About His Work with Janet                    October 2015  

Proud to Be a Pink Ribbon Survivor/Supporter!
In our era of fast communication, it's easy for errant information to be transmitted as truth. I was alarmed recently when I saw a post on a friend's Facebook page from a blog article that was denouncing what they called the "Pinkwash" of October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month and discouraging the use of the pink ribbon and the color pink. There reasoning was that the pink ribbon supports Susan G. Komen, which supports Planned Parenthood. The only truth in that statement is that yes, Susan G. Komen does financially support Planned Parenthood, and I too have withdrawn my support of Komen.
BUT please be aware that while Komen may have been the first to use a pink ribbon, they do NOT have exclusive use of the pink ribbon. Awareness ribbons are different colors to draw attention and support for various causes: the red ribbon represents heart disease awareness and the black ribbon sickle cell disease awareness etc. None of these ribbons are owned by or represent any organization, but various organizations and support groups use them in their campaigns. If you go to the link on Wikipedia you can see all the colored ribbons listed and the cause they represent. 
So please help me clarify the myth that the pink ribbon represents anything other than helping the world support the cure for breast cancer. As a three time survivor, I'm proud to wear pink ribbons, pink is now my favorite color, and my breast cancer book Dear God, The Say It's Cancer: A Companion Guide for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey has a beautiful pink ribbon on the front.
Often in our Christian walk, we see our faith misrepresented as others try to discount the position we take against sin and evil, but never let that intimidate you to be proud that you are a Christian. And also remember that everything you read online in "news" blogs, Facebook posts, comments . . . . is not always accurate. Verify everything you share, promote, or support.
If you're over forty and you haven't had a mammogram this year, please get one. I was standing in line to board a plane this month and commented on the cute hairstyle of the woman in front of me. She said, "After I had breast cancer, my hair came back this color and curly." When I spoke at the event in Virginia that I was returning home from, the woman who welcomed the attendees reminded the women it was Breast Cancer Awareness month, and yes she was a breast cancer sister.
I wrote a blog post Think Pink, But Be Wise to help you choose the breast cancer organizations to support and also Someone You Know Has Breast Cancer  to help you love on the one in eight women in your sphere of influence who are either struggling right now with breast cancer or are survivors.
To all my breast cancer sisters, praise God for helping you through the battle. For those in the middle of the fight, let others help you. For those who know someone with breast cancer, just show up in her life in a big way.
About His Work,
PSSS: I would love to hear your mentoring story as a mentor or mentee for possible use in my next book Biblical Mentoring for All Seasons. Please contact me for some helpful guidelines.
PSSSS: Read the Author Interview with Michelle Lazurek about her books, Mommy Am I Strong? and Daddy Am I Beautiful?, and a chance to win a free copy.  

ftfDear God, They Say it's Cancer
A Companion Guide for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey 
$21.99 $18.00 Purchase signed copies from the website shop       
A book for every breast cancer sister from the newly diagnosed to the woman long in remission. A great gift for a friend or for yourself!
I Would Love to Speak at Your Event!

To contact Janet
 about your event 
call or email to discuss availability.
  Janet speaking at Antioch Baptist Church Fairfax Station, VA 


Woman To Woman Mentoring

WTWM Kit 2009
now exclusively available and personalized from our website shop.
Dear Janet,
Just wanted to touch base. Our first W2W coffee is this Sunday afternoon in our "Care Center". The care center is a home on church grounds that used to be owned by the family that gave the church the land to build on. It is a 3 bedroom home with all the amenities thereof and we use it for overflow classroom space, Grief Share meeting room and special events like Woman to Woman!

I've read and reread your  Coordinator's Guide
so many times since this journey began that its falling apart. To be honest, almost nothing has gone "according to Hoyle".  Still, God's amazing peace and provision and constant confirmation throughout the planning stages has been nothing less than miraculous.

Like your first coffee, I have no idea whether we'll have 5 or 50 ladies attend. But I do know that those wonderful women who have come out of the woodwork to help and support me, are the key to chasing off the many attacks of the enemy.

Please join me in prayer for the women that will be attending, and for the prayer day team as they match the ladies up on Monday. What I am certain of, is that God is totally in control of this effort and I'm right in the middle of it...that's where I want to be!

God bless you.
In His Service,
Suzy B.
               Mentoring Tip            
Let God pick the M&M's during intercessory prayer. Don't try to do His job by picking Mentors and Mentees in advance.  
TwoTwo About His Work
Book Janet and her daughter Kim
for your event . For  details about topics.
Would you like to reach a broader age range in the audience? My daughter, Kimberly Mancini, and I would love to talk with you about bringing Two About His Work to your church. 



