About His Work with Janet                   September 2014  

Unknown Blessings! 


Last month, I asked for mentoring stories for my new book and many of you responded. Thank you so much! I'm still receiving stories, so if you have one about being a mentor or mentee, please send it. You never know how God might use your story to bless someone else.


As authors, we sometimes hear from readers about how our books have blessed them, but we also know there are many blessings that only God knows about. And we're good with that. We write what God calls us to put into words, and then we pray for Him to put our books and stories into the hands of those who need them the most.


Ten years ago when I was writing Dear God, They Say It's Cancer: A Companion Guide for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey, I put out a call for stories of women who had experienced breast cancer. Linda Morphis was one of the brave women who sent her story. Interlaced with humor and humbleness, she shared what life was like for her with Stage 4 breast cancer that had metastasized to her bones. She would require chemotherapy for the rest of her life, but she didn't let that stop her from enjoying life as a mother and wife.


45 other women shared their stories in that book and I often wonder how they are doing today. Every time I pick up the book, I appreciate their courage to share one of the hardest times in their life, and I know that they've blessed so many breast-cancer sisters.


So it was a bittersweet blessing to receive this email from Linda Morphis' precious daughter, Emily, who Linda often mentioned in her story:


      Hi Ms. Thompson,

I want to say thank you beyond what I can even express. My mother, Linda Morphis, was included in your book, Dear God, They Say It's Cancer. I had no idea that she was involved in a book until I read about it in her obituary. My mom and I were extremely close and always shared everything, well almost everything I guess LOL.  

I don't have many physical memories because of how close we were, we didn't need them. Now that she has passed, every day for the past year all I wanted was something that I could cherish... beyond pictures. 

Even though there are clips of the past before I really knew the severity of her cancer, I again can't thank you enough for sharing my mom's story in your book. I now have something I can cherish physically and know that I have something to go to when I'm missing her. Pictures don't do words justice and as I go through my everyday life, this book will always be something I can run to when I need her wisdom, love, humor, and kindness.


Anyone that made my mom's life that much happier is always appreciated more than can be realized. Thank you Ms. Thompson


I was sad to hear of Linda's passing, but blessed that she had shared her story for her daughter to have great memories of her mom.


Who needs to hear your story? Who can God bless by your sharing? You may never know, but I can assure you God knows.


About His Work,



PS: I'm so excited to be speaking at two You Lead conferences in October! YOU Lead in San Diego, CA October 9-10 and Billings, MT  10/23-24. Hope to see many of you there.


PSS: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please have your mammograms!


PSSS: Recent Blog posts


A Glimmer of Hope for You Prodigal


Are You Loving Your Husband to Death?


Is Your Soul at Rest?

PSSSS: Read the Author Interview with Deb DeArmond about her new book, Related by Chance, Family by Choice, and a chance to win a free copy.



 Dear God, They Say It's Cancer
A Companion Guide for Women on The Breast Cancer Journey  
$19.99   $16.00  To Purchase from our shop 
Download to your Kindle or Nook

Dear God, They Say It's Cancer is: A Friend to Help You Through...

No matter where you are in your breast cancer journey, this book is the companion you need. Written by a woman who has been on your journey and understands that you need a trusted friend to walk along beside, someone who's gone before you. You'll find that friend between the pages of this book.   

THANKS FOR WRITING Dear God, They Say It's Cancer. I feel like I am writing my own story! Your book is certainly an inspiration to me. I found it when I made the last round of the Christian bookstore. It was the pink ribbon on the cover, and I knew I had to take it home. Thanks for being who you are, and I thank God for bringing your book to me.-Carol Forestell    

after I had been diagnosed. IT IS WONDERFUL! I circled, underlined, wrote thousands of comments, etc.-it helped me through a devastating period of my life. On my celebration date last month, I re-read much of the book and found my comments to be extremely interesting...it is something I will cherish forever. I highly recommend it. I am thankful my colleague purchased it for me!- S Meece Florence, KY

I Would Love to Speak at Your Event!

To contact Janet
 about your event 
call or email to discuss availability.

Janet speaking at The M.O.M. Initiative Conference August 2014 
Video of Janet's Keynote at The M.O.M. Initiative Conference August 2, 2014


Woman To Woman Mentoring


Everything you need for starting your Woman To Woman Mentoring Ministry is at our website shop!

Featured Woman To Woman
Mentoring Ministry Testimony  

We are FINALLY launching Woman to Woman Mentoring at my church (North Side Baptist, Weatherfird, Tx). Our women's ministry team attended a retreat 5 or 6 years ago where you were one of the speakers. Another leader and I attended your sessions and loved what you shared.

