United in Mission, Transformed by Faith: Leaders from Latin American Churches and their ELCA companion Synods met this past weekend in Bogota, Colombia.
From left: Justin Eller from ELCA Global Missions; Jan Rosdiel and Cynthia Wells from the Western Iowa Synod; Carolina Ramirez Silva from the Iglesia Evangelica Luterana en Chile (IELCH); and Revs. Carolyn Lesmeister and Chris Duckworth from the Indiana-Kentucky Synod. The two ELCA Synods partner with the IELCH for shared mission and ministry. Read more about this meeting in the article below.
News from the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA
God will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away. Revelation 21:4
I-K Synod Bishop William Gafkjen

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Young adult leaders in our synod are blogging!
This coming Sunday is Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the church year. The beginning of the church year, the Sunday after Thanksgiving which is December 1, will be the first Sunday in Advent. You will notice in your church that the paraments (cloth hangings on the altar and pulpit) will change to blue, the Advent color of hope. The colors of worship change as the seasons of the church unfold.
 As the holiday season draws near, keep in mind that for some people, the holidays do not bring joy and happiness: individuals may be experiencing grief after the death of a loved one or after a divorce. Couples may have been unable to have a child, or have endured an emotional trauma. Maybe the the pressure of the holiday preparations is overwhelming. Some congregations are reaching out to people by adding Blue Christmas services to the worship week. These services have a more reflective mood than the traditional Christmas worship service. If your pastor or lay leader offers such a service, please email me at dburrus@iksynod.org and I will post the service on our website.
The winter issue of the KINSwoman, the newsletter of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod women's organization is now online.
Take a look at the Weaving Gifts Together blog created for the I-K Synod journey to Indonesia next week. Our travelers Bishop Bill, Terry and Liz Michael, and Pr. Bimen Limbong will explore a renewed companion synod relationship with the leadership of the HKBP, the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, in Indonesia. Stay tuned for photos and updates in the days after Thanksgiving. Read how our sister and brothers in Christ will walk together with the HKBP leadership to share resources, ideas, prayer, worship and mutual support. Keep them in prayer during this time of accompaniment and companionship with each other, across the globe.
Coming your way soon!

Prayer Concerns
In our morning devotions, we gave thanks for the ministries and missions of our congregations named St. Mark's. We lifted up and gave thanks for the ministries of a college chaplain, a synod in Region 8, and three retired pastors.
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Butler, IN
Congregational Leader
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Batesville, IN
Pr. Jill Campbell
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Monroeville, IN
Pr. Jeremy Russell, Interim
Grace Unlimited
Indianapolis Metro Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry
Pr. Charles Allen
Upper Susquehanna Synod
Lewisburg, PA
Bishop Robert Driesen
Pr. Freda Scales, Retired
Valparaiso, IN
Pr. Herb Schlotterbeck, Retired
Indianapolis, IN
Pr. Robert E. Schrack, Retired
Indianapolis, IN
Hymn Festival Featuring David Cherwien
November 24, 2013
Pilgrim Lutheran Church
Carmel, IN
4:00 p.m.
As a renowned church organist, conductor, composer, and improviser, David Cherwien brings creativity to hymns of various traditions and styles. He has won national acclaim as a leader of congregational song with hymn festivals, workshops, and presentations that are always inspiring. Through innovative combinations of organ, piano, other instruments and voices, his music enfolds participants and transports them to an encounter with the sublime.
Cherwien is composier of liturgical music for choir and organ, and author of
Let the People Sing (Concordia Publishing House, 1997). He has held parish music positions in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul areas, Chicago, Seattle, and Berlin; has served as organist/cantor of Christ Chapel and as visiting instructor in music at Gustavus Adolphus College and has been a teaching associate at Elmhurst College, IL. Since 2001, Cherwien has served as director of music at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN and as music director for the National Lutheran Choir. He is also a founding member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians and active in the American Guild of Organists and Choristers' Guild.
Cherwien will be joined at the Hymn Festival by members of several Indianapolis church choirs. All attendees are invited to make a freewill offering designated for the ELCA I-K Synod Music Mentoring Ministry which nurtures growth by matching less-experienced parish musicians with more seasoned professionals.
Sarah Gran Williams
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, 3650 West 106th St., Carmel, IN 46032
317-846-2221 ext. 1208
New: Online Congregational Letter of Intent
For your convenience, we have added an online Congregational Letter of Intent to the synod website. You can now fill out the form online and click on Submit to send in your letter.
