| Photo of balloon flowers _cropped_ byKim MyoungSung |
Mondays, TBA
6:30 - 8 pm
Beginner II
Japanese Language Class
Online Session
6:30 - 8 pm
Beginner I
Japanese Language Class
In-Person Class
Japanese Language Conversation Class
Thursdays, TBA
5:30 - 7 pm
Japanese Language Class
In-Person Class
4 - 6 pm
JASC Fresh Market
Thursday, 9/9
4 - 6 pm
JASC Fresh Market
Monday, 9/13
7 pm start
Transforming Oral Histories: Harnessing The Powers Of Chicago's JA Voices
Thursday, 9/23
4 - 6 pm
JASC Health Fair
Thursday, 9/23
4 - 6 pm
JASC Fresh Market
Thursday, 10/14
4 - 6 pm
JASC Fresh Market
Thursday, 10/28
4 - 6 pm
JASC Fresh Market
Saturday, 11/13
10 am - 4 pm
Holiday Delight & Kodomo Matsuri
Class fees subject to change without notice.

NEW HOURS 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Doors open at 4:00 PM 2nd & 4th Thursdays until October 28, 2021
Enter our small indoor market from the main Clark Street entrance, 4427 N. Clark Street, for the opportunity to purchase fresh vegetables and prepared foods from the following and more:
JASC health protocols for the Fresh Market:Face masks are required - masks must cover the nose and mouth and be worn at all times. JASC indoor gatherings are limited to 50 people Please maintain a 6' distance from others
Any questions? Contact Joan Ambo- jambo@jasc-chicago.org 773-275-0097x228
JASC's Health Fair is back this year in a new form!
- Walk-in Flu shots are free
- Shingles or Pneumonia cost to be determined by your insurance
o Call JASC (773-275-0097) to make an appointment, and have your insurance information ready.
o We will submit the insurance information to Walgreens.
o When we get the approved amount from Walgreens we will let you know what the cost will be.
We are also partnering with Swedish Hospital to provide health-related educational programming and more!
This event is open to the public and will be at JASC, 4427 North Clark St, Chicago.
Now available - See the June 4th dedication ceremony for the Go for Broke: Japanese American Soldiers of WWII Forever stamp. The ceremony was held at the Japanese American National Museum's National Center for the Preservation of Democracy. You can order your GFB Forever stamps online by clicking here.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
Here are some ways to make a COVID-19 vaccine appointment:
- Contact your primary care physician
- Contact pharmacies to check on vaccine availability. For example, if you have a Walgreens account number, and your date of birth available, you can try to schedule by calling 1-800-WALGREE (1-800-925-4733), or by visiting this page
- Find appointments or sign up for updates on availability if appointments are not available on Zocdoc or call 312-746-4835.
- For Cook County residents, sign up for appointments or updates here
- Here's a list of vaccination sites open to all Illinois residents, with links to sign up for appointments or updates
- Here's a list of vaccination sites in Illinois, that require you to live or work in specific places in Illinois
- For anywhere in the United States, try the Center for Disease Control's Vaccine Finder

Our meeting dates for 2021 are as follows:
August 28
September 18
October 23
November 20
December 18
Please note, masks are required in all public areas of JASC.
Japanese Conversation Table - Thursday, September 9, 2021
JASC 日本語でお話会
日本語で交流したい方へのお知らせです。(日本語の会話クラスではありません。) コロナ・パンデミックで過去1年以上ズームで続けてきた日本語のお話会ですが、州や市の拘束解除に伴って、今までどおりJASCで 開催できることになりました。 普段あまりほかの方との交流のない方、一人でお住まいの方、思いっきり日本語でおしゃべりしてみませんか?楽しい話題や暮らしのアイデアを分け合い、ちょっとした悩みや不安など、皆で話し合えば解決法がでてくるかも知れません。いろいろなことを日本語で話し合い、英語社会で溜まったストレスを解消しましょう。
Date: Monthly, 2nd Thursday of the month
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Cost: $5 per person, per session
For native-level Japanese speakers to connect and socialize with others. Please note that this is not a Japanese language class.
