About His Work with Janet                         July 2015   

We Need To Pray! 

Last month, we enjoyed a wonderful family reunion with seven of our 11 grandchildren. We floated the river, played in the river, swam in a geothermal pool, played ping pong and badminton, jumped on the trampoline endlessly...well I didn't do that... went to Starlight Mountain Theatre outdoor play Cinderella, played games, roasted s'mores, ate and fellowshipped together for an amazing week. I have pictures in Grammie's Corner.


At the end of the week, we headed down the mountain to spend Father's Day at my daughter's house. My 10-year-old grandson Brandon got carsick sitting in the back seat playing electronics with his cousin. We stopped in a convenience store and he and I hung out in the bathroom while he sat on the small trashcan with his head over the toilet. His natural brown complexion was pastey white and I felt so bad for him, since I've been carsick many times.


We tried water, Dramamine, more water... as he began to yawn and his eyes drooped from the Dramamine...still he could not exit the bathroom. Then as I stepped outside the bathroom to call his mommy that we would be late for Father's Day BBQ, I heard a pounding on the inside of the bathroom door. That was our agreed signal that Brandon needed immediate help.

When I opened the door, there was my precious grandson standing in the middle of the small bathroom with a panicked expression and he said, "Grammie, we need to pray!"


You can only imagine how my heart leaped for joy. I knew then that the commitment Brandon made to follow Christ in VBS earlier in the summer was rock solid. He knew the value of prayer and that God was the only answer to getting him out of that bathroom and us back on the road.

So Brandon sat back down on the trashcan, I placed my hands on his shoulders and began to pray over him. His cousins, who were now eating ice cream in the store, circled up, held hands, and prayed for him too. Soon we were back on the road and made it home with no further stops.

Now, I've been carsick many times and I've taken Dramamine, and all I want to do when we finally reach the destination is sleep. But Brandon leaped out of the car and joined the activity as if nothing had happened! We had seen the miraculous answer to our prayers.


As I shared our story with several of the guests who are skeptics of the faith, they taunted, "So was he miraculously healed by God?" I could only turn to him running around the yard playing with his cousins and answer, "Yes, I believe he was!"


In the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage, I too felt carsick symptoms as the room seemed to swirl around me. How could this happen in America? How could five non-elected judges try to overrule The Supreme Judge's design for marriage and sexuality? I use the word "try" because no earthly man or woman can ever change God's Word or His laws that keep us in a right relationship with Him.


So the lesson I learned from Brandon who stood in the middle of a bathroom and said, "Grammie, we need to pray" is that as Christians standing in the middle of our cultural bathroom, we need to pray. And then, we need to stand firm in our faith that God will heal our land just like He healed Brandon.


And while we pray, we must not let ourselves be intimidated, frightened, bullied, targeted, or harassed by the fallout from the evil currently prevailing in our world. United we stand, divided we fall. Surround yourself with like minded people. If your church is wavering or waffling on cultural issues, run as fast as you can, just like my Facebook friend, Ellen Traylor, did last Sunday morning when her church announced they would be performing gay marriages.


If you are confused about the issues, please read my blog post Caught Between Gay and God.  Even if you're not confused, read it anyway because it will help you, especially if you have a friend, loved one, or mentee who is engaged in any kind of sexual sin.


If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14 


About His Work,



PS: Hope to see some of you @ You Lead in Boise, ID. 


PSS: If you missed these Blog posts: 

What if Bruce Jenner Had Talked to Jesus

I Will Not be Ashamed


PSSS: I'm changing Mentoring Moments to Mentoring Tips


PSSSS: You can get all Woman to Woman Mentoring Resources from our website. We have Kits, Mentor and Mentee Handbooks, Ministry Coordinator's Guides and Leader's Training Guides! All signed by me .


PSSSSS: I will be in So. California from 10/16 to 10/31 if you need a speaker during that time please contact me.   



  A grandmother came up to me at church and asked how she could pray for her 25 year old granddaughter. I said pray Scripture for her. In today's culture, many of our children and grandchildren have been deceived into believing that a sinful lifestyle is now acceptable, but you as the parent or grandparent know they aren't living according to God's Word and His ways. I share our story, along with many other praying mothers--even those with Lesbian daughters--to offer hope, help, and encouragement to hurting parents. I chose Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter as this month's featured book because I know there are many of you who are struggling with how not to condone but not condemn and unconditionally love your child who is breaking your heart. The principles I discuss in this book will apply to sons also. 


I Would Love to Speak at Your Event!

