Indiana-Kentucky Synod Logo

News from the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA

April 2, 2014
In This Issue
Bible text
Take the 2014 Health Assessment
2014 Synod Assembly
Bishop Gafkjen
Share the names
Prayer Concerns
Make a Gift Online
2014 Health Assessment
IU Concert
Golf Outing
Generation X
Transformational Stewardship
2014 Synod Assembly News
Assembly Volunteers
Healthy Congregations Facilitator Training
Jesus says, "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother."
Matthew 18:15 
As of March 10, 79 eligible people have already taken the 2014 Portico Health Assessment.


We need 68 more people to take it by April 30 for our synod to save $40,000. We've done it the past two years, so let's reach our goal this year, too.

Portico Health Members 
Take the 2014 
Health Assessment  



ELCA Board of Pensions Health Assessment button


"Walking the Way with Jesus, Joy and Generosity"

June 5-7, 2014
Indianapolis, IN 
2014 God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday
Day of Service

September 7, 2014 
I-K Synod Bishop William Gafkjen

Bishop-Elect Bill Gafkjen



A severe earthquake occurred off the coast of Chile yesterday evening, triggering tsunami warnings in various countries. Prs. Carolyn Lesmeister and Chris Duckworth are visiting with sisters and brothers of the Iglesia Evang�lica Luterana en Chile right now. Bishop Gafkjen has made inquiries concerning their safety and received the following from Presiding Pastor Luis Alvarez:

Thank you, brother. The earthquake was significant, but without major consequences as far as we know so far. Being an area very well prepared to deal with these events the people are very well organized. Our visitors from the ELCA companion synods and Mission Eine Welt are all well and very far from the earthquake, in the southern part of Chile. Thank you for your accompaniment and prayer.    


Let's continue to pray for the safety and well being of the Chileans, those visiting Chile, and those who live in surrounding countries.


Other news:

The March 31 deadline for the I-K Synod Assembly registration discount was this past Monday and over 100 people registered on that date. Wow! Now we need to remind those of you who would like to propose an idea for a table at Mission Fest or a breakout to contact Pr. Heather Apel right away. Also, I am preparing the Bulletin of Reports and the time to submit reports for inclusion will run out this month, so send your reports to if you are on a committee, represent an institution or are a director or officer of the synod.


The January through April issues of the Parish Paper are now available on the synod website. 


January 2014 - Big Ministry Trends

March 2014 - 
April 2014 - 


Praying with you for all those who mourn or are suffering in some way,



Prayer Concerns  

We mourn with Pr. Donna Glazier (interim, Christ, Terre Haute, IN), whose brother George Eli Apolzon, 73, of Austin, passed away Sunday, March 30, 2014. Funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m., April 3, 2014 at Tarrytown United Methodist Church in Texas. Read the obituary. We pray that Pr. Glazier and her family find peace and refuge in the arms of our Father during these difficult days.


We mourn with Pr. Ted Stoneberg (retired), whose mother, Verna Stoneberg, died in her sleep on March 23 in Helena, Montana. Her funeral took place at St. John's Lutheran Church of Helena, MT, on Friday, March 28. Read the obituary. Pr. Stoneberg included in his email: "God is good! My prayer for her to have a peaceful death was answered."

Merciful God, 
Hear the cries for mercy in the midst of the earthquake in Chile. Reveal your presence in the midst of those who suffer. Help them to trust in your promises of hope and life so that desperation and grief will not overtake them. Come quickly to the aid of those in need and strengthen them in this time of trial with the assurance of hope we know in the death and resurrection of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen


This morning during staff devotions, we continued to pray in alphabetical order for our rostered and lay leaders, congregations, those in specialized ministries, those who are retired, and those in another synod of the ELCA


Gethsemane, Fort Wayne, IN                    

Pr. Debra Meuter


Gethsemane, Indianapolis, IN                   

Pr. Barb Dahl


Gethsemane, Lexington, KY                       

Pr. Laura Altman


Gloria Dei, Crestview Hills, KY                     

Pr. Vicki Garber


Gloria Dei, Mulberry, IN                                

Pr. Mike Crawford


Retired Rostered Leaders                            

Rev. Robert Franklin, Three Rivers, Michigan


Rev. Richard Frazier, Fort Wayne, IN


Rev. David Furuness, Indianapolis, IN


Rostered Leaders in Specialized Ministry               

Bishop William Gafkjen, Indianapolis, IN


Rev. Doug Givan, Indianapolis, IN


The Western North Dakota Synod and Bishop Mark Narum

Did you know that giving online is about more than money?

