Watch a slide show of photos sent in from I-K Mission Territory congregations who participated in the "God's work. Our hands." dedicated day of service on September 8. (Click on the word bubble in the lower left corner to read the captions.)
News from the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA
Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. -Colossians 3:13
I-K Synod Bishop William Gafkjen

Bishop Bill has been on the move! He:
Preached and presided for First Lutheran, Louisville, KY
Attended the Professional Leaders Gathering, Clifty Falls Indiana State Park
Attended the Conference of Bishops meeting in Chicago
Participated in the installation of Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Chicago
Coming up:
During the next two weeks he will be in Minnesota for the board meetings of St. Olaf College and Augsburg Fortress
Within the territory of Indiana and Kentucky, Bishop Bill will:
Make a bishops' visit to Trinity Lutheran Seminary, including preaching at chapel
Attend the installation of Southern Ohio Synod Bishop Suzanne Dillahunt, October 26, at Wittenberg University
Preach and preside for confirmation at Calvary LC, Angola, IN, Sunday, October 27
Attend the installation of Trinity Lutheran Seminary President, Rick Barger, Columbus, OH, October, 27-28
Receive the I-KSynod Podcasts by email!
Young adult leaders in our synod are blogging!
Share the names of your college students 
October greetings,
An important Portico Benefits reminder: Employer enrollment is open now
but will close on Oct. 14.
Your congregations needs to decide which ELCA-Primary health benefit option to offer plan members in 2014 and enter them online. For additional help in making these choices, you might want to read the I-K Synod Financial Health blog where you can find answers to some of your questions. Pr. Jerry O'Neal, (Calvary, Bluffton, IN) has developed a Health Care Planning Tool for rostered leaders and congregations to use in finding the most cost efficient plan for the congregation and the rostered leader.
Did you have the time to watch the installation of ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton this past Saturday? If not, it is still available to watch online. I-K Synod liturgical and textile artist Linda Witte Henke designed the vestments for Bishop Eaton: two copes, a chasuble, three stoles, and a dalmatic and did all of this in a record two-and-one-half weeks! The design for the vestments employs globe, cross, and flames to reference the Holy Trinity. The design motif was executed with fabrics in a variety of textures and finishes in nuanced colors expressive of the liturgical seasons and incorporated more than 17,000 inches of gold trim. Ms. Henke wrote: This fete was made possible by the able partnership of Christine Felde, a friend and colleague who possesses exceptional sewing and garment-construction skills. Day after day, we scurried back and forth between our respective studios, with me drafting patterns and creating the design motifs for the various vestments and Christine laboring to translate those patterns and motifs into completed garments. We were both amazed and relieved to have completed the project in time for Presiding Bishop-Elect Eaton's service of installation. Click here to view an image of the completed project.
Did you remember that October is Clergy Appreciation month?
Your congregation might offer a special prayer for your pastor and her/his family in the following weeks. You could also give your pastor a gift of theatre tickets, restaurant gift card, or maybe choose a gift in her/his honor that will make a difference from the ELCA Good Gifts catalogue.
Prayer Concerns
We lift up in prayer Nora Strietelmeier, granddaughter of Pr. Mark and Cindy Strietelmeier (Zion, Portland, IN) and daughter of Pastors Ed and Laura Strietelmeier, Ohio, who will undergo heart surgery for the third time this Friday, October 11. We pray for skill for the surgeons and staff, healing for Nora, comfort, strength and patience for the family, and that the recovery will be a smooth one.
We continue to pray for Pr. Laura Altman (Gethsemane, Lexington, KY), whose husband Donald just underwent his third surgery since suffering injuries from an accident a few weeks ago. We pray for continued healing and for strength and patience for the Altman family as Donald continues to recover in the hospital.
In our staff devotions this morning, we gave thanks for and lifted up the mission and ministries of four congregations in the Indiana-Kentucky mission territory. We gave thanks for the ministries of a pastor with a university, a synod in Region 7, and two retired pastors.
come2go ministries
Fort Wayne, IN
Pr. Mark Minnick
Pr. Brian Spahr
Eberhard Lutheran Church
Columbia City, IN Pr. Alice Smith
Griffith Lutheran Church
Griffith, IN Pr. Andrew Bailey
Marquardt Lutheran Church
Monroeville, IN
Congregational Leader
Pr. Mark Bartusch
Valparaiso University
Valparaiso, IN
Slovak Zion Synod
Torrington, CT
Bishop Wilma Kucharek
Pr. Frederick Pfotenhauer, Retired
South Bend, IN
Pr. John Place, Retired
Richmond, IN
Giving Thanks for Generous Leaders in the I-K Mission Territory
At the annual Professional Leaders Conference at Clifty Falls National Park, Madison, IN, participants gathered for worship three times. Each worship service offered the opportunity to make gifts to designated programs and we are thankful that our professional leaders gave freely to the following funds:
Sunday, Sept. 29: $557.75 for the ELCA Special Needs Retirement endowment fund
Monday, Sept. 30: $237.75 for ELCA Malaria Campaign
Tuesday, Oct.1: $241.40 for the Freed to Lead fund
Thanks be to God for the loving gifts made so freely by our I-K Mission Territory professional leaders!