Following the Covid-19 guidelines for the city and state, we are now resuming in-person gatherings at JASC for our Conversation Table.
JASC's Conversation Table welcomes everyone to share their experiences, ideas, and stories through social interaction, and also an opportunity to expand their social networks with others in the local community.
If you would like to participate, please contact Kay Kawaguchi at classes@jasc-chicago.org or please call and leave a message to Kay Kawaguchi to RSVP 773-275-0097 x 226.
JASC is located at 4427 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL
For more information, please visit our website:
Community Events
Japanese Latin American Oral History Project
If you are a Japanese American, whose family has immigrated from Latin American (Peru, Panama, Brazil, etc.) you are welcomed to participate in an oral history project conducted by researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department. Involvement does not require any advanced knowledge on the topic nor a deep understanding of your Latin American background, detachment has so far been the norm. This oral history project, which will be conducted by telephone, aims to understand ideas of identity, belonging, and Americanization. Involvement is voluntary and there will be no monetary compensation for your participation. The goal of this project is to better understand the overlooked histories of the JLA community in the U.S and your contribution could be vital to achieve this goal.
If you or someone you know fits the above-mentioned requirements and have an interest, please have them email Brandon Nakashima at bnakashima@wisc.edu for a more detailed explanation of what their involvement might entail. Nisei, Sansei, Yonsei and Gosei are all welcomed.
TADAIMA 2021 - Registration now open!
Sun Aug 29th - Sat Sep 25th
Japanese American Memorial Pilgrimages (JAMP) in partnership with the National Park Service will co-host the second annual Tadaima! A Community Virtual Pilgrimage. This pilgrimage will run continuously for four weeks, with new content provided daily. The pilgrimage is free and open to the public and will be available online.
Tadaima 2021 will expand upon Tadaima 2020 to address identity, indignity, and intersectionality as they relate to the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans. This program will showcase Japanese American artists, live panel discussions featuring a diverse collection of speakers, and opportunities to engage in meaningful discussion for Nikkei and allies alike. Tadaima 2021 is a collaborative effort between Japanese American and ally organizations worldwide. This year we hope to forge new connections within and around our diverse Nikkei community, to rebuild relationships fractured by intergenerational trauma, and to begin the journey to healing collectively through mutual respect and understanding. More info and register here
Chicago Japanese American Council (CJAC) member Chicago Japanese Club (CJC) invites you to:
フリーマーケット/ヤードセールFlea Market/Yard Sale
When: Sept, 4th (Sat.) 9:00 am-5:00 pm
(雨天の場合は翌日、5 日に決行/ Sunday the 5th in case of rain)
Where: Corner of Arlington Hts. Rd. & Algonquin Rd.
ミツワ隣接敷地、lot next to Mitsuwa Market Place (For GPS : 100 E. Algonuin Rd., Arlington Heights, Il, 60005)
Over 25 vendors will be offering a variety of unique items. Great chance to hunt for bargains, finding rare items, Japan related items, handmade gifts, Japanese calligraphies & more.
Digital Media Coordinator (New!)
Job Summary: The Digital Media Coordinator role will be responsible for livestreaming the Sunday Worship Service and handling production of all digital content. In addition to coordinating the weekly livestream, job duties will include generating email newsletters, social media posts, and website updates. This role needs to coordinate with the Pastor, Administrative Assistant, and volunteers each week.
Availability: DMC can be a hybrid role with the prep work for each week done remotely. Onsite requirements of 2 hours a week maximum.
Required Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:
- Familiarity with livestreaming production, PTZ cameras, and Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro
- Expertise in multiple social media platforms.
