About His Work with Janet                    February 2014   




Some of you know that my first career out of college was as a Registered Dietitian. I had great hopes for being the Florence Nightingale of dietetics and everyone would be so eager to learn how to eat healthier. It turned out to be a thankless career because most people would rather take a pill than change their diet. Still, I've always fed my family healthy, and my daughter is a fitness instructor and my husband is super healthy.




In the picture above, he and I are enjoying our Valentine's dinner at a new restaurant in town, but it was difficult for me to find something "healthy" on the menu. Some might call me a picky eater, but I choose to look at it as caring for the body God has given me and Christ lives in.


Today, I'm thrilled that there is much more interest in healthy eating, but there is also much misinformation. The Lord has been impressing on me to write one blog post a month on developing a healthy eating lifestyle. I'm going to write the "Love Your Body" post the last Monday of every month, starting February 24.  


Many of you are already receiving my Monday Morning Blog; but if not, you can sign up on my website and it will come into your inbox on Monday mornings. Read the first "Love Your Body" post. Let me know topics you would like me to write about on "Love Your Body Mondays."


This month, I'm also featuring the Bible study I wrote for First Place 4 Health, God's Best For Your Life. I loved writing this book on how to balance the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental aspects of living God's way. You can do this study on your own, or how about starting a group and support each other in loving yourself the way God loves you.


"Learn to appreciate and give dignity to your body, not abusing it, as is so common among those who know nothing of God."  1 Thessalonians 4:4-5, The Message 


About His Work,


PS: You might also enjoy Ways to Remember Your First Love.  


PSS: Have you registered for The M.O.M. Initiative Conference  in July? 18 speakers and 40 Workshops for only $49.00! I'll be speaking 5 times and would love to see you there.


PSSS: Check to see if I'm speaking at a LifeWay You Lead near you.

PSSSS: Purchase all Woman to Woman Mentoring Resources at our website shop.


PSSSSS: Read the Author Interview with Lane Jordan about her book, 12 Steps To Becoming a More Organized Woman and a chance to win a free copy.   




God's Best For Your Life 
First Place 4 Health Bible Study
   & Scripture Memory CD  


Janet takes you on a biblical journey of improving your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Why settle for second best? Give God first place in your heart and watch his blessings multiply in your life! Based on the Book of Ruth, this 12-week study will help you balance the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of daily living. Includes "Live It" trackers, recipes, Scripture memory cards, Scripture memory music CD, and more.


I Would Love to Speak at Your Event!

To contact Janet
 about your event  call or email to discuss availability.



Woman To Woman Mentoring


Everything you need for starting your Women's Mentoring Ministry   


Featured Woman To Woman Mentoring Ministry
FBC Greenville took my advice to do a test run and start small. They had a textbook "Dress Rehearsal". Well done.

Hi Janet, 
We're a church with approx. 1500 members. In seeking to serve the Lord after I became a widow, I was led [long story] to your Kit Woman to Woman Mentoring: How to Start, Grow, and Maintain a Mentoring Ministry.

As I began gathering a team, with much prayer, we felt ready to have our "Dress Rehearsal" Orientation Coffee. With the help of our Associate Pastor, we approached 3 Sunday School classes with younger women and 3 classes with 40-60 yr. old women with the following questions: "Have you ever wished for an older Christian woman that would pray with and for you as you struggle in life?  Or perhaps you are that older Christian woman and feel led to be a mentor/encourager to a younger Christian.  If you would like to know more, we will be having an Orientation Coffee in Jan, and you'll get a letter of invitation.  Please sign the list that is going around."

We rec'd 24 names, so letters went out.  (Only 1 RSVP!)  We called and 12 said they'd be there.  Six showed up and 4 wanted to enter a M&M relationship now.  I wished for more younger women, but the Lord will bring them when He wants them there!  We, the team of 4, are very content as this was something none of us had done before.  I am the Prayer Warrior for the M&M's!  The 4 were apprehensive but excited on Kickoff Night.

Blessings and prayers, 
Lorraine Guice  
First Baptist Church, Greeneville, TN  


 Share what's happening in your ministry.   Each month we feature a Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry.    




I'm Training Ministry Leaders and Teams on Mentoring and Team Building




                 Mentoring Moment              
"I'm a husband and father first, then a skier." -Olympic Gold Medalist, David Wise


Now Available for your Kindle or Nook    


 It's time to think about Spring 2014 Bible studies. Help the women of your church learn God's plan for mentoring in the Face-to-Face Bible study series, or study on your own, or with a friend. Leader's Guide in the back of each book.  