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call or email to discuss availability.
Janet at AWSA in Orlando last month


Woman To Woman Mentoring

WTWM Kit 2009
now exclusively available and personalized from our website shop.



 MentoringShare what's happening in your ministry.   


How wonderful that God lead me to your site in searching for the Mentoring handbooks!  I am right in the middle of getting a new season going for our Woman To Woman Mentoring Ministry.  Kick-Off Night is this coming Tuesday May 12.  God has been doing a mighty work in me these past 5+ years as this ministry has taken root in our church and OH MY how I have been grown!!! Of course the Lord has grown many other women as well! 

A quick version of my story is that I was involved with 12 step programs (Al-Anon for me)for years and as my husband and I made a change in churches, God started to really work on me. 

Of course, I now know that he was working on me prior to that but I was not paying attention!! Anyway, as I was encountering issues with raising my daughter (and my son), I found that I really wanted to have the same kind of guidance that  a sponsor would give in a 12 step program...only rather than the principles of a 12 step program, I wanted help applying the principles of the Bible to my daily living and parenting. 

I kept hearing about mentoring, but it was all unclear to me as to how to go about finding a mentor.  I approached our then Women's Ministry Director and asked her if Mentoring was a secret club in the church! She smiled and looked at me and said that she felt that God was nudging me to start a Mentoring Ministry in our church and that it was a part of her vision for quite some time but that she was only one person! 

My response was REALLY ... that's not the answer I was hoping to gain! I decided to pray about it and then started researching established curriculum for Mentoring Ministries and found yours. Your How To Start, Grow, and Maintain a Woman To Woman Mentoring Ministry Resources really stood out though and when I took it to Karen, she just smiled and said that she had heard you speak at a church down south on Mentoring. Well... we knew that God was affirming the ministry when we found ourselves both drawn to the same curriculum!

It has been an incredible journey and I am so grateful that Karen saw in me something that I certainly did not see.  I am now leading (by the grace of God) the W2W (our logo) Mentoring Ministry as well as a recent addition of a Single Moms Ministry. I am not a Single Mom but God has once again pulled at my heart strings for this very under-served and very large population of our American culture! I am truly blessed!    
Kristen McKalson 
W2W Mentoring Ministry Leader 
Shoreline Community Church, Monterey CA 


               Mentoring Tips             
  A good way to get the conversation going with your mentee is to ask questions. Let her talk and you listen.  
TwoTwo About His Work
Book Janet and her daughter Kim
for your event . For  details about topics.
Would you like to reach a broader age range in the audience? My daughter, Kimberly Mancini, and I would love to talk with you about bringing Two About His Work to your church. 


"Grammie and Grampa's Camp"     

As I mentioned in the opening article we had a mini family reunion with some of our family. We did so many fun activities. The cousins hadn't been together in 4 years and they picked up right where they last left off and got along splendidly. We set up a tent for the boys in the garage and the girls slept in sleeping bags in the playroom. Parents were in various places in the house. The week was tagged "Grammie and Grampa's Camp."    



About His Work,
AHW Ministries 
Copyright © 2015 Janet Thompson. All rights reserved.  
In This Issue
Featured Book of the Month
Do You Need a Speaker?
Woman To Woman Mentoring
Mentoring Moment
Two About His Work
Grammie's Corner
Janet's Publications

Featured Article

  Janet Thompson's book, "Dear God, He's Home" is like a visit with your best friend over a cup of tea
...read more

Read Crosswalk article


 " I still write in my book. There seems to be no space, but when I start to write the space appears.  Seven years is perfection, my body is whole, looking good, my mind is anchored in the Lord, and I will not allow any evil thing to come near me." 

More Books

Janet, I met you at the Leadership Conference in October 2013 in Springfield, IL. I bought Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter which has touched me to tears
read more

Ministry Team Building
The Team That Jesus Built Cover


God's Best For Your Life Cover

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Speaking 2015


July 22-23
YOU Lead Boise, ID
Calvary Chapel, Boise

October 3 
Antioch Baptist Church
Fairfax Station, VA
Women's Event
Janet will be speaking on "A Cup of Encouragement"
Contact: Rochella Marable 


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Coaching and Consulting Services


1. Review and Critiquing for new and Seasoned Writers

2. Manuscript Editing for new and Seasoned Writers.  

3. Coaching and Team Building for Ministry Leaders and their Teams
Let Janet help you: 
  • Build a new ministry team 
  • Rebuild a current team,  
  • Take your team to the next level.
4. Freelance Writing 

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Book Trailers