Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
March 1, 2017 |
Conservation Update
February 16, 2017 - March 1, 2017
Region Meetings
SWCD Annual Meetings Underway
If you'd like to have pictures from your annual meeting featured in this Conservation Update, please send them along with a few noted highlights to Amy Work at
Hamilton County SWCD 2017 Annual Meeting |
Supervisor of the Year Award Winner, Rodney Rulon
n County SWCD had their annual meeting on February 16. Rodney Rulon (pictured on L, in picture on R) was pre
sented the Supervisor of the Year Award by the sponsor of the award, Tom Bechma
n of Indiana Prairie Farmer Magazine (pictured on R). Conservation Farmer of the Year, Outstanding Partner of Urban Conservation and the River-Friendly Farmer Award were other awards given that day.
Charles Spartz (L) receiving his River Friendly Farmer sign from Mark McCauley, Resource Conservationist, Hamilton County SWCD |
Carl Bruhn (L) receiving the Outstanding Partner of Urban Conservation Award from Claire Lane, Urban Conservationist for Hamilton County SWCD |
Grant Writing Workshops
Check out this list of available training classes you can take to learn the basics of grant writing or to brush up on your skills.
These particular workshops are organized by Purdue Extension and United Way. Thanks to Leah Harmon for compiling this list for all districts on behalf of the Indiana State Soil Conservation Board.
ining Reimbursements available through March 15.
er that the Indiana State Soil Conservation Board is offering SWCD staff and supervisor training funds for training through June 30, 2017. A special emphasis is made on "grant writing" training this year. (See list of available Grant Writing training courses above.) Read more r
egarding the reimbursement for training
"Healthy Soils Are Full of Life!" materials now available
Click here
to be redirected to NACD's Marketplace where the 2017 stewardship and education materials are available for FREE download.
Soon districts will be able to place orders for print-on-demand 2017 materials. Stay tuned for updates regarding on-demand printing options!
Conservation Clip List
A weekly collection of articles,
Conservation Clip List
, is distributed by NACD and provides their members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation.
2018 Annual Conference - SAVE THE DATE!
2016 Indiana USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Annual Report
This report highlights the financial and technical assistance provided by Indiana NRCS as well as three Indiana conservation success stories.
Read here . . .
Webinar Series about Project Applications for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)
In January 2017, USDA invited potential conservation partners to submit project applications for federal funding through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).
Through this fourth RCPP Announcement for Program Funding (APF), USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will award up to $252 million to locally driven, public-private partnerships that improve the nation's water quality, combat drought, enhance soil health, support wildlife habitat and protect agricultural viability. Applicants must match or exceed the federal award with private or local funds.
The NRCS will host a
webinar for potential applicants to assist with pre-proposals, due April 21, 2017. The webinar will introduce participants to the NRCS and its programs, discuss the RCPP and APF requirements, and offer best practices for project applications.
The NRCS will offer the webinar from 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern Time on
March 22, 2017 and
April 5, 2017. Read more and register here.
Indiana NRCS Accepting Second Round Applications for Wetland Easements in the St. Joseph River Watershed
Jane Hardisty, State Conservationist for Indiana's USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced today that NRCS is accepting applications until March 15 to be considered for second round funding to improve water quality in seven counties in northern Indiana.
2017 Economics of Conservation Farming Conference
"Seeing Green: Fields and Profits"
Wednesday, March 8
8am to 3pm
Parkview Mirro Center, 10622 Parkview Plaza Dr., Fort Wayne, IN
Indiana NRCS Accepting Second Round Applications in Big Pine Watershed
Jane Hardisty, State Conservationist for Indiana's USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced today they are still accepting applications to improve water quality in the Big Pine watershed located in northwest Indiana.
Dollars are still available for farmers through the Big Pine Watershed Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). The watershed which includes portions of Benton, White, Warren, and Tippecanoe counties and the partnership is working with farmers in the area to increase the number of nutrient and sediment reducing practices on cropland. While applications are accepted on a continuous basis, March 15 will be the second cutoff date this year to be considered for funding for this partnership project. Read more...
2017 Great Lakes Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Program Request for Proposals (RFP)
The Great Lakes Commission is pleased to announce the request for proposals (RFP) for the 2017 Great Lakes Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Program grant program. This program, formerly known as the Great Lakes Basin Program for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, is administered by the Great Lakes Commission through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). To date, this program has supported more than 490 projects to reduce the input of unwanted sediment, nutrients, and other sediment-borne pollutants into Great Lakes, reducing soil erosion by an estimated two million tons and phosphorus loadings by two million pounds.