Can't pick just one! Save on all 7 with our Sampler Package   


TwoTwo About His Work
Book Janet and her daughter Kim
for your event. For details about topics.

It's Not About Winning-It's How You Play the Game


Our eight-year-old granddaughter, Katelyn, has taken up basketball and is quite the little player. Our Meridian grandkids play their sports through "Upward" at a local church. They're taught how to play fair, while learning the rules and skills of the game and teamwork.


At the end of each game, the coach gathers the team together and tells each one what was special about how they played that day, and they receive stickers for having a good attitude, sportsmanship, offense, defense and Christlikeness.


During a recent game, Katelyn made a basket--that's her under the basket in the picture above. After that, every time she had the ball, she dribbled it all over looking for someone to pass it to, even when she was right under the basket and had a perfect shot! It turns out that the coach had encouraged them to share the ball and be sure everyone had a chance to shoot, so Katelyn was looking for someone who hadn't had a turn . . . even if that meant throwing the ball away from the basket.

After the game, Katelyn got the sticker for most Christlike. I couldn't have been prouder of my sweet, Christlike granddaughter.



  author2Meet An Author
12 Steps To Becoming a More Organized Woman
Practical Tips For Managing Your Home and Your Family
by Lane P. Jordan

Who doesn't need to be more organized! I know you are all going to want this book. I asked Lane to give us an overview. 


What is the hardest part of becoming more organized?


Not understanding how to PLAN. Planning is crucial to having our lives run well and efficiently.


Why should I care about becoming more organized?  


Because when we are more organized, we will have more TIME in our lives to use where we want to! We need more time to better serve our God, our husbands, our children, others and ourselves. Time is that great commodity that is literally priceless. My goal is to help women develop ways to obtain more.


Does being more organized mean I have to clean all the time?  


No! In fact, my book encourages the opposite. First, we need to get our chores done so that our clothes are clean, our house is picked up and there is food on the table. But these we will learn how to do quickly so that the rest of our day can be used for more important things....as being with our family!



Visit Lane's website Lane Jordan Ministries to learn more about her other books!

For a chance to win a free copy of Lane's book 12 Steps To Becoming a More Organized Woman email me.
About His Work,
AHW Ministries
In This Issue
Featured Book of the Month
Do You Need a Speaker?
Woman To Woman Mentoring
Mentoring Moment
Face-To-Face Bible Studies
Two About His Work
Grammie's Corner
Meet an Author
Janet's Publications

Featured Article

 Janet Thompson's book, "Dear God, He's Home" is like a visit with your best friend over a cup of tea
...read more

Read Crosswalk article


 "I still write in my book. There seems to be no space, but when I start to write the space appears.  Seven years is perfection, my body is whole, looking good, my mind is anchored in the Lord, and I will not allow any evil thing to come near me." 

More Books

Janet, I met you at the Leadership Conference in October 2013 in Springfield, IL. I bought Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter which has touched me to tears
read more

Ministry Team Building
The Team That Jesus Built Cover


God's Best For Your Life Cover

Quick Links  
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SpeakSpeaking 2014
Plan to Attend the LifeWay lead"YOU Lead" - Training Women in Ministry Conference 
"YOU Lead" Conferences where I'm speaking 
July 24-25 
Wheat Ridge CO

October 9-10
San Diego, CA

October 23-24
Billings, MN 
I'll teach on "Mentoring" and "The Team That Jesus Built"  

YOU Lead is a 2-day  

Women's Leadership Training event preceding

Living Proof Live  

with Beth Moore. Attend both and get a discount.




Retreats and Events 


March 14-15

Idahope Writers Conference

Boise, Idaho  

Register Now! 


March 21-22  

First United Methodist Church

Sedalia, Missouri

Contact: Karen Miesner     


May 3

First Baptist Church

Tulsa, OK

Woman To Woman Mentoring Event
Contact: Cynthia Sublett


momJuly 31 - Aug 2

Trinity Baptist Church

Jacksonville, FL

The M.O.M. Initiative



Better Together Conference

Register Now!



Speaking 2015


Jan 30-31

Evangelical Free Church

McCook, NE

Women's Winter Conference
Contact: Marilyn Gaster


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Coaching and Consulting Services


1. Review and Critiquing for new and Seasoned Writers

2. Manuscript Editing for new and Seasoned Writers.  

3. Coaching and Team Building for Ministry Leaders and their Teams
Let Janet help you: 
  • Build a new ministry team 
  • Rebuild a current team,  
  • Take your team to the next level.
4. Freelance Writing 

Contact Janet


Book Trailers