Read the April issue of the Parish Paper, Ideas and Insights for Active Congregations.
Excerpt: Come with a worshipful spirit.
Far from a threat to the traditional practice of gift-giving, eGiving

can free members to think broader and deeper about giving.


Visit and click on the blue box on the right side that says Give Online or just click here. Follow the steps from there. You can use this new feature on special occasions to make gifts in honor of your pastor or family members or to make a general gift. 

Give it a try now!

Will we make the April 30 deadline this year?
If you're an ELCA-Primary health plan member, we need you to take the health assessment. You may be the one to push us over the 65% discount threshold and save us all 2% on all 2014 health contributions. 

Is your spouse covered under your ELCA-Primary health benefits? If he or she completes the Mayo Clinic Health Assessment, too, you'll earn another $150 wellness dollars and help us earn our synod-wide 2% discount on health contributions.
ELCA Board of Pensions Health Assessment button Click on the red button to take it now!

Concert from Indiana University's Another Round, formerly IU's Straight No Chaser

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Concert begins at 8:00 p.m.; Doors open at 7:00 p.m.. 

Come2go ministries, Fort Wayne, IN


IU's premier men's a cappella group, Another Round will be returning to C2G Music Hall Saturday April 12. This has become an annual event for C2G. This is a great group of young men that are students at Indiana University, the Bloomington campus.

$20 for general admission seating, available online and at the 3 Fort Wayne Wooden Nickel stores and Neat Neat Neat Records and Music. There is also a VIP wine tasting party before the show for $100, which includes early entry, wine and hors d' oeuvres. 

30th Annual Lutherwood Golf Outing

The Foundation for Lutheran Child and Family Services invites you to the 30th Annual Lutherwood Golf Outing.

Old Oakland Golf Club 

11611 E 75th Street

Indianapolis, IN 46236  

Outing participants will support programs and ministries of Lutheran Child and Family Services 

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.- Registration, lunch, silent auction, driving range and putting green open

1:00 p.m.-5:30 p. m.- 
Shotgun Start, Florida Scramble, Closest to the Pin Competition, Longest Drive Competition, 50/50 Putting Contest, "Beat the Pro" Contest, 

5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Dinner, awards and prizes
Collared shirts and soft spiked shoes required.


Lutheran Child and Family Services has been providing social service programs for abused and neglected youngsters and families since 1883. Lutherwood is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center for boys and girls, 6 to 18 years, who are victims of traumatic events and require a secure 24/7 setting; Emergency Shelter Care provides a safe haven, 24/7, for 16 boys and girls, 13-18 years, who need temporary shelter from abusive home situations. Trinity House is a non-secure group home for boys (14-21), learning independent living and employment skills, and completing high school or GED programs and working part time jobs. The Community-Based Program provides family counseling services for families in their homes and on-site for counseling, substance abuse, and parenting skills. The Sharing Place, a food pantry and Emergency Diaper Dispensary, offers free food, diapers and hygiene products for disadvantaged families once a month.


For more information or to register, contact Crystal Wilmot at (317) 860-1807 or Fax to 317-322-4095

Stewardship Formation and Generation X
How do we engage in Stewardship formation with those from Generation X, people born between 1964 and the early 1980's?  Pastor Tom Jenkins suggests that Generation X is looking for the following: authenticity, clarity of purpose, tangible results, sense of community, an eye toward holistic stewardship, and hope.  Read more

I-K Synod Pre-Assembly Transformational Stewardship Workshop

Is it difficult to talk about money in your congregation? 
Join us as we explore the biblical narrative of leaving Egypt and wandering in the wilderness.
* Come journey through interactive learning activities.  
* Explore how the biblical narrative relates to your own transformational journey. 
* Arrive at new understandings of stewardship.  
Value: Each participant will receive materials which will enable them to duplicate this experience in their own congregation.

A great resource to read in connection with this workshop is Rich Church, Poor Church by J. Clif Christopher.