- Ability to deliver creative content. (text, image, and video)
- Proficiency using Microsoft Office Suite, Wordpress, and Square.
- Excellent writing and communication skills.
- Multitasking and analytical skills.
- BS degree in Marketing, New Media, or relevant experience.
Administrative Assistant
Job Summary: The Administrative Assistant will be responsible for Church Office tasks which include preparing the Weekly Sunday Bulletin, mail, phone, Email, correspondence, maintain records, documents, Calendar, Passage (newsletter), mailings, ordering office supplies, special service and events, etc. Will work with Pastor, Church leadership and volunteers.
Availability: 8 hours weekly in Church Office (may vary)
Required skills:
- Good communication skills
- Proficient with Microsoft Word and Excel
- Self-directed

Sonic Pavilion Festival
Various Dates + Times, August-September 2021
Millennium Park Pritzker Pavilion 201 E. Randolph Ave. Chicago, IL
Sonic Pavilion Festival is a series of 30-channel sound installations commissioned by Experimental Sound Studio for the spatialized overhead trellis loudspeaker array at Millennium Park's Pritzker Pavilion. The result is an immersive canopy of sound-a fluid sonic architecture that bridges the focus of a live performance and the majesty of the surrounding cityscape.Commissioned works are 20 minutes each, all artists are presented daily. Sonic Pavilion Festival is developed by Experimental Sound Studio and is presented by Millennium Park and the City of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events.
Featured Artists (In Order Of Play):
Whitney Johnson (Matchess)
I Gusti Ngurah Kertayuda & Bill Parod
Stephan Moore
Kioto Aoki
Natalie Chami (TALsounds)
Listen Live At Millennium Park On The Following Dates:Tuesday, August 31, 11am-1pm Tuesday, September 7, 11am-1pm Tuesday, September 14, 2-4pm Thursday, September 23, 5-7pm Thursday, September 30, 11am-1pm
Kioto Aoki, Sonorous Admittings
About the work: Sonorous Admittings is a sonic landscape that accentuates the taiko drum's most fundamental and captivating element: acoustic resonance. The simple phrasing played by the artist on the odaiko (larger taiko) and smaller shime taiko enunciate the textural and tonal shifts of assonant sound between silence, and recreates what it feels like to play the odaiko and be completely surrounded by thunderous reverberations.
About the artist: Kioto Aoki is a visual artist and musician descending from the Toyoakimoto performing arts family in Tokyo with roots dating back to the Edo period. Studying under her Tokyo-born father, Aoki is carrying on the family lineage in Chicago as a taiko artist while also playing shamisen and tsuzumi. She plays in both traditional and contemporary musical contexts and is active within the experimental and creative music communities in Chicago and the Bay Area.
Tsukasa Taiko at Night Out in the Parks:
Pulaski Park
Saturday, September 11, 2021 | 2:00 PM
1419 W. Blackhawk Street, Chicago, IL 60642
Free | All Ages | Outdoor concert with enforced COVID-19 safety protocols
Tsukasa Taiko is back at Pulaski Park for the final Night Out in the Parks concert of our 2021 season. Please follow Chicago Park District's protocols when you join us at our performance: Protect Yourself, Protect Your Neighbor, Protect Our Parks: Wear your mask, Stay 6 feet away from others, Wash your hands.
Follow us on Instagram @AIRMW for all the latest news about Tsukasa Taiko!
Tsukasa Taiko and Shubukai are programs of Asian Improv aRts Midwest and is supported in part by The Illinois Arts Council Agency, The MacArthur Funds for Culture, Equity, and the Arts at the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, the Alphawood Foundation, JCCC Foundation, Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, The City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) and The Joyce Foundation.
- NEW or used Apple Ipad
- Letter Size (8 1/2 x 11) Copy Paper
- "Dollar" gift items for Adult Day Service games & activities
- Staples, Amazon, or Target gift cards
- Amazon Wishlist (be sure to use smile.amazon.com!)