We tried at the time to get the ministry started, but Satan was hard at work on the team, and I finally realized it was not the time God deemed for the mentoring. I continued to pray God would change hearts and this ministry would be implemented. North Side has about 2,000 members and we so need a mentoring program.

Imagine my joy when I was approached last year about a mentoring ministry and the church leadership wanted to start Woman to Woman Mentoring! Thank you, Jesus!! We are now in the planning phase and will kick-off next winter.

I am just so excited and know there is a reason God has chosen the time now. Thank you for sharing your mentoring experiences with us and please send me any tips or additional words of wisdom.
Thank you and may God continue to richly bless you as you bless others.
Shirley McCrory


Woman To Woman Mentoring Ministry Q&A

Leslie asked: After someone has been in a relationship and decides to continue with a new mentor or mentee do they need to go to the next Coffee? I am unsure because they would have reviewed this material so wondering if it is mandatory (I anticipate that question in the future) I know they will have to be at the new Kick off to meet their new partner.

Janet's answer: We often have mentors "on call" who have mentored before if we need them so they might not have been at the Coffee. But I think it's important for anyone who wants to be mentored again to attend another Coffee to start a new relationship. But you also want to keep an eye on that...because some women could just be perpetual mentees.

Do you have a question?          

 Share what's happening in your ministry.   Each month we feature a Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry.    




I'm Training Ministry Leaders and Teams on Mentoring and Team Building




               Mentoring Moment              
     If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it!  
TwoTwo About His Work
Book Janet and her daughter Kim
for your event. For details about topics.

A Three-Chord Strand 


Sunday mornings are a little hectic when the three grandkids are visiting. I'm usually on my own getting them ready for church as Grampa sings on the worship team and goes early to practice. So it's me and the three little ones having breakfast, getting dressed, and fixing the two girls hair. Usually a simple hair clip, hair band, or ponytail makes them happy and off we go.

But last visit, just as I was finishing my hair, 8-year-old Katelyn asks if I can braid her hair. I could probably do that. I braided her mommy's hair when she was little. So I said sure. Then she tells me she wants a braid down the top of her head, one braid  on each side, and all the braids brought together into a ponytail! Oh, and you don't tie off any of the braids until they go into the pony tail . . . . She looked at me so trustingly that I couldn't let on I had no clue how it was going to all come together.

Katelyn patiently held onto each braid as I worked through them. I was holding my breath that we wouldn't lose one when I put them all into the ponytail. When I finally finished, she was so happy and so proud . . . and so was I.

And of course, little sister Sienna was standing in line for me to give her the same hairdo!!!

What a perfect time to talk to the girls about Ecclesiastes 4:12 "A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."  Before you start thinking what a spiritual Grammie I am, I have to admit that I was so focused on keeping all those braids together, I didn't think of this verse until I looked at the pictures above. Now that I'm a pro at this style, I'll certainly include discussion of this Scripture the next time.

Unless they have an entirely new hair challenge for me!  



  author2Meet An Author
Related by Chance, Family by Choice
Transforming Mother-in-Law & Daughter-in-Law Relationships 
by Deb DeArmond     

I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing author Deb DeArmond about her new book, Related by Chance, Family by Choice when we both attended the International Christian Retail Show (ICRS) and the AWSA Conference in June. Deb's book was of special interest to me since I'm a mother-in-law myself and I've written about the mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship in my Bible study Face-to-Face with Naomi and Ruth: Together for the Journey.  I know many of you are going to want to read Deb's book with the holiday's approaching, and I'm giving away a free copy so be sure an send me an email to be put in the drawing.

What inspired you to write a book on women-in-law relationships? 


The old phrase "A son's a son 'til he takes a wife. A daughter's a daughter, all of her life" is familiar to most of us. Well, I had three sons. That was not going to work for me. And if you look at the pattern, that's what you often see.


I understand this pattern, but I believed it was possible for the families on both sides to maintain close relationships that expanded the family in both directions. That was my prayer, and God answered it.


Friends, colleagues, even neighbors have asked me about the positive nature of my relationship with my three daughters-in-law. They have also shared their own experiences, and many of them have been negative. My daughters-in-law have experienced the same curiosity from their friends who have asked, "How do you all do that?" We aren't smarter, luckier or more spiritual than others. What we are is determined to live beyond the stereotypes and just bright enough to know we can't do it without the Lord.


Do you have positive relationships with all of your daughters-in-law? Has it always been that way?