See the form now.
Church for the Sake of the World
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), presented her first report to the ELCA Church Council during the November 8-10 session. Speaking to the board of directors she said: "We are church for the sake of the world."
Strengthening and Renewing our Relationships in Central and South America
A message from Pr. Carolyn Lesmeister, assistant to Bishop Gafkjen:
"We used to have full-time pastors who did everything, but now we can't afford that. We are trying to figure out how to do effective ministry with our congregations and in our communities using part-time pastoral leadership, which means we're having to train and develop a lot of strong lay leaders. Many of our pastors need to be bi-vocational."
"A lot of our congregations are very small. They feel isolated."
"We have a traditional worship service one Sunday a month with the choir and the organ. We have a contemporary service one Sunday a month with a praise band. The other Sundays we try to do a combination; it's a challenge, but we're trying to keep everyone happy."
"We're struggling to reach out to young people."
Do any of these concerns sound familiar to you? Have you been a part of similar conversations with people in your church or with colleagues in the ministry?
If any of the above comments resonated with you - then you have more in common with our sister and brother Lutherans in Latin America than you might think!
All of these observations were made by leaders from different churches throughout Central and South America, who gathered with representatives from their ELCA companion Synods in Bogot�, Colombia, this past weekend to discuss to strengthen and renew relationships with one another in order to witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
I and Rev. Chris Duckworth were there on behalf of the I-K Synod, and we met Carolina Ramirez Silva, who serves as the treasurer for our companion synod, the Iglesia Evang�lica Luterana en Chile (IELCH).
While the details of our contexts are different, we were surprised to learn how much we have in common, and how many similar challenges and opportunities we face. We realized that we could benefit from in-depth conversations and brainstorming around how we are addressing these matters in our respective contexts.
Our relationship with our sisters and brothers in Chile is being re-invigorated, and we are looking forward to the continued exchange of ideas and the mutual strengthening of faith in the coming months and years.
Rev. Duckworth will offer more in-depth reflections on our time together in next week's e-news, but in the mean time, please hold the folks in the IELCH in your prayers. They are praying for all of us!
As we rebuild our global missions team, we are looking for folks who are interested in serving with us, particularly people (lay and rostered) who are bilingual in English and Spanish. If that sounds like you or someone you know, please contact Rev. Carolyn Lesmeister at clesmeister@iksynod.org for more information or to be considered to serve in this capacity.
ELCA to disburse $1 million for Philippines typhoon relief
The ELCA is providing $1 million to support immediate relief for survivors of Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the Philippines Nov. 8. The funds are being disbursed through Lutheran Disaster Response to Lutheran World Relief.
"We are showing up," said the Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, ELCA presiding bishop. "Lutheran Disaster Response, working through Lutheran World Relief, is meeting the immediate needs of people affected by this storm. This means that our entire church is on the ground in the Philippines, and we will stay there until the work is done. We are a church that does God's work with our hands," she said.
The relief funds will provide for the distribution of cooking utensils, shelter repair kits and debris removal.
According to the United Nations, at least 9 million people are affected and more than 600,000 are displaced from their homes as a result of the storm. Widespread destruction has complicated relief efforts, leaving thousands stranded in at least eight regions of the country.
Financial gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response will be used 100 percent to support relief efforts for all survivors impacted by the typhoon. Information about Lutheran Disaster Response is available at www.ELCA.org/typhoon. Lutheran World Relief is an independent Lutheran agency that works with community-based partners.
Create a Spark in Your Faith Community
Sparkhouse develops faith formation resources for children, youth, and adults.
- Help kids age two to grade six make sense of the Bible with engaging resources and activities.
- Engage teens with humor, imaginative biblical experiences, and honest answers to faith questions.
- Deepen faith and understanding with personal reflection, vibrant discussions, and dynamic presentations.
Get the resources and tools you need to create a spark in your faith community.