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:7
ELCA Human Trafficking Curriculum Series
This series is designed to raise awareness and encourage thoughtful dialogue and leaning so that young people of the church learn about justice, advocate for change and lead into the future. Sessions can be adapted for adults. The series contains six one-hour leaning sessions designed to equip young people on the realities of human trafficking.
Find the series here.
For more information, contact the Justice for Women program at
"Gather" Magazine is now also an "App"
Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions, and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action. "Gather" is published 10 times a year with combined issues in January/February and July/August. Only $15 a year.
Find "Gather" magazine in digital format at www.womenoftheelca.org and subscribers can find the app in Google Play, the iTunes store or Amazon.com. Also available is the new nine-month Women of the ELCA Bible study, In Good Company: Stories of Biblical Women."
To learn more about the magazine and the Bible study, visit www.gathermagazine.org
 WorshipFest Saturday, October 26, 2013 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Resurrection Lutheran Church
445 E. Stop 11 Road
Indianapolis, IN 46227
+Festive Worship +Inspirational Presentations +Engaging Breakouts
$25 per person/Parish group rates apply
Lunch and child care provided
Sponsored by the I-K Synod worship committee
Contact Pr. Rudy Mueller at
Did you know...
every day more than 14,400 children die of starvation?
Join us in the fight against hunger as we work together to assemble 2000 packets of Kids Against Hunger meals. One packet of Kids Against Hunger food provides SIX highly nutritious meals that are distributed to partners overseas, as well as to food pantries in the local area.
The organization will bring the equipment and raw materials and you will put everything together. This project costs $0.25 per meal, which the I-K Synod will subsidize, but we would gratefully accept monetary donations to help pay for these meals.
Need a room for Friday October 25, 2013 prior to Worshipfest?
April Lynch has reserved a block of rooms at the Drury Inn with special pricing.
Drury Inn
9320 North Michigan Road
Indianapolis IN 46268
(317 876-9777
Single rooms are $74 plus tax and double rooms are $69 plus tax. Check in after 3 p.m. and check out is at 11 a.m. Be sure to ask for the I-K Synod block. The special block of rooms will no longer be available after Friday, October 15.
Portico Enrollment and Eligibility Information
Have you looked at the Indiana-Kentucky blog about financial health and well-being?
Which employers need to make a health benefit option election for 2014? Which employers do not need to make a health benefit option election?
Employers who need to make a health benefit election for 2014:
- Employers currently sponsoring any members (even if all those members are waived or Medicare-primary).
- Employers who have sponsored at least one member since January 01, 2012, even if they are not currently sponsoring any members.
- Employers not currently sponsoring but planning on sponsoring in 2014.
Employers who do not need to make a health benefit election for 2014:
- Employers who have not sponsored any members since before January 01, 2012, and who do not intend to sponsor any members in 2014.
- Special exception employers (e.g. grandfathered-in retirement only, Luther Seminary, Global Missions, etc.).
Communal Discernment Tool:
Click on the Resources tab on the I-K Synod web site and scroll down to find communal discernment tools designed to be used by rostered leaders to help congregations have a constructive and faithful conversation about selecting a health plan option - one in which the Spirit is invited to enter and guide the process. You will find a Communal Discernment Handout, and a Communal Discernment Leaders Guide.
Pre-Retirement Seminars:
A list of available seminars, more information, and registration are on the Events page under the News & Events drop-down menu at www.porticobenefits.org.
Family Life Coordinator Position Available
Calvary Lutheran Church (ELCA), Angola, IN is seeking applications for a part-time (10-15 hours per week) Family Life Coordinator. The Family Life Coordinator is responsible for arranging the development of programs for Sunday school and small groups, as well as assisting the pastor with confirmation. Requirements and qualifications:
* Familiarity with Luther's Small Catechism and accepted teachings of the ELCA.
* Two years of teaching/leadership in Christian Education.