For program year 2017, two grant options are being offered; small scale grant projects and larger watershed scale grant projects. Grants provided under this year's program will focus on reducing sediment and phosphorus runoff into the Great Lakes. Please check the "2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS" for details at: http://keepingitontheland.net/apply-for-funding/. Click on the "Apply for Grants" button at the top right hand side of the page to begin the application process. The due date for applications is 6:00 p.m. EDT on March 31, 2017. A 25 percent non-federal match is required for each project. The match can be provided as cash or in-kind services. Funding is provided by NRCS through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
All grant projects must explicitly reduce sediment and phosphorus entering the Great Lakes. Funding will be available for both technical assistance and financial assistance.
An estimated ten to twelve small scale projects will be funded for up to a maximum of $50,000 each. Projects can be up to 36 months in duration. An example of a small scale project is the installation of a phosphorus scrubber device in a waterway to reduce phosphorus from entering the Great Lakes.
An estimated four to five watershed-scale projects will be funded up to maximum of $200,000 per project. The projects may be up to 36 months in duration. An example of a watershed scale project is establishing a 4R cost-share program with stratified soils samples to reduce dissolved phosphorus entering the Great Lakes.
Any questions should be directed to Gary Overmier at
Webinar: Soil Health Economics: A Farmer's Perspective
Mar 14, 2017 2:00 pm
Rodney Rulon, Rulon Enterprises, Arcadia, IN
2017 Membership Dues must be received by March 31, 2017
 Indiana District Employees Association (IDEA), in partnership with the IASWCD and ISDA Division of Soil Conservation, organizes training meetings and workshops for district employees. In addition, they assist with various events and activities to strengthen Soil and Water Conservation programs throughout Indiana. Membership is open to any Indiana Soil and Water Conservation District employee who is supportive of the objectives and mission of IDEA. Any other interested person or organization may become an Associate member. Annual dues are $25.00 per person. Your dues make it possible for IDEA to provide training programs and networking opportunities for all District employees. The membership drive is currently taking place for the 2017 year. Membership forms and more details can be found
The Who, What, When, Where and How of Watersheds
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has updated their Watershed page.Check it out
Other News
Invasive S
pecies Awareness Week
February 27-March 3 is
invasive species awareness week. As part of awareness week,
there will be several webinars - sign up by clicking on the links below.
OCRA is now accepting applications for Generation 5 of the
Hometown Collaboration Initiative
To aid applicants with the HCI application process, Purdue University will host a
webinar on Monday, March 6
2:30-3:30 pm EST
) titled 'How to Write a Competitive HCI Application.'
Erosion Control Workshop Evansville, IN
March 22 from 9 am to 2 pm (CST)
University of Southern Indiana, Carter Hall
Conservation Day with Jim Hoorman
Jasper, IN
March 3 - 8 am (EST)
Registrations due by February 24
Women in Agribusiness accepting Nominations for Award
The Women in Agribusiness Demeter Award of Excellence recognizes companies and individuals whose achievements further their mission of attracting and advancing women in the ag and food sector and that exemplify the belief that nurturing gender diversity is in a company's and the industry's best interests.
Central Hardwood Oak Ecology and Wildlife Management Conference
March 7-8, 2017
The Season Lodge in Nashville, Indiana
This conference is open to landowners, professional resource managers and anyone interested in our oak forests. Plenary session will include programs on oak ecology, disturbance ecology, deer and oak forests and funding for forest restoration and management.
For more information and registration information,
click here
4-H Extension Educators Conference
The 2017 National Association of 4-H Extension Agents/Educators Conference will be held November 12-17, 2017, at JW Marriott in Indianapolis. This is a professional development workshop and 1,500 people are expected to attend.There are several opportunities for SWCDs and Extension service to be involved. See conference website here.
Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund
The Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund
is now accepting
funding applications
for project
s seekin
g to increase the quality, quantity, and conn
ectivity of habitat or to enhan
ce outreach coordi
nation around monarch education.
Approximately $3.7 million is available, and grants may range in size from $50,000 to $250,000. The
sal submission deadlin
e is March 13, 2017