About His Work with Janet                    September 2013  



One of my favorite retreat and conference topics is "Forever Friends".  The talk includes skits that stress the importance of trust and commitment in friendships and how how to avoid destroyers of friendships: gossip, lack of commitment, breaking of trust. We all have different friends in different seasons of life, but many of us have friendships that have lasted over time and distance.


At our church women's retreat this month, we all chose a mug to drink out of for the weekend and the wording on one mug quickly caught my eye: Friends Forever. In the family of God, it's so easy to make friends because we have the most important person in common: Jesus. It always amazes my husband how I can be gone for a weekend speaking to women I have never met before and come home with a new list of girlfriends.


But it's also important for couples to have friends together. When Dave and I were first married, we prayed and asked God to bless us with Christian friends. And boy has God answered that prayer. As one of our friends recently exclaimed: "You sure do have allot of friends!" Want to know how we made and maintained all those friends? read more...   


Your Friend in Christ,



PS: I will be making new friends at my last You Lead Training for 2013 in Springfield, Illinois. 


PSS: Here's the 2014 You Lead calendar. 


PSSS: Southern Idaho friends, I'll be signing books September 28 at the Moxi Java on Overland in Boise 9 am to 1 pm. Bring your friends!   


PSSSS: Don't miss the free book giveaway in this month's Author Interview 



  Woman to Woman Mentoring
WTWM Kit 2009

 WTWM DVD Leader Resources


Everything you need for starting your Women's Mentoring Ministry   


Woman To Woman Mentoring Ministry
Special Celebrations This Month

Congratulations Crossview Covenant Church,
North Mankato, Minn.  
for having your
10 year Anniversary Celebration Sept 14!!

Dear Janet,
We were blessed by the dear ladies who attended. Our program opened with a devotional followed by a complimentary breakfast. We gave a brief history of the mentoring ministry at our church sharing the scriptural foundation from Titus 2:3-5. Next we showed the DVD presentations by you in Idaho and Debbra in Colorado, who started the ministry at Crossview. Of course, we had to have a performance of "The Mentoring Game". (I still enjoy that after 10 years!)

A highlight of the morning was the sharing time by former mentors and mentees. A quote by one mentor, "
The Woman to Woman Mentoring program is a path God uses in our ministry and love for one another as women. I am so glad that God used the program to unite my mentee and myself. Did my mentee's relationship with Jesus Christ deepen? I believe so, but not because of me. Remember, God had a plan and He put it to work. He definitely is in charge!"

We also had some great door prizes and it was so special that one mentor came over 400 miles from another state to join us. (She won two of our door prizes!) In closing, we sang the "Friends" song by Michael W. Smith, which has been our tradition at our Coffees and Celebration Brunches.

To decorate our tables, we had some cute bottles filled with M&M's. The Titus 2:3-5 scripture was attached along with a helium balloon. The ladies guessed how many M&M's in each bottle and the closest got to take the centerpiece home.

We also had a book table featuring your handbooks for mentors and mentees, many book studies that have been used by women in the ministry, and your seven studies of mentoring relationships in the Bible. Our scrapbooks were on display as well as a photo montage of all the picture pages on a screen.

Thank you again for sharing your personal greetings at our 10th anniversary celebration.



Woman To Woman Mentoring Testimony

Dear Janet 
We at Warsaw Community Church, Warsaw, Indiana are getting ready for our 10th Mentoring Coffee on 9/22. PTL! Thank you for listening & obeying the calling God placed on you to write the Woman to Woman Mentoring materials. The legacy of faith continues from generation to generation!

Also wanted to tell you that our mentoring team is slowly working through "The Team That Jesus Built," Chapter 4 was very powerful for us...
Sina Locke  


Let's Get Connected!


I am often asked by churches starting Woman to Woman Mentoring if there is a church in their area doing the mentoring ministry that could mentor them as they get started. Or women ask if there is a church in their area with Woman to Woman Mentoring. We would be willing to comprise a list of churches with Woman to Woman Mentoring if you would send us your church name, location, and contact information-phone, email, contact person. We would keep this list for our own use in helping other churches and potential M&M's find you.  



 Share what's happening in your ministry.   Each month we feature a Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry.    




I'm Training Ministry Leaders and Teams on Mentoring and Team Building



  • One more YOU Lead Conference this year  
  • How about getting churches together in your area and bring Janet in for a training!


Please contact me for more information about training opportunities. 






Now Available for your Kindle or Nook    


 It's time to think about Fall and Winter Bible studies. Help the women of your church learn God's plan for mentoring in the Face-to-Face Bible study series or study on your own or with a friend. Leader's Guide in the back of each book.  



Can't pick just one! Save on all 7 with our Sampler Package   


Live interview with Janet on Lois and Eunice, and Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah


Share Your Story in My Next Book!