Anti-racism Team
Did you know that the Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women's Organization has an anti-racism team? Pastor Angie Shannon (Calvary Lutheran, Angola, IN) and Darlene Bockelman (Hope Lutheran, Columbia City, IN) have received training and are available to come to your congregation or cluster for a presentation. Contact Pr. Shannon at revangelas@gmail.com to set up a date. You are asked to cover expenses for travel and food, and lodging, if necessary. |
Fulfilled Leadership: Empowering Congregational Leaders through Stillness, Awareness and Playfulness
Dec. 4, 2013
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST Community Congregational Church 4592 N. Hurricane Road Franklin, IN 46131
Dec. 5, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CST Living Hope Church 9000 Taft St. Merrillville, IN 46410
Vibrant leadership taps into a wellspring of inner capacities. By slowing down and developing playfulness, leaders can live and manage in a new way, with a deep sense of contentment, peace and joy.
Leadership can be mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausting, but it is possible to be fulfilled and successful in all the most important ways. Led by pastor, educator and author Kirk Byron Jones, this workshop is based on his book Fulfilled: Living and Leading with Unusual Wisdom, Peace, and Joy, which articulates a new approach for the congregational leader in need of renewal.
This workshop is an interactive and meaningful experience in which participants may expect to achieve three primary learning objectives:
- Explore the biblical, theological, and spiritual basis for stillness, awareness, and playfulness.
- Share and practice rituals for developing stillness, awareness, and playfulness.
- Develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the benefits of stillness, awareness, and playfulness for spiritual living, leadership, and congregational life.
National Conference for Sacred Music
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
2:00 p.m. - Friday, January 10, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. (EST)
Naples Park, FL The National Conference for Sacred Music is designed to provide the church musician with fresh ideas to help create a vital, growing music ministry. The emphasis of this conference is to provide a variety of new approaches to revitalize and reinvigorate the Church's passion for music in worship. Sessions will include the following:
The latest ideas on how to use social media with your church and choirs
Choral technique classes with an emphasis on deepening the spiritual experience for the choir member
Reading sessions featuring new publications from Augsburg Fortress, Hinshaw, and MorningStar Music Publishers
Sponsorship by three different denominational groups: The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, The Presbyterian Association of Musicians, and the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts
Classes on growing the choir, attracting young adults into the music ministry, strategic planning and educating the congregation about worship
Workshops for working with children. Handbells Opening worship of Anglican Evensong with an All Professional Choir from Trinity - By- The - Cove
Morning Worship creatively crafted by John Ferguson and Martin Seltz
Opportunity to rehearse and sing for the Festival Concert Friday Evening with Anton Armstrong and John Ferguson |
I-K Synod New to Roster Event
November 6-7, 2013
12:00 p.m. on Wednesday through 12:00 p.m. on Thursday
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Indianapolis
Contact Rudy Mueller at rmueller@iksynod.org
CANCELED: Workshop: God's Grace, Our Response: Where Stewardship and Mission Meet
November 9, 2013
King of Glory Lutheran Church
Carmel, IN
9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Contact Carol Webb at cwebb@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Congregational Council Workshop
November 9, 2013
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Crestview Hills, KY
Contact Rudy Mueller at rmueller@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Renewing Mission Team
November 11. 2013
10:00 - 3:00 p.m.
I-K Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact Carol Webb at cwebb@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Candidacy Committee Meeting
Nov. 14-16, 2013
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Nov. 16
I-K Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact Heather Apel at hapel@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Council Meeting
November 15-16, 2014
I-K Lutheran Center
Contact April Lynch at alynch@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Macedonia Retreat
November 18-19, 2013
Drury Inn, Indianapolis
1:00 p.m.
Contact Nancy Nyland at nnyland@iksynod.org
I-K Synod Hymn Festival with David Cherwein
November 24, 2013
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Carmel, IN
Contact Rudy Mueller at rmueller@iksynod.org
The Indiana-Kentucky Lutheran Center will be closed November 28-29, 2013, for the Thanksgiving holiday
I-K Synod Deans Meeting
November 26, 2013
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
I-K Synod Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact April Lynch at alynch@iksynod.org
December 2013
I-K Mission Territory Community Organizing Team Meeting
December 5, 2013
10:00 - 2:00 p.m.
I-K Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact Cindy Geisen at matterofcat@hotmail.com
I-K Synod LACE Team
December 5, 2013
9:30 a.m.
I-K Lutheran Center small conference room
Contact Ed Seykowski at edseykow@juno.com
The Indiana-Kentucky Lutheran Center will be closed December 24-25, 2013, for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
The Indiana-Kentucky Lutheran Center will be closed December 31, 2013, for New Year's Eve.