These workshops will take place before the start of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 5.  There is a $10.00 cost per person to cover materials, meeting space and refreshments. Attendees can register for their choice of workshops when they register for the assembly.
Reports are due for the Bulletin of Reports. Send your reports to 

If you wish to attend one of the pre-assembly workshopscontact Carol Webb at The cost for each person is only $10. Any congregational member may attend.

Important: Voting members should subscribe to the weekly email because we will provide information and resources about the assembly. Voting members can use the subscriber box on the home page of the synod website ( or contact the office at (317) 253-3522 or

Still Needed: Synod Assembly Volunteers

There is yet a need for volunteers to serve during the I-K Synod Assembly at the Indianapolis Marriott East June 4-7, 2014.


Wednesday afternoon, June 4

 A/V Set up: Four or more able-bodied persons to help with the

supervised unloading, transport, and set up of audio/video equipment.


Thursday, June 5, 1:00-5:30 PM; Friday June 6, 7:30 -9:30 AM

Greeters:  Two or more persons to greet attendees, answer questions,

and assist with directions.


Friday, June 6, Saturday, June 7

Pages: Three to five persons to distribute handouts and collect ballots

during the plenary sessions Friday morning and afternoon and Saturday



Friday, June 6

Tellers: Seven to eight persons to count ballots after voting at the morning

plenary session and following the afternoon session if a second ballot is



Saturday afternoon, June 7

A/V Tear down: Twelve to fifteen persons to help with the tear down and

transport of audio/video equipment.


To volunteer for any of the above positions, contact Ray A. Randolph

at or 317-297-7033 or 317-435-8710. 

Healthy Congregations Facilitator Training

April 27-29, 2014

Indianapolis, IN

$500 per participant 


The I-K Synod is offering an opportunity for training in Healthy Congregations, a program where members learn to focus on God's mission in the world, and keep differences of opinion and leadership from escalating into conflict. 


The Healthy Congregations program helps a congregation take a careful look at its own emotional health and the emotional functioning of groups and individual members within a church. 


A congregation could use the program in the following ways:

  • During times of transition: When a congregation is preparing to call a new pastor, the workshops enable a calm change in leadership. The congregation has an opportunity to self-reflect and discover who they are as a community.   
  • During times of heightened anxiety: The workshop materials help participants manage feelings when anxiety is present.   
  • During a time of mission reflection/writing/renewal: Healthy Congregations helps participants focus on mission as a whole. By learning how to stay connected with people with whom they might not agree, there is space for the Holy Spirit to enter and renew.

Participants in the facilitator training will receive fifteen hours of training in family systems thinking as it applies to congregations. Our hope is that people who participate in the facilitator training will begin to use the Healthy Congregations material where they live. 

Training will be held by Pastor Ernie Rex. Download and print the registration form here.


Scholarship money is available to apply to the training fee. If you are interested in receiving financial aid, contact April Lynch at or (317) 253-3522 for the scholarship application form. 




April 2014


I-K Synod Children's Worship Workshop
April 5, 2015
9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.  Christ Lutheran Church

2610 North Campbell Street, Valparaiso, IN
Contact Carol Webb at


Chrism Liturgy
April 10, 2014
Christ the Savior Lutheran Church, Fishers, IN


I-K Synod Council Meeting
April 11-12, 2014
I-K Lutheran Center
Contact April Lynch at


I-K Lutheran Center closed in observance of Good Friday
April 18, 2014


I-K Synod Renewing Mission Team
April 22, 2014
I-K Lutheran Center Chapel
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Contact Carol Webb at


I-K Synod Community Organizing Team Meeting
April 24, 2014
I-K Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact Cindy Geisen at


I-K Synod Christian Education Team Meeting
April 24, 2013
9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
I-K Lutheran Center small conference room
Contact Carol Webb at


I-K Synod Finance Committee
April 25, 2014
10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
I-LK Lutheran Center Chapel
Contact April Lynch at


Healthy Congregations Facilitator Training
April 27-29, 2014
Contact Valerie Webdell at


May 2014


I-K Synod Candidacy Committee Meeting
May 2-3, 2014
2:00 p.m. on May 2 - 2:00 p.m. on May 3
Contact Heather Apel at


I-K Synod Deans Meeting
May 22, 2014
I-K Lutheran Center
Contact April Lynch at


I-K Lutheran Center closed in observance of Memorial Day
May 26, 2014