How Good Is God? I Can't Remember...
Creating a Culture of Memories

If you have a story of forgetting how faithful God has been to you in the past (and don't we all have them) and/or a story of ways that help you remember God's faithfulness, please contact me for guidelines.


Do You Need A Speaker?

To contact Janet
 about your event  call or email to discuss availability.



TwoTwo About His Work
Book Janet and her daughter Kim
for your event. For details about topics.

In the last four months, Type 1, Juvenile Diabetes has touched . . . and shocked . . . us three times. In May, we learned about the 14-year-old daughter of a family friend. In July, it was close and personal with the phone call that our 10-year old grandson, Nico, (picture above) was in the hospital with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. And just last week, the 10-year-old son of my daughter's neighbor was rushed to ICU.  


My first career was as a Registered Dietitian and Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes was rare then, but always severe. Sadly, today, it is still severe, but not rare. I'm not sure what is causing this shift, but I pray that researchers are looking into the cause of these precious children being afflicted with a disease that they will have to endure for the rest of their lives. They will always need insulin every time they eat. Administering insulin via a shunt and pump is now possible for some children, but they all start out with shots every time they eat and ongoing blood sugar testing.


Our daughter, Nico's mom, and Kim's neighbor mom both describe the initial regulating period: "It's like having a baby again with the 2 am blood sugar tests, checking blood sugars throughout the day, and timing and preparing appropriate meals."  


I would encourage you to watch this short video clip made by English mothers of diabetic children to help educate the public, as well as friends and family, on what life is like with juvenile diabetes. I'm afraid if you don't know a child now with this life-changing disease, you will soon.  



             Mentoring Moment           
"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17
  author2Meet An Author
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Interview about Winter in Full Bloom by Anita Higman


Anita, tell us about your new novel, Winter in Full Bloom.


Here's a short excerpt:


Lily Winter's wings are folded so tightly around her daughter that when empty nest arrives, she feels she can no longer fly. But Lily's lonely, widowed life changes in a heartbeat when she goes to visit a woman who is almost a stranger to her-a woman who also happens to be her mother. During their fiery reunion, her mother reveals a dark family secret that she'd been hiding for decades-Lily has an identical twin sister who was put up for adoption when they were babies. Without looking back, Lily embarks on a quest to find her sister, which takes her all the way to Melbourne, Australia. But her journey becomes a circle that leads her back home to reconciliation and to the one dream she no longer imagined possible-the chance to fall in love again.


How long have you been writing?


I've been in this profession for about thirty years. It's been a long, stumbly kind of journey. I've had some dark hours-those moments when I really didn't know what I was doing or why I was doing it. Moments when rejection swept me under like a scary undertow. Moments when getting published seemed pretty much impossible. But I never gave up, and I'm glad I didn't. I've had thirty-four books published in many genres, and even though it's been a rough ride, it's also been deeply satisfying.

Please drop by for a visit on my Facebook Author Page. I'd be happy to hear from you!



Read more about Anita, and her books on her website  


For a chance to win a free copy of Winter in Full Bloom, send us your comment and we'll have a drawing this Friday.


Congratulations to Yvonne Ortega, last months winner of Alice Wisler's book, Getting Out of Bed In The Morning.

About His Work,
AHW Ministries
In This Issue
Woman to Woman Mentoring
Featured Resources of the Month
Share Your Story
Do You Need a Speaker?
Two About His Work
Grammie's Corner
Mentoring Moment
Meet an Author
Janet's Publications

Featured Article

 Janet Thompson's book, "Dear God, He's Home" is like a visit with your best friend over a cup of tea. read more...

Read Crosswalk article



More Books
The Team That Jesus Built Cover


God's Best For Your Life Cover

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SpeakSpeaking 2013
Sept 28
Book Signing
@ Moxie Java
10650 W Overland, Boise

October 2  
Idaho Library Conference 
Nampa, Idaho 
Contact: Laura Abbott labbott@nampalibrary.org 208-468-5819

October 5 
Book Signing at the Red Rooster 
21 Market Street 
Crouch, Idaho 
Contact: Mariann Steen 208-462-2616 redroosterms@frontiernet.net

Plan to Attend the LifeWay  leadYOU Lead - Training Women in Ministry Conference 
October 24-25 
I'll teach on "Mentoring" and "The Team That Jesus Built"  

YOU Lead is a 2-day  

Women's Leadership Training event preceding

Living Proof Live  

with Beth Moore. Attend both and get a discount. ********************  

Do you have a Blog? 

If you have a blog, I'd love to do a blog interview with you and do a book give away. 

Or, if you would like to have a contest with a book give away, or need a guest article, let me know.
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Coaching and Consulting Services


1. Review and Critiquing for new and Seasoned Writers

2. Manuscript Editing for new and Seasoned Writers.  

3. Coaching and Team Building for Ministry Leaders and their Teams
Let Janet help you: 
  • Build a new ministry team 
  • Rebuild a current team,  
  • Take your team to the next level.
Book Trailers