read all the details on our blog.
The Social Innovation Grant (SIG) Grant Review Committee (GRC) is composed of 28 women, including 2 chairs, 1 advisor, 1 shadow and 24 members. The GRC’s work began with unconscious bias training, organized by Impact Austin’s DEI Committee and led by Fatima Mann. Fatima is Founder/Executive Director of Community Advocacy and Healing Project and part of the collaborative that won the 2019 SIG. Moreover, a DEI Committee member speaks at every meeting to continue the education process and help ensure that equity remains uppermost in members’ minds as they evaluate the applicants.
The 2020 SIG GRC met again on September 15 to evaluate 12 applications and select three for virtual pitch presentations October 6-7. Congratulations to these collaboratives and their projects advancing to the next phase of evaluation:
Girls Empowerment Network and the Excellence and Advancement Foundation - Spark Change Project
Todos Juntos Learning Center and El Buen Samaritano Mission - Training Latinas as Community Health Workers
UT Foundation Black Mamas ATX, Austin Regional Clinic, Manor ISD, and People's Community Clinic - Black Mamas REACH (Racial Equity and Access for Collaborative Care) Manor
Girls Giving Grants (g3) kicked off their new year with a leadership retreat, as membership opened to young women in grades 8-12. In 2021, g3 will offer a grant of $7,600, thanks to 76 renewing and new members. Their grant cycle opened October 1, and submissions are due November 6, 2020. More details about the grant are here.
Later this week, Impact Austin members will receive an email and link to the 2020 member survey. The deadline for completion is 11/15/20; thank you in advance.
Impact Austin has organized several events to share and discuss issues related to community needs and how philanthropy's best practices can address them.
Talking to Kids about Race and Racism
Impact Austin’s DEI Committee sponsored this webinar that was produced and recorded by 2020 Community Partner Austin Child Guidance Center (ACGC). From DEI in response: “This was one step in many to create a culture that values and strives for equity and inclusion in our membership and our greater community. To that end, we invite you to join the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. This is a relatively new committee to Impact Austin, yet arguably one of the most important. After all, we should be looking at everything we do through a DEI lens, to better serve our members as well as meet the needs of the communities we seek to serve."
You can contact DEI with questions or join their virtual meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Trust-Based Philanthropy: What is it and How Can it be Reflected in Collective Giving?
Impact Austin is a member of Philanos, the collective hosting this instructive webinar about the principles, practices, and reasons for trust-based philanthropy on October 13th. You’ll hear more about this practice at our Town Hall Meeting and also in discussions about our own changes to grantmaking. Learn more this month as the webinar is live streamed on the Philanos You Tube channel. If you don’t have a YouTube account, no problem! You’ll access with your name and email address.
Investing Through a Gender Lens
This 12:00 noon webinar on October 16th follows up on some of the concepts introduced in our August 11 webinar, The Art of Impactful Giving. The Facebook Live event teaches Investing 101 while identifying the issues you value and what you bring to the table, all with the goal of making a bigger impact.
Speaker-sponsors include Mary Jovanovich of Schwab Charitable and Suzanne Wheeler of Mariner Wealth Advisors. Impact Austin President Susan Palombo welcomes guests and member Rise' Candelaria will facilitate the panel.
No registration necessary; join on Impact Austin’s Facebook page.
Town Hall Meeting - November 10th
Please join us to hear the announcement of our 2020 Social Innovation Grant winner! You’ll enjoy an engaging panel about trust-based philanthropy, and you’ll get exciting updates from Impact Austin. The event is free, but registration is required to attend on Zoom.
We’ll also stream on Facebook Live, which requires no registration. Please invite friends and colleagues who might enjoy learning more about Impact Austin.
More details will come in the next newsletter!
Recruitment Events & Zone Socials
We’re gathering virtually to keep our members safe, but we enjoy every chance to visit with other members, learn something new, and introduce friends and colleagues to our organization. #JoinImpactAustin at one of these upcoming events:
The City of Austin's Response to COVID-19
Join us on October 7th via Facebook Live from 12:15-12:45 PM to learn about the ANCHOR grant (Austin Non-Profit and Civic Health Organizations Relief) and RISE funding (Relief in a State of Emergency). Our panelists will include our 2020 Community Partner Ivanna Neri (Family Independence Initiative), Amanda Miller (Mission Capital) and a representative from the city's Office of Economic Development. The event is moderated by Council Member and Impact Austin member Alison Alter.
Invite a friend to learn about Impact Austin grantmaking, what it’s like to serve on a Grant Review Committee, and how you can join in the coming year. Join us on Zoom (registration required) or Facebook Live on October 21st from 4:30-5:30 PM.
Spread Goodness with inLieu and Kathy Terry
Join us on October 23rd at 10:00 AM for a Facebook Live to celebrate Christina's birthday as you learn about a wonderful gift alternative launched by member Kathy Terry, creating lasting impact that is 100% sustainable.
Watch your email for registration information for this virtual Zones gathering on October 27th. If you don’t know your Zone, connect here.
Read about September’s Zone gathering at the Central Texas Food Bank, and save the date for another service project at CTFB on November 14th.
October 13 - Trust-Based Philanthropy (Philanos Webinar)
October 27 - Halloween Trivia Night
We have a team of amazing individuals who work hard to always keep you up to date with what is happening at Impact Austin.
Visit our blog to find event info, press releases, member profiles and so much more!
Plus, don't forget to #JoinImpactAustin on your favorite social media sites!
When you "like" and "share" our posts, you help to promote Impact Austin to a wider audience and potential members.
We would love to hear from you...what do you want to learn more about? What type of information is useful for you? Contact us at contact@impactaustin.org.