* Proof of church membership and recommendation from applicant's pastor.
* Proficiency with Microsoft Office 2010 (or higher) and social media.
Applicants are encouraged to send cover letter and resume to Calvary Lutheran Church, ATTN: Family Life, 1301 Williams Street, Angola, Indiana 46703 or email them to calvary.secretary@calvarylutheranang.org by November 1, 2013
CROP Hunger Walk
CROP Hunger Walk season is here. CROP Hunger Walks involves neighbors walking together to end hunger now, raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger needs.
Find a walk near you at: www.cropwalkonline.org.
For more information, questions, or to start your own local Hunger Walk, please contact John Dolon, Indiana-Kentucky Field Director for Church World Service at: jdolon@cwsglobal.org or 317-923-2938.
God's Grace, Our Response: Where Stewardship and Mission Meet
November 9, 2013
King of Glory Lutheran Church
Carmel, IN
9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
$30 for a team of three; $5 for each additional person. Lunch, snacks and a book are included.
To register, please email Carol Ann Webb at the synod office (cwebb@iksynod.org) with the names of your team members and the date you will attend. Registration deadlines are 10 days prior to the workshop.
 International Crossings Conference
Proclaiming Christ Alone in an Age of Pluralism January 26-29, 2014 Our Lady of the Snows Belleville, IL
What does it mean to confess, preach and follow Christ alone in a pluralistic age?
This year's conference will apply the Crossings Method to the contemporary pluralistic scene, engaging scripture, tradition, and the experience of faith communities to discuss this question in high quality lectures, panels and conversations.
Participants will also learn the Crossings Method, hear it enacted in short sermons and devotions, and enjoy it outside of sessions in great conversations with others. The conference is a wonderful and unique immersion in Law/Gospel theology.
Attendees new to the Crossings Method are strongly encouraged to attend pre-conference sessions which begin a day earlier. Scholarships are available for seminary students and new pastors.
Learn more about the conference and registration.
Opportunity to have Thrivent Choice Dollars� Directions Doubled
The Thrivent Choice� 'Double Direction Church Campaign will run from Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 2013. All Choice Dollars directions made to the Indiana-Kentucky Synod or enrolled churches will be doubled during this time or until $15 million has been awarded, whichever comes first.
Additional grant paid in December
As eligible members direct Choice Dollars to the synod or congregation, those organizations will receive grant funds on a monthly basis. If Choice Dollars are directed to the enrolled organization during the campaign by December 20, 2013, an additional electronic deposit will be made. This one-time deposit will represent the additional amount Thrivent Financial is distributing through the Double Direction Church Campaign.
Visit Thrivent.com/thriventchoice to learn more about the charitable grant program. For questions call customer service at 800-847-4836 and when prompted say, "Thrivent Choice". When prompted again, say "Choice Dollars."
October 2013
I-K Synod Mission Support Table Meeting
October 22, 2013
11:00 - 3:00 p.m.
I-K Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact Carol Webb at cwebb@iksynod.org
October 24, 2013
10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
I-LK Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact April Lynch at alynch@iksynod.org
I-K Synod WorshipFest
October 26, 2013 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Resurrection Lutheran Church 445 E. Stop 11 Road Indianapolis, IN 46227 Contact Rudy Mueller at rmueller@iksynod.org
I-K Synod First Call Day
Oct. 29, 2013
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Indianapolis
Contact Rudy Mueller at rmueller@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Finance Committee October 31, 2013 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. I-K Lutheran Center Chapel Contact April Lynch at alynch@iksynod.org
November 2013
I-K Synod New to Roster Event
November 6-7, 2013
12:00 p.m. on Wednesday through 12:00 p.m. on Thursday
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Indianapolis
Contact Rudy Mueller at rmueller@iksynod.org
Workshop: God's Grace, Our Response: Where Stewardship and Mission Meet
November 9, 2013
King of Glory Lutheran Church, Carmel, IN
9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Contact Carol Webb at cwebb@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Candidacy Committee Meeting
Nov. 14-16, 2013
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Nov. 16
I-K Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact Heather Apel at hapel@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Council Meeting
November 15-16, 2014
I-K Lutheran Center
Contact April Lynch at alynch@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Hymn Festival with David Cherwein
November 24, 2013
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Carmel, IN
Contact Rudy Mueller at rmueller@iksynod.org
The Indiana-Kentucky Lutheran Center will be closed November 28-29, 2013, for the Thanksgiving holiday
I-K Synod Deans Meeting
November 26, 2013
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
I-K Synod Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact April Lynch at alynch@iksynod.org