I'm grateful to say that I do. We are not similar in style, personality or experience. We are determined, however, to be family to one another. We've worked at keeping the lines of communication open and dealing with conflict when it occurs. And it will occur - in any relationship.


We recently took a family vacation that involved a three-hour plane ride, a vacation house, two rental cars, eight adults (one DIL was pregnant) and two children under five. We knew from the outset we wouldn't agree on things during certain points. When it happened, we talked it out and moved forward .

The holidays are coming soon, which can be an especially difficult time for families when it comes to gatherings and schedules. How has your family adjusted over the years of adding daughters-in-law and their own family obligations?


The first step in making it work is to remember that life is not Burger King - you can't always have it your way. Your married adult children have another family in the mix, they have friends they might want to spend time with, and if they live out of the area, travel budgets may figure in.


The most important tip is to involve everyone in the conversation early. Manage your own expectations because it is not realistic that you can have the entire group assembled every year. We have celebrated Thanksgiving with my DIL's family and invited them to ours. Be flexible! We've taken December 26 through New Year's Day and discovered that the days after the actual holiday provided us a less stressful time together that was every bit as wonderful.


We celebrated early one year on December 18th but kept every single tradition. All the kids stayed at our home the night before, made our special Christmas brunch, lazed around in our pajamas, and opened gifts. It felt so much like the real thing that when I heard the garbage truck, I asked, "Since when does the trash man work on Christmas Day?" We all had a good laugh. Remember the old proverb: Blessed are the flexible for they shall not break.


Should the older woman take the lead in bonding with the younger? How can you do this without coming across as overbearing?


I do think the older woman has a natural opportunity to welcome her son's future wife to the family. It can set a positive tone. Spend some time getting to know the younger woman. What are her interests, her goals, her hobbies? Share the same with her. If you do all the questioning, it can feel like an interview or interrogation. Let her know you are open and desire a very positive relationship with her.


Remember to go slow. Let the relationship take a natural course to develop. Don't rush, don't push. Pray for God's direction and follow it. Let her know you would never try to take her mother's place, and hope she will feel like a valued part of the family.


What is your best advice to young wives about developing a bond with the new moms in their lives?


Pray for the relationship with her from the time you realize the relationship with her son is serious and leading to marriage. When you marry the man, you get the family for free! So decide early to follow a Christ-honoring path. 


For a chance to win a free copy of Deb's book, Related By Chance, Family by Choice email me.

Congratulations to Arlene Wangsness last month's winner of 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife.  
About His Work,
AHW Ministries
In This Issue
Featured Book of the Month
Do You Need a Speaker?
Woman To Woman Mentoring
Mentoring Moment
Two About His Work
Grammie's Corner
Meet an Author
Janet's Publications

Featured Article

 Janet Thompson's book, "Dear God, He's Home" is like a visit with your best friend over a cup of tea
...read more

Read Crosswalk article


 "I still write in my book. There seems to be no space, but when I start to write the space appears.  Seven years is perfection, my body is whole, looking good, my mind is anchored in the Lord, and I will not allow any evil thing to come near me." 

More Books

Janet, I met you at the Leadership Conference in October 2013 in Springfield, IL. I bought Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter which has touched me to tears
read more

Ministry Team Building
The Team That Jesus Built Cover


God's Best For Your Life Cover

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SpeakSpeaking 2014
Plan to Attend the LifeWay lead"YOU Lead" - Training Women in Ministry Conference 
"YOU Lead" Conferences where I'm speaking  

October 9-10 
October 23-24 
Janet will teach on "Mentoring" and "The Team That Jesus Built"  




Nov 21-22  

Two About His Work 
Church of the Nazarene Ontario, Oregon
Janet and her daughter Kim will be speaking on "Our Story" and "Forever Friends"
Contact: Carolyn Kniefel

Dec 12
Crouch Community Church
Garden Valley, ID 
Women's Christmas Dinner
Janet will be speaking on "What Gift Are You Giving Jesus This Year?
Contact: Merrily Mosman 


Speaking 2015


Jan 30-31

Evangelical Free Church

McCook, NE

Women's Winter Conference
Contact: Marilyn Gaster

October 3
Antioch Baptist Church
Fairfax Station, VA
Women's Event
Janet will be speaking on "A Cup For Encouragement"


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Coaching and Consulting Services


1. Review and Critiquing for new and Seasoned Writers

2. Manuscript Editing for new and Seasoned Writers.  

3. Coaching and Team Building for Ministry Leaders and their Teams
Let Janet help you: 
  • Build a new ministry team 
  • Rebuild a current team,  
  • Take your team to the next level.
4. Freelance Writing 

Contact Janet


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