In a past newsletter, I mentioned jars of questions we discuss with our grandchildren after dinner. Recently as we had one of these question and answer times, 7 year-old Sienna got the question, "What does it mean to have a servant's heart?"
Sienna: "Oh that is terrible and it's hard work!" She was thinking about being a laboring servant.

I explained that when you become a Christian, Christ gives you a heart that wants to serve others and it's a blessing to serve.
Sienna: "Wait a minute . . . I'm not a Christian?"
Me: "Do you know how to become a Christian or what it means to be a Christian?"
Sienna: "No."
She was off to play and we didn't get to talk more about it, but we will. Sienna's parents and older siblings are Christians, the family goes to church, Sunday school, and small group weekly, and Sienna's even been a little lamb and angel in the Christmas play. So Sienna just figured that being part of the family made her a Christian. In my book Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter, Sienna's mommy Kim, came to the realization that being a Christian is a personal relationship with Christ and she wasn't going to go to heaven just because I was a Christian.
As I hear so many people refer to themselves as "Christians" these days . . . even those who don't have the Christian faith exclusively, I wonder how many would have the same reaction as Sienna, "Wait a minute, you mean I'm not a Christian?"
As parents and grandparents it's so important that we know for sure that each of our children and grandchildren understand what it means to be a Christian and make that decision for themselves to be born-again in Christ. No one can do that for them. Baptism as a baby doesn't make them a Christian either... baptism is something they choose to do on their own after they've made a personal decision to follow Christ. If you doubt me, look it up for yourself by reading the Gospel of John.

I pray every day that all eleven of my grandchildren will accept Jesus as their personal Savior. I hope you're doing the same for your children and grandchildren.

  author2Meet An Author
Mommy, Am I Strong? Daddy, Am I Beautiful?
By Michelle Lazurek
Tell me a little about yourself.
I am a writer, speaker, pastor's wife and mother. I've been in ministry for over fifteen years. I'm married to my wonderful husband Joe for fifteen years and have two children, Caleb and Leah.
How did you become a writer?
I've often said that I didn't choose writing; writing chose me. In 2009, while attending a women's retreat, I felt God impress upon my heart to write a book. I had never written anything before in my life, so I was terrified! I prayed and asked God what he wanted me to write about, and I began to notice in the gospel of John how many times John referred to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." As I researched, I found no one had written anything about that topic. That's when my first book "Becoming the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved" was born. I've been writing ever since.
You have two new children's books that have just been released. Tell me what they are about?
When my daughter was four years old, she would spend hours parading in front of my husband, twirling around and asking "Daddy, Am I Beautiful?" I realized in that moment that is the cry of every young girl's heart-to be told by her father she is beautiful. My book explores the concept of self-esteem from a young girl's perspective and teaches them that it is not what's on the outside that makes you beautiful, but what's on the inside. "Mommy Am I Strong?" is written for boys and explores the concept of their self-esteem. Boys want to be seen as strong and use their strength to prove their worth. This book teaches that true strength comes from the inside, not on the outside.
What are some upcoming projects?
I also have a non-fiction book on hospitality and discipleship titled "An Invitation to the Table: Embracing the Gift of Hospitality" that releases in Spring of 2016.  
Michelle S. Lazurek is a member of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and has been published in numerous places such as Charisma Magazine and Movieguide Magazine. For more information, Please visit her website.
If you would like to enter a drawing to win a copy of Michelle's books, please contact me.
About His Work,
AHW Ministries 
Copyright © 2015 Janet Thompson. All rights reserved.  
In This Issue
Featured Book of the Month
Do You Need a Speaker?
Woman To Woman Mentoring
Mentoring Moment
Two About His Work
Grammie's Corner
Meet an Author
Janet's Publications

Featured Article

  Janet Thompson's book, "Dear God, He's Home" is like a visit with your best friend over a cup of tea
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Read Crosswalk article


 " I still write in my book. There seems to be no space, but when I start to write the space appears.  Seven years is perfection, my body is whole, looking good, my mind is anchored in the Lord, and I will not allow any evil thing to come near me." 

More Books

Janet, I met you at the Leadership Conference in October 2013 in Springfield, IL. I bought Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter which has touched me to tears
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Ministry Team Building
The Team That Jesus Built Cover


God's Best For Your Life Cover

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Speaking 2015

  November 13
Calvary Chapel Boise
MOPS Event
Janet will be speaking on "Woman To Woman Mentoring"
Contact: Lauren Perkins

Speaking 2016

February 18
Eagle Idaho MOPS
Janet will be speaking on "Forever Friends"
Contact: Kelly
Bueno 208-412-4968

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1. Review and Critiquing for new and Seasoned Writers

2. Manuscript Editing for new and Seasoned Writers.  

3. Coaching and Team Building for Ministry Leaders and their Teams
Let Janet help you: 
  • Build a new ministry team 
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  • Take your team to the next level.
4. Freelance Writing 

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