AHW MINISTRIES NEWSLETTER About His Work with Janet December 2015 |
What's Urgent This Christmas?
I know many of you, like me, receive tons of emails with subject lines like:
. . . .last chance, sale ends at midnight, discount ends tomorrow, only 48- hours left to buy, free shipping for the next three hours, exclusive in-store offer, exclusive online offer, exclusive holiday offer, today only, final days, clearance sale, order now before it's too late, sale ends, last minute buy, flash sale, today's deals, one time only, last day. you've been chosen . . . .
You get the picture because I know you could add to the list. I found those in my email "trash."
I remember a friend once looking at the newspaper and exclaiming, "Wow look at all these sales. Maybe we should go shopping before the sale ends." I laughed and said, "Don't worry, tomorrow's paper will be full of more 'great buys.'"
When we moved to the mountains with no shopping centers, a city dweller said, "Wow, you're going to miss all the sales in town." I responded: "There will always be a sale going on somewhere any day I'm in town. And I'll save so much money and time not running all over for the next big deal."
Marketers use our desire to think we're getting a great deal with a limited buying window to seduce us into buying things we don't need with money we shouldn't be spending for things that often end up stashed away in a cupboard or back of the closet.
This Christmas, don't buy into the "urgent" hype. There's only one Urgent Gift and it's free; but it's an offer that won't go on forever. We don't know when Jesus is going to return and we don't know when the number of our days will expire. We all know people . . . friends, family, neighbors, workers, mentees, who don't know Jesus . . . that's the ONLY "time is running out" that should get our attention. People have passed away in our circle of influence who we know didn't believe in Jesus, and maybe we didn't seize opportunities to create a sense of urgency. We thought there was time, but there wasn't.
That may be a sober way to look at Christmas, but in the wake of the senseless, random killings in our world today, how could we think of Christ's birth any other way? He came to earth to offer the One and Only Gift worth our time, energy, resources, and urgency because this offer does have a time limit: maybe in an hour, the next three hours, today only, last chance . . . . If you are a Christian, God chose you to do everything in your power this Christmas, and every day, to share Christ's Gift of Salvation with a world where the end time could be near.
I so appreciate each of you who subscribe to this newsletter, and I pray your Christmas makes a difference in someone's eternity.
Merry CHRISTmas! About His Work,
PSSSSSS: Read the
Author Interview
Pat Ennis
about her book,
God Is My Strength, and a chance to win a free copy.
Face-To-Face with Elizabeth and Mary
Generation To Generation
You've probably read the story many times of Mary's visit from the angel Gabriel in Luke 1:26-45. It's an amazing revelation to a young teenage girl that she is to become the mother of the Messiah. But there is another parallel story told in these verses-the story of the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist who would be the forerunner of Jesus. The passage in Luke actually sets the scene by pointing out that Elizabeth was six month's pregnant. Two women with miracle pregnancies-one very old and one very young. To read more .....
I Would Love to Speak at Your Event!
To contact Janet
about your event
call or email to discuss availability.
Janet speaking at Calvary Chapel Boise MOPS event
Our ministry testimony this month is from Antioch Baptist Church in Fairfax Station, VA where Janet spoke in October. The weather was a little racy on our journey, but as Sister Rochella so appropriately says below, praise the LORD!
Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and we are grateful you and our brother Dave arrived home safely.
Sister Janet, we were all encouraged and profoundly blessed from your presentation.
May the Lord continue to bless you and Dave with His Joy and favor as you go About His Work in ministry....
We all pray for you and Brother Dave and send love for your continued strength and perseverance as you serve for His Kingdom.
From the hearts all your Sisters, God bless you and Brother Dave always!
Until we meet again, here on this earth or in eternity...let's continue to serve for His glory and honor with JOY!
His Grateful Servant
Sister Rochella, and the Antioch Women's Ministry Team
Mentoring Tip
Share your testimony with your mentee and help her write hers.
Two About His Work
Even Kids Get Discouraged!
It was grandparents' night at AWANA'S, and Grampa and I arrived to go with 10-year old Katelyn. But Katelyn was feeling discouraged. The lessons were getting harder and the verses to memorize were getting longer. All her friends had quit, her brother and sister were no longer attending, and Katelyn was feeling pressured...maybe she should quit too.
On the way, we talked about what was bothering her. It's noisy when they say their verses and she can't concentrate. Basketball practice was starting soon and she had a lot of homework from school. All legitimate issues.
When we arrived, we talked to her leader about Katelyn's concerns and she said she would take Katelyn into a quiet room to say her verses. The lesson that night was about the "fallen angel" Lucifer. I whispered to Katelyn, "Who do you think wants you to quit AWANA'S?"
"Satan," she answered.
Then she opened up her Bible backpack, and in the front pouch, she carried the First Place Ribbon she was awarded last year at the Bible quiz competition with all the other area AWANA'S, and pictures of her carrying the flag and answering questions.
So precious to see that she kept these things close to her Bible to remind her of what she was capable of doing.
We talked about why it's so important at an early age to memorize Scriptures and hide them away in her heart for when she's feeling discouraged or tempted or sad.
Katelyn went to AWANA'S the next week with her lessons done and her verse memorized. I'm so proud of her, and I pray that she stands strong against the enemy.
Grandparents, our grandchildren are our spiritual legacy. We must help them stand strong against the enemy.
Meet An Author
Why did you write God Is My Strength?
Women of the twenty-first century are faced with a myriad of issues! I wrote God Is My Strength: Biblical Responses to the Issues Facing Twenty-first Century Women
to offer an abundance of responses that challenge women to become biblically wise (Titus 2:1-5) as well as a "doer of the word" (James 1:22) in the critical areas of her life:
Her God
Her Relationships
Her Home
Her World
How would you like the content of
God Is My Strength to impact its readers?
The content of God Is My Strength
focuses on enabling women to draw upon God's strength (Psalm 27:1), and thus live more effectively. It challenges them to embrace, with joy, the biblical challenge to acquire their strength from their heavenly Father rather than to rely on their own resources (Isaiah 40:28-31). This is not just a book on how to organize one's home or life better. It's about living wisely and using time well (Ephesians 5:15-16) in every area of a woman's life. It is my heart's desire that women will choose to be a "doer of the word" as a result of reading the book and will consistently refer to it as they face life's challenges.
What are your potential audiences?
God Is My Strength
is targeted toward women in all seasons of their lives from teens to senior saints. Christian college or seminary students, individuals involved in women's ministries Christian high school teachers/students, home schooling parents/students, Biblical counselors/counselees, and mission agencies/missionaries will also find it a useful resource. Categorically it aligns with the Christian Education or Spiritual Formation.
How do you know that the content of
God Is My Strength addresses issues facing women today?
The topics for the chapters of God Is My Strength
are drawn from the spiritual challenges that I, as well as women I have taught and counseled through my spiritual and professional pilgrimage confront. As the unchanging Word of God is applied to our lives women become victors rather than victims and, in the process, experience that God is truly their strength (Phil. 4:13)!
God Is My Strength is available through:
To learn more about Pat, her ministry and her books visit her
If you would like to enter a drawing to win a copy of Pat's book, please contact me.